10 Awesome animal eyes | [With Images]

The eyes they are the "visual organ that detects light and converts it into electrochemical impulses that travel through neurons". For human beings, as the popular saying expresses, they are the mirror of the soul and in them we want to see the feelings and truths of our interlocutor. However, in addition to humans, most beings belonging to the animal kingdom have them. Join us to know 10 Impressive animal eyes and how they use them.

10 Awesome animal eyes

1. Cat eyes

Cats usually have really impressive eyes. Like many nocturnal predators, their pupil has the shape of a vertical slit . This feature gives them greater precision when calculating the distance when jumping to catch their prey.

10 Awesome animal eyes

Cat eyes Cats dilate their pupils in the dark at a much higher rate than humans which makes them look better than us in low light, but worse during the day. Its vision capacity reaches 200º compared to 180 of humans.

2. Eyes of Chameleon

The eyes of the chameleon are unique in the animal world . His eyelids close in a circle over the eye, covering him almost completely. There is a hole left so you can see through it.

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Eye of Chameleon His eyes move independently and each of them can rotate full 360 degrees. You can look at two different places at once and turn your eyes uncoordinated!

3. Eyes of Dragonfly

The following animal eyes The impressive ones that we will see are those of the dragonflies. As many insects have compound eyes. They are formed by ommatidia , which are sensory units with photoreceptor cells.

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Dragonfly eyes In the case of the dragonfly, its faceted eyes They are larger than your head, and allow you a 360º vision.

4. Ghost Tarsero eyes

The tarsier or ghost tarsus is endemic to some islands of Indonesia such as the Celebes. It is considered to be the mammal with the bigger eyes compared to their size bodily. They are nocturnal animals to which their huge eyes help.

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Ghost Tarsero Eyes They call them "the mammal owls" because they can not move their eyes, but they can turn their heads up to 180 degrees to compensate for that lack.

5. Prawn eyes Mantis

Mantis prawn lives on the Great Barrier Reef of Australia. Usually measuring around 12 cm., Is very aggressive and bright colors.

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Mantis prawn eyes His vision is very peculiar. You can move your eyes independently and is capable of detecting tiny, almost transparent crustaceans invisible to the human eye. He gets it because he has the most complex eyes on the planet. They capture ultraviolet, infrared and polarized light, they also have 12 color receptors (as opposed to 3 of humans) and are divided into 3 sections so that they can have 12 color receptors (compared to humans that only have three), as well as ultraviolet, infrared and polarized light.

6. Spider Jumping Eyes

The jumping spiders They are small insects that hunt on the lookout thanks to their great agility and their extraordinary vision, in this sense they are different from the other spiders that despite having eight eyes do not see well.

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Jumping spider eyes Thanks to the disposition his eight eyes the jumping spider can see almost 360º around it. He has primary eyes in the front of his head with which he captures the details and with the others, which are smaller, he can distinguish the movement.

7. Fiddler Crab Eyes

The eyes of the fiddler crab They are from the eyes of more curious animals. They can not move them but as they are held in peduncles that if they can rotate they get a great field of vision.

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Fiddler Crab Eyes When they are not active, that is to say in an upright position, the fiddler crab hides them in orbits on their foreheads. Although he does not have a very definite vision with them, he manages to perceive enough to run towards his burrow in case of perceiving something strange.

8. Owl eyes

Owls have impressive eyes, like almost all birds of prey. As they do not have mobility they compensate it with the faculty of turn your head up to 270º .

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They are tubular eyes with lots of rods and have the particularity of having photoreceptor cells that capture white and black which helps them hunt during the night hours. They also have a " tapetum lucidum "In their eyes, which is a layer of tissue that works by reflecting light in the retina, which helps them see at night.

If you love these animals, do not miss the opportunity to discover what the owls symbolize .

9. Eye of Sepia

The eyes of the cuttlefish They have the shape of "W" . They can not distinguish the colors but they can distinguish the polarization of the light and this helps them to distinguish the contrasts.

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Eye of Sepia In the retina they have two sensors in the form of spots (foveas), one to look forward and the other backwards, thus increasing their angle of vision.

10. Eyes of Leaf Tailed Geckos

The tail-leaf geckos have characteristic eyes. Their pupils are vertical and have points or holes similar to pinheads that during the night hours are widened allowing an extraordinary vision in low light.

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Gecko eye The leaf-tailed gecko sees 350 times better than a person. He does not have eyelids and the pattern or drawing of his eyes serves as camouflage.

Did you know these awesome animal eyes ? If you liked this article, do not miss our collection of Rare animals of the World | Curious and Fascinating

Images: Herbert Kajiura , jijiwong , Thomas Shahan , prilfish , Tim Ellis , David Wynia

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