10 Characteristics of Liberals and Conservatives

The Characteristics of Liberals and Conservatives They are no longer so adverse; Although there are still points of divergence, such as the conception of religion, or attitude to change, there are other aspects in which converge, such as the importance of private property.

The origin of both doctrines dates back approximately to the sixteenth century. These thoughts have been transformed thanks to the passage of time and the interpretations of the political actors of the different eras.

Voters of a democratic system

The differences between the two doctrines have been transformed, and the variations have been so numerous that at the present time it is possible to speak even of conservative liberals, or liberal conservatives.

Likewise, the characteristics of each doctrine may vary according to the historical moment and the region in which they have been applied: for example, a European liberalism is not the same as a Latin American one.

However, there are some characteristics that can be considered essential in liberals and conservatives, regardless of origin.

Here are five characteristics of each of these doctrines:

Characteristics of Liberals

1- Government guarantor, but not protector

Liberal ideology holds that the state must ensure that all citizens have the possibility of economic and social emergence.

However, liberals are against the protectionist state. Liberal thinking stipulates that individuals should enjoy the same opportunities, but that progress will be made through the effort and capacity of each individual.

2- Free market

Liberals believe that an economy of free trade favors the progress of a country.

The liberal doctrine is adverse to the interventionism of the State and raises that a free commerce allows the individual to achieve the personal progress and, at the same time, helps to develop its counterparts in the economic exchanges.

For liberals, a free-market policy avoids state monopoly. They do consider that there should be regulations, although minimum, to guarantee a fair market for all participants, but they establish that the State should participate as little as possible.

3- Separation of powers

Liberals believe in independent institutions. The intention of this division of powers in terms of the functions of each one responds to the interest of the liberals to prevent the formation of a single state, with sufficient power to act arbitrarily against the citizens.

On the contrary, liberals promote the creation of a decentralized government, with few control mechanisms, away from totalitarian notions.

4- Competitiveness

Liberals appreciate competitiveness as a way of putting the qualities of individuals into practice and generating progress.

Competition is reflected in the different spheres of life of liberals, especially the economic and political aspects. Liberal thinking places special emphasis on competition as an essential element of the system.

5- Individualism

Liberal doctrine gives more importance to the individual over the group. Liberals argue that, from the recognition of individual freedoms, nations can progress.

Liberals are characterized by defending individual rights in the political, economic and social spheres. For liberals, the right to free thought and respect for individuality in general is very important.

Liberalism argues that subordinating to an institution is not part of the nature of individuals.

Liberals consider themselves masters, capable of making individual decisions that respond to their characteristics and interests.

Characteristics of conservatives

1- Adversaries to radical changes

Conservative thought despises sudden and radical social changes. Conservatives establish that there is a social order, which has a function and a rationale, and must be respected.

This does not imply that conservatives deny changes in society, but establish that there must be a balanced scenario and that processes of social transformation must be generated in a fluid and progressive way, avoiding radicalisms that, according to them, do not generate sustained changes over time .

2 - Defend private property

Conservatives favor private property. They consider that it is a basic and inalienable right that all people have.

Private property gives citizens some power, gives them their own spaces, which translates into freedom. Therefore, for the conservatives private property plays an important social function.

3- Traditional

Conservative thought gives priority to the status quo; That is, to what is predetermined.

Thus, conservatives feel identified with the maintenance of traditional institutions.

Conservatives argue that by maintaining traditional state structures, individuals will be able to control their instincts and be good citizens, framed in legality.

Conservative thought holds a very good idea of ​​the past, considers that traditional institutions are the basis of society and prioritize them over new political ideas.

4- Linked to religion

Conservatives tend to identify with religion. They believe in an almighty God, and consider religious belief as an element that unites citizens and provides the moral basis for good action.

For the conservatives, men have an imperious need to live religion; For that reason they consider it a fundamental part of the life of the individuals.

In some cases, it has been seen that the laws of God are of greater importance than the laws of men, for conservatives may give more prominence to religion than to legality.

5- Nationalists

Conservatives value their idiosyncrasy. They are nationalists, the sense of belonging with the country of origin is very great.

They give great importance to the independence of their nation, and to seek progress as a country, so that the benefits and qualities of its citizens can be highlighted.

This nationalist characteristic may take on different nuances: in cases like Adolf Hitler, extreme nationalism produced one of the most atrocious crimes in history.

However, it is also considered nationalist who fully identifies with his homeland and wishes to participate proudly in the progress of the nation, without harming the other.


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