10 Conflict Resolution Techniques

The Techniques for conflict resolution Are appropriate to solve problems that, both personally and professionally, can be given at specific times and must be resolved as soon as possible.

Conflict resolution seeks to solve such problems, excluding violent methods that are sometimes used with ease. Therefore, it is intended to resolve the conflicts to obtain feasible results, peacefully through negotiation, being durable over time.

Business People Quarreling In Front Of Businessman Meditating

It is important to note that for a conflict to be resolved, through conflict resolution techniques, both parties must adopt a change of attitude. Therefore, assuming the techniques of conflict resolution entails a change in the behavior of the person.

This article will discuss various techniques with which it is possible to deal with such conflicts. They are tools that will be useful to deal with complicated situations, where you have to face and act, not only to get out of the momentary situation, also to maintain an ideal working environment and relationship with other people.

What techniques are effective in resolving conflicts?

According to several studies, conflicts are derived from competitiveness, intolerance, poor communication, poor expression of feelings and authoritarianism.

Therefore, authors such as Gutiérrez and Restrepo (2016) opt for a resolution of conflicts where the following qualities must be borne in mind: cooperation, communication, tolerance and emotional expression.

Knowing which conflict resolution technique to use is subject to four questions that must be answered before selecting it: who is part of the problem?; Is it the right time to solve it?; What conflict resolution technique will we use?; And will the resolution be public or private?

If something can be characterized these techniques is by the objectivity that is obtained by applying them. Thanks to them, it is possible to position the people involved in the conflict in another role, thus obtaining the possibility of reflecting and giving their arm to twist in a faster and more feasible way.

Before beginning to define the techniques, we must point out that tool that has been used for decades as unique and feasible. The resolution of conflicts proper, together with the figure of the mediator, constitute one of the bases of the study of interpersonal relations.

Mediation: An Effective Methodology

This technique of conflict resolution implies a methodology where both parties can manage their problematic, which is not characterized as positive or negative, but neutral, keeping in mind the search for an effective and timely solution at the moment.

All mediation processes constitute a set of fundamental principles:

  1. Both sides must admit, when necessary, the need for external help to the problem.
  2. Take responsibility for the problem.
  3. Self-respect and towards the other must stand above all conflict.
  4. Creativity can be a key axis to solve the conflict.
  5. Possibility to learn during the conflict.

Following these steps, mediation gives the possibility of solving any conflict that, from any area, is at any given time.

Therefore, these techniques that we present below uses the medication in addition to having the figure of the mediator as the main character. Especially, it is used in schools as a technique for resolving conflicts between equals, since there is the figure of the mediator as a representative of the group / class, which has been chosen previously by the partners themselves.

The traditional: the resolution of conflicts proper

According to Sáenz-López, P. (2014), the technique of conflict resolution begins with the reflection of the conflict.

Therefore, in the first place, the mediator will have to get both parties to answer the following questions: Why are we getting angry? What annoyance do I have? How have we reacted to the situation?

Secondly, the idea that the human being, by survival tends to, at first, perform the"reptilian"behavior, or what is the same, attacks or flees, depending on the moment.

In order not to resort to this situation, education plays a major role. This is because it is used as a control tool or Self-control , Depending on how you look.

From here, we will develop six steps that form the resolution of conflicts:

  1. Tranquility : It is used to appease both parties, generating a channel of communication that allows to obtain trust and can analyze the different ways to go to find the solution to the problem. This reduces tensions and stabilizes calm in the context.

It is important to note that if both parties are not calm and available to resolve conflicts, it is inappropriate to continue the process.

  1. To empathize : The mediator asks those affected by the emotions That have arisen in the conflict and by the feeling that has led them to the confrontation. They need to express what they feel and how the moment is living.
  2. Collaborative solutions : The mediator should analyze the initial and central point of the conflict, bringing it closer to the common thinking of both parties. In this way it is intended that both parties see that they have in common and facilitate the way for both to find the solution.
  3. To empathize : Both parties must acquire empathy And accept the agreement established, assuming their mistakes.
  4. Compensation : When the parties assume their error, it must give rise to compensate for the damages caused in the other person while the conflict has developed. When one of the two parties oppose this step, it is observed that the previous ones have shown an error. In this case, the mediator must give the solution.

10 conflict resolution techniques

Below, we present the ten techniques that, from the mediation and taking into account the steps to follow in the resolution of conflicts, properly, are effective to be employed in any context.

1- The calm

It is an appropriate technique to use in times of excessive violence, especially in schools.

It is sent to both sides to a corner of the place so that they calm down. It is not a punishment, but this way time is gained while the parties try to reassure themselves to take the appropriate steps.

Once you have calmed down, you should practice deep inner breathing counting to ten, so that the parts are quiet and you can sit quietly listening to the other and the mediator.

While it is true that this technique is not expected to achieve a quick solution, it is responsible for postponing. However, it is often the case that when parties are calm, they sometimes tend to reflect on the possibility of avoiding conflict.

In this case, the mediator must verify that there is no resentment on both sides and then leave the place.

2- The arbitration

In this case, both sides are given the opportunity to tell their point of view of the situation generated. Each person has to say, in the first place, what problem is what is happening, as a headline, and describes what has happened. The moderator should then help Find a solution .

Through this technique the person is given the opportunity to hear from the other what he has said. In this way, the affected person can corroborate and modify his message, as he is giving real evidence of what he has tried to convey.

It is an effective technique that, if it does not allow to resolve the conflict, gives way to clarify the situation.

To do this, you need to start with phrases like"what you mean is...". You have to try to point out the emotional content of the situation, for example,"it gives the impression that you are feeling...". For this, it is necessary to perceive naturally what we are trying to say.

4- Tell stories

In this case the situation will be normalized through the story. Begin the story with, for example,"Once upon a time..."by entering the names of the participants in the story and making it into the third person (in this way, those involved can analyze the situation from outside).

Once the story reaches the conflict, the participants and some people who are close to the conflict, propose how to solve it. In this way the story ends by coming to a conclusion, and the characters who have participated are asked if they think it is possible for them to do their part to solve the problem.

5- The objective discussion

The mediator should report the situation calmly and calmly. It is important that you refer only and exclusively to the problem without mentioning previous or subsequent situations.

At this point, the mediator should tell you how you feel. Talk about the situation always focusing on their discomfort without saying anything that interferes with the participants in the conflict.

From here, the people involved will be asked what solution to adopt, because in this way they will observe the conflict objectively.

6- The trial

Taking into account that the situation can occur in a classroom or in a work group, all members will be told the problem generated and the people involved should remain silent.

Once the mediator has reported the problem, members will be asked to propose a solution, in this way they will observe what the partners think and get other points of view than theirs.

7- The role change

A simulation is carried out, where the members of the conflict participate once they have calmed down. The situation is generated and, once the time comes, the roles are exchanged.

Once the situation is reversed, the point of view of the other party is analyzed from objectivity. They are also asked to come to a possible solution after having observed the other person's point of view.

8- The problematic guiñol

Puppet puppets are used which will be presented as the solution carriers to the problems. The dolls must be personalized by all children, as they must be familiar.

These dolls will be used to dramatize problems that arise. The guiñol will begin to be used as the situation recreates, making a stop when talking about the conflict.

When the time of the conflict arrives, members of the group will be asked to give an opinion on how the conflict is resolved. Once the situation is selected, the components of the conflict should be asked if they see it as workable. If so, the dolls will be saved.

9- The positive and the negative

Once the conflict arises, each member must say what they do not like about the other person, pointing out what, according to their point of view, has caused the conflict.

Having pointed out the reason for the conflict, each party, after saying what they do not like about the other person, must proceed to give a possible solution to it. From here, after having made the proposals, both parties have to decide which is the most suitable.

Finally, selecting the path that they are going to use to change the situation, each party should highlight what they like best about the other person and what would stand out positively in this conflict resolution.

10- The thinking chair

This technique has been used traditionally in the school, since the thinking chair counts on the possibility of the children to reflect reflection in small children.

To do this, a chair should be placed away from the context where the conflict originated. And once this has appeared, the mediator must remove the children, sending each to a chair to think differently.

Finally, when a few minutes have elapsed, they are called to account for what has happened to them, giving each party the turn to speak, and a common agreement is reached to solve it.


  1. GUTIÉRREZ GÓMEZ, G. AND RESTREPO GUTIÉRREZ, A. (2016). Support material for the program:"Strategies for the early prevention of violence in children".
  2. . Mediation as a Method for Conflict Resolution: Concept, regulation, typology, profile of the mediator and initiatives in Murcia. Journal of Social Work of Murcia TSM, 1 (18), (8-36).
  3. PÉREZ GARCÍA, D. (2015). Conflict resolution. Emotion. Journal of Education, Motricity and Research, 1 (4) (79-91).

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