10 Inhabitants of the Underworld of Greek mythology

The Greek Underworld is the place to which the souls of the deceased go. In Greek mythology it is also known as "the kingdom of Hades". TO Hades , in the sharing of the world with his brothers, the Infamundo touched him and reigned over him. It is an invisible kingdom for the living and has several differentiated zones. The Champs Elysees, the Islands of the Blessed, the Erebus and the Tartarus are the most important. Join us to know 10 Inhabitants of the Underworld of Greek mythology.

10 Inhabitants of the Underworld

First we will meet 5 prisoners or groups of inhabitants of the Underworld who reside in Tartarus, the punishment zone.

Prisoners of Tartarus

The Danaides : The danaides they are the 49 daughters of Danao who killed their husbands following the instructions of their father. Although Zeus wanted to absolve them because they had murdered their spouses as obedient daughters, they were finally condemned to eternally fill a bottomless vessel.

10 Inhabitants of the Underworld of Greek mythology

Sisyphus , who was punished by Zeus, and how the danaides fulfilled an eternal punishment: to push a stone uphill up to the top of a mountain, that every time it rolled down again. If you want to know the whole story you can read it here: 4 Tortures of the underworld: Tantalus, Sisyphus, Ixion and Titius. Terrible!

The Titans: The titans were the gods that preceded the Olympians. These, guided by Zeus , they waged a war known as the Titanomachy or War of the Titans. The Gods of Olympus They defeated them and threw them into Tartarus, where they are imprisoned.

Titius , that for his attempted rape of Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis, was punished to the eternal torment to see his liver eaten by two vultures, day after day.

Salmoneo , according to the Greek myths, he also lived in the Underworld, he was condemned to reside eternally in Tartarus for his arrogance in wanting to be like Zeus. The god, irritated by his arrogance, sent him a ray that sent him to Tartarus from where he could never leave.

Other inhabitants of the Underworld

The Arae , who are the personification of the curses. They have a feminine form and incarnate especially the curses of the dead on those who have caused their death.

The Cerberus can , he three-headed dog , kept the doors of the Underworld. He kept watch that the dead could not go out, nor the living could enter.

10 Inhabitants of the Underworld of Greek mythology 1

Charon , the ferryman of the Hades or Underworld, which leads to the shadows of the deceased through the Acheron river or the Styx lagoon -according to the traditions-. The dead had to give him a coin to be able to cross, so in the old Greece relatives were buried with a coin under their tongue.

Persephone , the daughter of Demeter, who according to the myth spends several months in the Underworld with Hades. If you want to know the myth, you can read it here: 3 Myths of the Demeter Goddess | Stories of the Greek goddess of agriculture.

Radamantis : he is known in mythology for being a great ruler of Crete which he endowed with an excellent code of laws. When he died, due to his reputation for integrity, he became one of the judges of the Underworld.

Did you know these inhabitants of the Greek Underworld ? Do you know the story of some other famous inhabitant of the kingdom of Hades? Share it with us!

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