10 Short and Simple Prose Examples

The prose Is the way in which the writing of the texts is done without the rules that come from the writing of the verses. It is the structure used and versatile to produce reports, stories and poems in the form of prose.

It is constituted by sentences, separated by the signs the point and followed and point and apart. Each sentence can have the comma and semicolon signs. At the beginning of each paragraph, except for technical reports, indentation is used.

Examples of prose

The use of prose in poetry resulted in the flexibility of the rules to write about the deepest feelings of the human being, without resorting to verses with consonant and assonant rhymes. The prayers allow to give a broad meaning to the ideas to express.

In technical texts, prose is used in an impersonal way, to explain phenomena or situations objectively, according to the guidelines of the scientific method. It is widely used for writing consultancy reports, investigations, special grade work, degree work, doctoral theses and refereed articles.

The essays allow us to express our ideas on a known theme, following the structure of introduction, content and conclusion. In them, prose allows to express multi-content contents in a flexible way, taking into account the economy of language.

Some Simple Prose Examples

The following examples are presented on the use of prose in different fields:

Example 1. Fund Raising Report

Serve the present to send the report of sale of tickets between the months of July and December of 2016, in which the revenue is detailed versus the rifado. The conclusion of the same is the following:

One thousand US dollars (US $ 1,000.00) were obtained from the sale of tickets for the benefit of a patient, who is in serious condition in a health center and his family is vulnerable.

Example 2. Introduction of a Grade Work

The study company is located in the electrical conductors manufacturing sector of the region, with a workforce of two thousand (2000) workers and an installed capacity of seventy percent (70%). Difficulties arise in the supply of raw materials imported by the international price increases and the price controls in the country.

It is therefore necessary to know what are the difficulties and possible solutions within the current regulatory framework.

Example 3. Personal Letter

Yours sincerely,

I am writing these lines to inform you that I have received the good news that I will be able to visit you in the recemento decembrino together with my family group. So I hope to be able to count on your help in finding accommodations that are good, nice and cheap. We wish to share with you on such important dates with your family and other loved ones.

I await your response.

Caring for the family.

Example 4. Reporting Report

The purpose of the report is to present the income relationship of the aforementioned citizen during the period between October 2016 and April 2017. The average monthly income is two thousand four hundred and fifty US dollars (USD 2,450.00).

My opinion corresponds to the review of the documentation submitted by the client, based on the attached income statement. The veracity of the information is your responsibility.

Directed to the banking entity interested, to the date of its presentation.

Example 5. Minutes of Meeting

The meeting began on January 7, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the conference room, with the quorum required. Discussions were held on the payment of outstanding arrears and the start of the club facilities improvement project.

From the first point was set to set deadline February 28 of the currents to catch up. From the second point it was agreed to start April 1st of the currents.

Example 6. Opinion Articles

The lack of values ​​within society is mainly due to problems within families, which are the fundamental cell of society.

The State should support the initiatives of non-governmental organizations and jointly coordinate action plans to support families with training, education and entrepreneurship programs. Ministers of the social area should coordinate joint work in this regard, to plan, program and implement such programs.

Example 7. Poem in Prose

The green plain generates a sense of beauty, of peace, of how positive life is. It brings up feelings of hope and optimism before the changes that occur in life.

Rain is the main nutrient that allows this great phenomenon of nature, which is simple and at the same time overwhelming. The fauna and the flora contemplate the wonders in the plain. All the stories that are given there are extraordinary.

Example 8. Children's Story

Once upon a time there was a family made up of mom, dad and three sisters. They lived on the outskirts of the village, in a simple stone house, with two bedrooms, a washbasin, kitchen and fireplace.

The father was a clerk, the mother-in-law and daughters were studying there. In the morning the family went to their places, to school and to work. At noon the ladies returned home to do housework and homework.

Example 9. The Use of Social Networks

Social networks (RRSS) are means of communication that are available to all those interested in sharing content of different kinds with other users in real time.

The most well-known RRSS are Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat. The important thing for each user is to verify the veracity of the information, since at present false information is presented and care must be taken when reading and analyzing said contents, searching for their sources.

Example 10. The Importance of Census

The censuses are processes of survey carried out by the institutes of Statistics of each Country to the population. The purpose of this process is to update information about the socioeconomic classification by stratum and the conformation of each household.

The usefulness of this procedure allows reform or formulate public policies in economic and social matters.


  1. Aullón, P. Institutional Repository of the University of Alicante: Theory of Poem in Prose. Recovered from: rua.ua.es
  2. Baudelaire, C. (1869). Poems in Prose. Recovered from: educarchile.cl
  3. Márquez, M. (2003). EPOS Magazine: The Poem in Prose and the Antimetric Principle. Recovered from: e-spacio.uned.es
  4. The report. Recovered from: unilibre.edu.co
  5. García, R. (1896). Profane Prose and Other Poems . Recovered from: biblioteca.org.ar

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