10 Traditions and Customs of Zacatecas (Mexico)

Most of the traditions and customs of Zacatecas are based on religion, although the profane part also has a great influence in its culture.

This Mexican state is located in the northern central part of Mexico. It borders with Coahuila, San Luis de Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Jalisco, Guanajuato and Aguascalientes.

zacatecas customs traditions like the day of the dead

Known for its rich deposits of silver and other minerals, its colonial architecture and its importance during the Mexican Revolution have also had a great influence.

Most of the festivities of this state are performed in honor of their local holy patrons and many of the secular festivities are related to religious activities.

These festivals often focus on traditional dance recitals. Many of these are derived from waltzes and polkas thanks to the state's mining history.

The Mexican revolution made almost all the local musical traditions disappear, but the most famous one that survived is Tamborazo.

List of traditions and customs of the State Zacatecas in Mexico

1- Pulque

It is an alcoholic beverage made from the fermented sap of the agave or maguey plant. It is traditional to this region and has been produced for millennia. It has the color of milk and a somewhat viscous consistency; its flavor is acid and fermented.

The history of this drink extends to the Mesoamerican period, where it was considered sacred and its use was limited to certain classes of people. After the Spanish conquest of Mexico, pulque became secular and its consumption increased.

Generally the pulque served in traditional pulquerías and is served in glass glasses traditional for the pulque.

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2- Mañanitas de Abril

This musical celebration takes place during the month of April in Alamedas and Guadalupe. These are the serenades of various musical groups and Zacatecas bands. The tradition of April mañanitas in the Garden Juárez have been made for more than 30 years.

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3- Commemoration of the"Taking of Zacatecas"

The 23 of June of each year commemorates the Taking of Zacatecas with a civic military act generally realized in the Hill of the Bufa.

La Toma de Zacatecas was one of the bloodiest battles in the campaign to defeat President Victoriano Huerta during the Mexican Revolution.

On June 23, 1914, the Northern Division of Pancho Villa decisively defeated the federal troops of General Luis Medina Barron, defending the city of Zacatecas.

The defeat in Zacatecas marked the end of the old Mexican federal army as an effective institution. The great victory demoralized the people who supported the garden, leading to his resignation on July 15.

Every year this event is commemorated in this city. In addition to the military civic act, in the Plaza de Armas there are usually cultural events and fireworks.

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4- Morismas de Bracho

It is a traditional, religious, historical and cultural festival that takes place in honor of San Juan Bautista. It is one of the most important in the Zacatecan tradition.

It is the staging of the Battle of Lepanto between Moors and Christians and dates from 1836 because that was the year in which the Brotherhood of St. John the Baptist was built. This commemoration takes place in the hill of San Martin until the Hills of Bracho.

As it is one of the oldest traditions of Zacatecas, at least one member of each family of this region has a role in the representation. It is so important in this region that the habit of participating has been passing from generation to generation.

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5- Tamborazo

It is a musical genre originated in Jerez in Zacatecas. Its origin can be identified in the 19th century and began as a version of the military bands. Its name comes from the essential use of the drums in the representation of this music.

It can be said that the tamborazo consists of trumpets, saxophone, trombone, box, and a drum or bass drum. Some of the most representative pieces of this musical genre are the Zacateca March, the Blue Birds, Lino Rodarte, and La Basurita.

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6- Gorditas

They are elaborate cakes of corn or wheat dough whose filling can be sweet or savory; a popular filling include ground beans with chili. They are cooked in the comal or in the oven.

Curd gorditas are a representative meal of food in the ranches or cattle regions of Zacatecas.

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7- Zacatecas National Fair

This fair is held to commemorate the founding of the city, being considered as the largest popular party in Zacatecas. It is celebrated annually and has great cultural and artistic attractions.

Musical events, street theater and Palenque are held in the framework of this fair. They also have several exhibits of cattle, bullfights, typical food and typical zacateca crafts.

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8- Colonche

This red alcoholic beverage has been prepared by Mexicans for thousands of years.

It is made from tunas or fruits of nopal, especially tuna cardona. It is prepared in places where the wild nopal is abundant, including the state of Zacatecas.

It is a sweet and fizzy drink. For their preparation, cactus fruits are peeled and crushed to obtain a juice that is then boiled for about three hours. After it cools, the game is allowed to ferment for a few days.

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9- Dancing Mexicapan

This dance was originated in the mining district of Mexicapan, located in the extreme north of Zacatecas. Created in the year 1947, it is considered as the manifestation of the most representative dance of the state of Zacatecas.

It is composed of six melodies: the Jesusa, the Barrancas, the Barsoviana, the Bottle, the Barreteros and the Devil. It is usually accompanied by the tamborazo.

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10- Celebration of the Virgin of Patronage

It is celebrated on September 8 and is based on the cult of the Shrine of the Virgin of Patrocinio, patroness of the city.

Cultural and artistic fairs, bullfights, exhibitions, dances, horse races, and the sale of typical food are held in the framework of these celebrations.

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  1. Zacatecas. Recovered from siglo.inafed.gob.mx
  2. Battle of Zacatecas. Retrieved from wikipedia.org
  3. Regional dances Zacatecas. Retrieved from baileszacatecas.galeon.com
  4. Colonche. Retrieved from wikipedia.org
  5. Morismas de Bracho (2015). Recovered from nrtzacatecas.com
  6. Zacatecas. Retrieved from wikipedia.org
  7. Traditions and customs. Recovered from visitazacatecas.com.mx
  8. Pulque. Retrieved from wikipedia.org
  9. They will perform April morning in La Purisima. Recovered from nrtzacatecas.com
  10. Fenaza 2017. Recovered from fenaza.com.mx
  11. Tamborazo. Retrieved from wikipedia.org

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