11 Incredible Real Cases of Anorexia

Today we are going to report 11 Real cases of anorexia Which reflect the consequences that can have this disease.

Researchers suggest that about 1% of adolescent girls may present with anorexia.

Cases of anorexia

It is very difficult to overcome anorexy , Because it has no"cure"but must learn to control itself.

When we read about eating disorders such as anorexia, we ask ourselves,"What is it that makes us come to this situation?"

And it is that the factors that trigger or facilitate it are very numerous. But as we will see here, we will realize that family pressures, or peers to lose weight are very important.

What is no doubt is that culture and society have a very important role in the development of this type of disorders.

Knowing these cases will help us to approach a realistic and practical view of anorexia.

Real anorexia cases

1- Rebecca Jones

She is a British woman with anorexia who presumes to weigh less than her young daughter, even dresses in the same clothes as her daughter.

In fact, encourage your daughter to enjoy all kinds of candy and chocolate. While she survives feeding on soup, caffeine and toast.

Rebecca has been living with anorexia since she was 13 years old. His problem began when, after the divorce of his parents when he was 11 years old, he began to eat exaggerated, even weighing 90 kg.

This caused her schoolmates to mock her for her appearance. Unsatisfied with her body, she decided to stop eating. The change of her figure cheered her colleagues, who congratulated her on her weight loss. Like her family, they did not realize the problem Rebecca was hiding.

At 15, Rebecca was weak, barely getting out of bed and even lost her period ( Amenorrhea ). So when she got pregnant with her daughter years later she did not expect it. It was a miracle that her pregnancy developed without problems, as she increased her food intake with the help of her partner.

After a few years of improvement, he separated from his partner and the problem re-emphasized: began a diet that made him lose weight again. She expresses that she would like to heal, eat as her daughter and go together to restaurants, but she does not feel capable.

Doctors have warned you that you should start eating, as it could give you a heart attack if you do not gain weight. In addition, he has been diagnosed Hypokalemia , Which involves exaggeratedly low levels of potassium in the blood. The latter is manifested in muscle weakness, cramps, and fatigue.

2- Valeria Levitina

She is the thinnest woman in the world. She was born in Russia, an only child in a family where she was constantly criticized for her extra pounds. His family made him grow up with the idea that he had to be perfect.

It seems that her mother lived with the fear that her daughter developed obesity like other relatives, so since small was controlling their weight and forced to follow diets.

At age 23 she was already very skinny and started working as a model, which caused more obsession and anxiety about her weight. In fact, many told her she had to keep thinning to hire her. Thus, at age 24 he weighed only 38 kg. In 1994 he was a finalist in Miss Chicago.

Surprisingly it has been an icon of inspiration for many anorexic adolescents who dream of going their way. However, Valeria is dedicated to reporting the dangers of this disease indicating that it has ruined his life.

At the moment it is intolerant to the carbohydrates and the sugar, since for having restricted them so much time his body does not digest them. Her dream is to overcome anorexia and become a mother.

3- Jeremy Gillitzer

He died at age 38 weighing 29 kg, and was one of the few known cases of men with anorexia.

Little Jeremy was overweight, and at school his classmates laughed at him for that reason. Then he gradually stopped eating, eating smaller portions of food.

At 12 years of age, he began to present eating disorders that were accentuated with the appearance of other problems. He came to weigh 25 kg by restricting his meals trying to feel that he was in control of his life.

One reason was that he did not feel accepted by others about his sexual orientation.

Soon his parents went to the doctor, where he was diagnosed of anorexia and entered a special center to receive the treatment. He was hospitalized for a month in order to gain weight, and if he did not gain he could not access certain"privileges"like seeing his family or watching television.

However, once the treatment ended and after returning home, he again suffered the disease. He was admitted again later, where he had an attempt to suicide .

Then came a good time for Jeremy, accepted his homosexuality, began to relate and began to go to the gym reaching an enviable body. So at age 25 he began to work as a professional model.

However, a loving breakup caused Jeremy to go into depression and relapse into illness until his death.

4- Lauren Bailey

This woman is famous in the net for losing weight until she reaches 22 kg walking 12 hours a day, as her fear of weight gain did not allow her to remain still.

Since childhood, she suffered depression , anxiety Y Obsessive compulsive disorder Which went hand in hand with their anorexia. He did not even know what it was until one day he read an article on the subject and acknowledged his illness.

It seems that what contributed to his anorexia was that it developed earlier than usual. By the age of 9 she had reached puberty and felt different from other girls her age. For being different, they made fun of her and even came to tell her why she did not diet.

Then, at age 14, he started walking from 6 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon. Even when at home he was forced to remain standing or active. So, he lost so much weight that he almost died.

She was admitted for 18 months in a hospital where she gained weight temporarily to be able to leave and then returned to her usual obsessive habits.

But until she was hospitalized for months, she could not decide to fight the disease. He is currently facing his problem and trying to enjoy his life.

5- Kate Puncher

Exodus boyfriend Kate gave him a nice wedding dress about 3 sizes larger than his own. He said,"When the dress suits you, we will get married." If he did not gain weight, the wedding would be canceled.

This is how Kate decided to deal with her illness. In fact, they are now married and have formed a family; Even though doctors came to announce that he could be infertile.

It all started when I was 18, at that time I had a boyfriend that forced her to lose weight. She told him that if he gained weight he would cut with her. Then Kate began to lose weight resorting to food and purges (vomiting, laxatives and pills to lose weight). He also continued to drink strong peppermint candies. She stayed like this for 10 years until she met her current husband.

Now Kate feels she has fulfilled her dreams and is healthy and happy with herself.

6- Isabelle Caro

She was a famous actress and model who died at age 28 from a respiratory disease. She is famous for having participated in an advertising campaign against anorexia, offering the naked image of her skinny and sickly body.

Isabelle stated that she suffered a troubled and unhappy childhood, which she believes caused her illness. He began to manifest symptoms of anorexia nervosa when he was only 13 years old. At its worst, it came to weigh 25 kg and was 1.65 meters. In that period it was when she went into a coma and was hospitalized, where everyone thought she was going to die.

For her beauty and perfection was extreme thinness accompanied by the restriction of pleasures and desires. It was maintained thanks to light refreshments and teas, and sometimes chocolate chips or muffins.

Isabelle criticized hospitals a lot, blaming them for treating all cases of anorexia equally and in isolation from society. And as she pointed out, every day she struggled against the disease and gradually surpassed it. But her state of weakness went so far as to make her sick until she died.

One year after Isabelle's death, her mother committed suicide for not guilt .

7- Hayley Wilde

It is another case of anorexia that has managed to see the light after the tunnel and recover from the disease, becoming a mother.

His problem began at age 11 when he thought that restricting his meals and carrying out secret strategies to eat less would be more popular in school.

His worst moment was when he was 16, who had to be admitted for his low weight and the doctors gave him days to live. She was four years old without menstruation, her hair began to fall and she was always cold. Her mother did her best to give her the right treatments that made her recover slowly.

What most motivated Hayley to recover was her pregnancy, which developed without complications and currently lives a satisfying life and without problems with food.

8- Sisters Eliana Ramos and Leticia Ramos

These Uruguayan sisters died because of their feeding problems. Both were models.

Leticia died of cardiac arrest while parading on a fashion runway when she was only 22 years old. The story becomes even more tragic if we learn that Leticia was fulfilling her dream of parading with her sister.

It did not reach a year after Leticia's death when Eliana died at age 18 for no known reason. The professionals say that it is sudden death, and may be related to lack of food.

However, they stated that they had no feeding problems. They told everyone they even ate more than the bill and sometimes very high-calorie foods. But her father announced the truth: before the runway her daughter only ate lettuce and diet drinks. Their problems of anorexia were an open secret they tried to hide.

9- Chloe Lafon

She is the famous protagonist of the documentary"Diary of an anorexic", where she appears with all luxury of details and showing with disquieting pride her illness.

This French woman studied law and spoke with total coldness of his fast, his obsession to prepare recipes and make the purchase. Thus it accumulates of compulsive form caloric foods for its binge, that later"arranges"with vomits autoprovocados.

Not much is known about her, but it seems that she is currently recovered and has managed to form a nice family.

10- Sisters Maria and Katy Campbell

These English sisters have been doctors and have suffered anorexia for more than 20 years. They have even been competing with each other to see who was able to lose more weight.

They state that her illness began when she was 11, more specifically when they heard her father tell his mother that the girls were becoming women:"Their hips are widening."

The girls were so affected by the comment that they decided to stop eating, as if they wanted to"punish"their parents. Before they knew it, that game became a very severe illness that prevented them from developing their normal lives.

They spent the days obsessed with the calories and grams they had lost or gained. They carried out all sorts of tricks, leaning on each other to achieve the objectives.

But it seemed there were other reasons why her problem developed: they felt insecure at school, seeing that other girls weighed less than them. Besides, her mother was very thin and they had her as a role model.

The sisters have spent half their lives going out and coming in from various centers in order to fight the disease. They never got the period and may have trouble having children.

They are now exhausted from following that life and, for the first time, they are aware of fighting the disease.

11- Maggie Baumann

This woman is one of the most famous cases of pregorexia or fear of gaining weight during pregnancy. In the last months of pregnancy, Maggie began to make strict diets and excessive physical exercise; Since its only objective was to lose weight.

In the first pregnancy she was lucky, since her daughter was born without serious problems. However, her second pregnancy was when the problem increased.

She suffered so much during the next pregnancy, that her daughter was born underweight and developed Attention deficit disorder And convulsions.

After giving birth to her obsessions continued for a few years, until she was about to suffer a heart attack by its extreme thinness. She then entered a center that helped her recover from her Eating disorder .

Currently Maggie has become a therapist and helps many people rehabilitate such problems at a recovery center in California.

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