15 Benefits of Zapote that will improve your health

The Benefits of zapote , Fruit originating in Mexico, range from its capacity as a powerful antioxidant to be a regulator of digestion, among other properties that we will see in this article.

The zapote (in Nahuatl: tzapotl) is a tropical fruit typical of Mexico, Central America and the north side of South America. Present in markets of much of the world, with different varieties, colors, flavors, but maintaining the same name. In general, people do not know the sapote, but in these places is a typical food.

Benefits of zapote

It has a spherical shape, crushed at the tips. This fruit is made of fibrous, smooth and soft skin when ripe. Its pulp can be orange, black or white, depending on the type of sapote. It tastes similar to papaya, except the black that looks like chocolate.

Several types of this fruit are distinguished: Zapotes (zapotáceas); Chicozapote or zapotilla (Manilkara zapota), Yellow Zapote (Pouteria campechiana), Mamey (Pouteria sapota), Green Zapote (Pouteria viridis), White Zapote (Casimiroa edulis), Black Zapote (Diospyros digyna), Chapote (Diospyros texana), Persimonio Diospyros kaki), among others.

We then go on to review the multiple benefits derived from frequent use.

15 properties of the sapote that benefit the health

1- Helps to have good digestion

A type of sapote, the black one, is good for the Digestive processes of the body . And is that when consumed raw is a rich source of dietary fiber.

For those who suffer from constipation , This food could be considered as a delicious alternative to other laxatives other than the market.

2- Good source of vitamin A

According to specialists, the black sapote is composed of Vitamin A . People who consume this fruit obtain this component directly from the fruit, thus avoid having to take vitamin pills, which according to study, may not be as healthy.

A Black sapon offers 410 IU Of vitamin A per 100 grams of this fruit. It should be noted that it is the key to good vision, a strong immune system and proper cellular functioning.

3- Rich in potassium

With a presence of about 350 mg of potassium, this fruit is considered as a good source to benefit from the properties of the K element.

The importance of this lies in the fact that, as an essential mineral, humans require more than 100 mg of potassium every day. Hence the consumption of this fruit is recommended daily.

In addition, this mineral rebuilds the muscle, regulates the electrical activity of the heart, and maintains the balance of fluids and electrolytes. The absence of potassium could cause blood pressure, kidney problems, loss of muscle mass, among other ailments.

4 - Strengthens bones and teeth

The sapote black to contain calcium, protects the bones of our organism. But this mineral also has other strengths: it protects the teeth, maintains the muscular contractions and regulates the coagulation of the blood.

So as a substitute for milk is a good food, or if you prefer it can be combined with this to make a healthy shake that can be taken every morning before breakfast.

5- Protects cardiovascular health

This fruit is a healthy food for the heart. This is because the soluble fiber of the sapote promotes healthy levels of cholesterol, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, its vitamin E content helps prevent plaque buildup in blood vessels and arteries, which reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and coronary artery disease.

6- Helps to lose weight

This food is rich in fiber and offers substantial amounts of both soluble and insoluble. The first, takes up space in the stomach to help you feel full with fewer calories, while the second, slows down the speed with which the digested foods come out of the stomach.

7- Helps treat anemia

Another benefit of zapote or mamey, is that it consists of a variety rich in vitamin B6. Necessary component to create the hemoglobin in the blood, that is transported by the red cells of the blood to the whole body. This helps oxygenate and mobilize iron in the body.

According to publish Health Benefits Times , Anemia is produced when red blood cells are missing in the body, which causes fatigue, pain, decay, among other discomforts.

Some research shows that consumption of vitamin B6 helps with Acute symptoms of anemia And prevents it from appearing.

8- Power the immune system

This fruit contains a considerable amount of vitamin C , Which contributes to combat free radicals and eliminate them.

In many cases, this fruit triggers the immune response which is, in fact, the result of inflammation in the affected area. This can be avoided with regular consumption of vitamin C in rich foods such as zapote.

9- Gives healthy skin

Pale skin, including dark circles, is the most common sign of anemia caused by iron deficiency.

With deficient iron in the body, it causes Hemoglobin levels decrease , Resulting in the consequent reduction of red blood cells.

The reduced oxygen flow can deprive the skin of its color and looks paler. A good dose of Iron-rich foods , Like sapodilla, in your daily diet can give your skin a pink glow.

10- Combat premenstrual symptoms

Experts They consider that consuming a vitamin E supplement two to three days before and after the menstrual period in women contributes to reducing the cravings, cramps and anxiety associated with premenstrual syndrome.

Well, the mamey zapote is one of the best options to get vitamin E, which helps reduce pain, duration of the same, and decreases menstrual blood loss. This is done by balancing the hormones naturally, regulating the menstrual period.

11- Help the eye health

Different studies have shown that riboflavin deficiency increases the risk of eye problem.

In this sense, the vitamin B2 present in the sapote contributes to prevent eye disorders such as cataracts and glaucoma.

In addition, this fruit consists of 0.203 mg of vitamin B2, which is 15.62% of the recommended daily value, added in this specialized page.

12- Strengthens the brain

Some studies have pointed out that vitamin B3, present in the mamey, protects against Alzheimer disease , As well as other age-related brain disorders that result in cognitive impairment.

On the other hand, vitamin B3 decreases the risk of problems related to poor brain function such as memory loss , insomnia , Headaches by migraine , Dizziness, chronic brain syndrome, depression , And even the Alcohol dependence .

13- It is a good anti-inflammatory

The anti-inflammatory effect of this type of fruit helps to deal in conditions of discomfort such as erosive gastritis, reflux-esophagitis, enteritis, and irritating bowel disorders.

Therefore, this fruit protects the digestive health, but also it deflates swellings caused by allergies, wounds or blows. Also this fruit serves to treat joint pains with its anti-inflammatory effect.

14- It is a good energizer

To make matters worse, consuming black zapote is an important dose of energy to your body. It should be noted that a 100g serving of this fruit offers about 80 calories, due to its high carbohydrate content.

That is, eat the fruit or drink in natural juice, it will be a contribution of energy in your body. In addition, the black sapote has a chocolate flavor. Do not blame it on trying it!

15- It has antiseptic properties

According to Specialists , A type of sapote, the mamey, contains antiseptic properties. It is therefore recommended to help soothe the nervous system, reduce anxiety, stress or anguish .

In addition to calming up stomach ailments - as we have already said - and relieve headaches, sapodilla is a contribution to control the spread of infectious agents in the body.

How to prepare zapote juice

A good recipe for mamey juice is provided by the site Good appetite .


-1 Mamey.

-2 Water cups.

-4 Tablespoons of sugar.

-1 pinch of salt.


-Lave, peel and remove seed, membrane (bitter) and pulp.

- Put the pulp of the mamey in a blender along with ½ cup of water and beat until the fruit is in a liquid state.

-Add the rest of the water, sugar and salt.

- It is bathed again until everything is mixed well. Then strain the liquid and put it in a refrigerator for several hours to cool well.

-Ready. Now you can serve.

Nutritional value

Nutritional value 100 g Zapote
Calories 110
Total fat 0.5 g
cholesterol 0 mg
Potassium 230 mg
Total carbohydrates 28 g
Dietary fiber 2 g
Protein 1.0 g

(Source: 101healthyrecipes.com).

Side effects

  • If you overeat the fruit, this can cause constipation.
  • Be careful with the consumption of the sapote seed, since it can cause poisoning or spontaneous abortion.
  • May cause skin allergies in children.


  1. "Phenological study of Zapote MAMEY [Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) HE Moore & Stearn] IN GUERRERO, MEXICO"(2015). Cid Aguilar Carpio, Víctor Arturo González Hernández, Jose Antonio Mora Aguilera and Angel Villegas Monter, Mexico.
  2. "The development of a large set of microsatellite markers in Zapote Mamey (Pouteria sapota (Jacq.) HE Moore & Stearn) and its potential use in the Study of Species"(2015). Arias, Martínez-Castillo, Sobolev, among others. USDA-ARS National Peanut Research Laboratory, Dawson, USA
  3. "Characterization of fruits of sapote mamey (Pouteria sapota) in the southwest of the state of Morelos"(2008). A. Gaona-García1, I. Alia-Tejacal, V. López-Martínez, M. Andrade-Rodríguez, M. T. Colinas-León and O. Villegas-Torres. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Autonomous University of the State of Morelos. Mexico.

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