15 Colors that start with T

Between the colors that start with t there are turquoise, litmus, terracotta or tangerine. Colors, beyond being the main work tool of many graphic and interior designers, are a fundamental part of life.

Each color has different tonalities that come from multiple sources, for example, pigments of natural rocks or the reflection of the light of objects and even of the living beings .

15 Colors that start with T

Some colors are more like chromatic schemes, that is, the mixture of several colors. Some basic mixes have generated iconic colors that are always used with the same connotation.

Examples of colors that begin with the letter T


The turquoise color is well known in the world and is currently used in all kinds of decorative and commonly used objects, such as shoes.

It is a bluish shade with green, it is clear and delicate. They also call it blue green.

Indian turquoise

This color scheme includes, like turquoise, green and blue, but this is much more intense.


The litmus is an indicator of PH that, when mixed with violet tincture, turns between red and orange.

Land of treviso

More commonly known as ocher color, it is a yellowish shade with red and orange.

Its pigments come from iron oxide mixed with clay, hence its earthy color.


The terracotta color comes from the clay roasted in an oven. In fact, its name means cooked land.

It is the color of the earth but once roasted it acquires a strong orange color and burnt.


It is a color that emulates the shades of wheat, yellowish as a golden color but very clear.


This color comes from a mineral that is sometimes confused with the diamond because it is also used as a precious stone.

There are many shades that include this color, among them: brown, yellow, orange, red, pink and even blue.


This color comes from the specific variety of red that common tomatoes or tomatoes have, the ones most used in the home.


It is a variety of blue color that includes shades of very dark blue and purple. Curiously, the flags of Chile and Cuba have the turquoise blue in them. It is similar to indigo blue.


This is a color scheme that includes reddish, orange, yellow and black tones. Its pigments come from the bird with the same name, common Turpial.


It is a color that comes from the mineral with the same name. It is black and visually bright and semi-translucent, similar to glass.


This is an alternative name used by Joshua Reynolds, the painter, for the blue tone of Prussia.


By its name in English, it is a color that resembles that of tanned mestizo skin.


It is a color scheme representative of white wines and red wines. It includes white tones, also others dark and reddish. The term is used mostly in French culture.


By its name in English, in Spanish it is mandarin. It is a tone whose pigments come from the emulation of tropical mandarin fruit.


  1. Juan Carlos Sanz Rosa Gallego Akal Dictionary of Color. Volume 29 of Akal Dictionaries / Gale Series Virtual Reference Library. AKAL editions. (2001). Retrieved from: books.google.co.ve
  2. D. José Oriol Ronquillo. Dictionary of commercial, industrial and agricultural matter: what contains the indication, description and uses of all goods. Volume 3. Imp. Agustín Gaspar. (1857). Retrieved from: books.google.co.ve
  3. Ocher - Earthy mineral and its color. Retrieved from: en.m.wikipedia.org.
  4. Turquí - Very dark blue color. Retrieved from: en.m.wikipedia.org
  5. Siegfried Wyler. Color and Language: Color terms in english. Gunter Narr Verlag. (1992). Retrieved from: books.google.co.ve
  6. Tony Paul. How to mix and use color. New Holland Publishers. (2003). Retrieved from: books.google.co.ve
  7. Walter Schumann. Gemstones of the World. Sterling Publishing Company, Inc. (2009). Retrieved from: books.google.co.ve

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