150 Phrases in Latin and its Meaning

I leave you 150 Latin phrases And its meaning many of them belong to historical and religious personages like Seneca, Cicero and Jesus Christ.

However, although it may prove strange, Latin is not only present in the History of Antiquity, but is still current. Words in this language are used for numerous purposes nowadays as fiction films or legal texts. Even some of the proverbs and sayings remain intact today.

Latin phrases with roman coliseum background.

List with 150 expressions and phrases in Latin

1- Nemo patriam quia magna est amat, sed quia sua. - No one loves his country because he is big, but because he is his. - Seneca.

2- Beatus ille qui procul negotiis,... - Happy that, far from business... - Horace.

3- A bove ante, ab asino retro, a muliere undique caveto - Beware of the ox by the front, the donkey behind, and the woman by all sides.- Mani Moreira.

4- Pedes in terra ad sidera visus. - The feet in the earth, the look in the sky.- Motto of the National University of Tucumán, Argentina.

5 - They were quod, eris quod sum. "I was what you are; You will be what I am.- Inscription on a gravestone.

6- Bis orat qui bene cantat. - The one who sings well, prays twice.- St. Augustine.

7-Haec ego non multis [scribo], sed tibi: satis enim magnum alter alteri theatrum sumus. - I do not write this for many, but for you: because enough theater we form between you and I. - Epicurus.

8- Carpe diem.- Seize the moment.- Horacio.

9- A bald ad calvum.-From bald to bald.- Caligula.

10- Cane muto et aqua silente cave tibi.- Beware of the dog that does not bark and with the silent water.-Francisco Luis Moreira.

11- Cedant arma togae.- Let the arms yield before the toga.- Cicero.

12- Fame crescit eundo.- The rumor grows traveling.- Author Unknown.

13- A capillo usque ad ungues.- From the hair to the nails (of the feet).- Petronio.

14- A cohores fratres viventem in aeternum.- A band of brothers who live forever.- Author Unknown.

15- A cross salus.- Salvation by the cross.- Ecclesiastical term.

17- Cogito ergo sum.- I think, then I am.- Descartes.

18- Copy ciborum, subtilitas impeditur.- The abundant meals dull the intelligence.-Seneca.

19 - Facilius est multa facere quam diu.- It is easier to do many things than to do one for a long time.-Quintilian.

20- Bibere humanum est, ergo bibamus.-Drinking is human: therefore, drink.-Author unknown.

21- Da mihi animas, caetera tolle.- Give me souls and take the rest.- Salesian Congregation.

22- Deus ex machina.- God from the machine.- Greco / Roman Theater.

23- Bene qui latuit, bene vixit.- The one who lives well, lives unnoticed.- Ovid.

24- A cusp crown.-From the spear to the crown.-Honor obtained by military victories.

25- Clavum nail expellere.- A nail is removed with another nail.-Cicero.

26- To Deo rex, a rule lex.- God the king, the king the law.- Slogan of the absolute monarchy.

27- Consubstantial quasi alter natura.- The custom is our second nature.- Cicero.

28- Deus, Libertas, Cultura - Universitas Carabobensis.- God, freedom, culture- University Carabobeños.- Motto of the University of Carabobo.

29- Ama et quid vis fac.- Love and do what you want.- St. Augustine.

30- A digit cognoscitur leo (Ab unguibus leo).- To the lion by the nail (we know).- Unknown author.

31- A mari usque ad mare.- From sea to sea.- Motto of Canada.

Divide et vinces, or, also, Divide et impera.- Divide and conquer.-Julius Caesar.

32- Coniecturalem artem this medicinam.-Medicine is the art of supposing.- Aulio Cornelio Celso.

33- Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.- Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. -Lema of the Catholic Church.

34-Do ut des.- I give you to give me.-Code of Justinian I.

35- Deus dedit, Deus abstulid.- God gives, God takes away""What God gives, God takes away".- Catholic proverb.

36- Concordia parvae res crescunt, discord maximae dilabuntur.- By concordia small things grow; Through disunity, the greatest things collapse.- Salustio.

37- Bellaque matribus detestata.- War, hated by mothers.- Horace, Carmina.

38- E pluribus unum.- Of many (countries), (we are) one (country).

39- Ommodum ex iniuria sua nemo habere debet.- No person has to take advantage of his own evil.- Author unknown.

40- A mensa et thoro.- Table and bed.- Legal term.

41- Ab alta cuncta.- From the high.- Motto of the Belloch family.

42- Audietur et altera pars.- To the other part also it is necessary to hear it.- Author unknown.

43. Ex nihil nihil fit.- Out of nowhere, nothing can come out.- Persio.

44- This Vir.- Be male (or virile).- Slogan of the School of NCOs of the Army of Chile.

45- Ab antecedent.- In advance.- Legal term.

46- Ab ovo.- From the egg.- Quinto Horacio Flaco.

47- Ab Ordine Libertas.- Liberty from the order / Freedom and order.- Latin version of the national motto of Colombia.

48- Ab ovo usque ad mala.- From the egg to the apple.- Quinto Horacio Flaco.

49- Ex Umbra in Solem.- From the Shadow to the Light.- Motto of the Federico Santa María Technical University of Valparaiso, Chile.

50- Exitus Acta Probat.- The end justifies the means.-Author unknown.

51- Et lux in tenebris Lucet.- And the light shines in the darkness.-Gospel of St. John.

52- Ab uno disce omnes.- One is learned to know everyone.-Publio Virgilio Marón.

53- Ab utraque parte.- On one side and the other (on both sides).- Legal term.

54- Et tamen stellae.- And yet stars.-Motto of the University of Playa Ancha, Chile.

Experientia docet.- Experience teaches.-Tacitus.

56- Abbas suburranus.-The abbot of Suburra.-The motto of Pope Anastasius IV.

57- Abeunt studia in mores.- What is pursued with zeal becomes custom.- Publius Ovidio Nason.

58. Excusatio non petita, accusatio manifest.-"Excuse not demanded manifest accusation"or"who excuses or defends without having been accused actually self-accuses". -Unknown author.

59- Tuna Fatis ego perea.- Fate be made even if I perish.- Sacha Passy.

60- Finis coronat opus.- The end crowns the effort realized.- Phrase used by the majority of the authors at the end of an essay.

61- Abiit, excessit, evasit, erupit.- He is gone, escaped, escaped, and disappeared.- Marco Tulio Cicero.

Forsan et haec olim meminisse juvabit. -Maybe, someday, even this will revive the memory.-Virgil, The Divine Comedy.

63- Ablata causes tollitur effectus.- Withdrawing the cause, the effect disappears.- Maximum medical.

64- Abscedo turpis Diabolus pario.- Go impure Satan's beget. -The Exorcist.

Absolution.-God forbid! - Unknown author.

66- Abusus non est usus, sed corruptela.- Abuse is not use, but corruptela.- Legal term.

67- Abyssus abyssum vocat in voce.- An abyss summons another abyss.-Vulgate, Psalm 41, 8.

68- Access candidates. - Meet the candidates. - Ceremonial phrase.

69- Accesorium non ducit, sed sequitur suum principale.- The accessory does not guide, it follows the fate of the main.- Legal term.

70- Gaudeamus igitur iuvenes dum sumus.- Let's enjoy it while we are still young.- First verse of the student anthem Gaudeamus igitur.

71- Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi, sed saepe cadendo.-The drop pierced the stone, not by its force, but by its constancy when falling.- Ovid.

72- Annuntio vobis gaudium magnum: habemus pontificem.- I announce to you a great joy: we have Pontiff. -Frase of the Catholic Church.

Habemus confitentem reum.- We have an inmate who has confessed.-Cicero.

74- Accept quod tuum, alterique da suum.- Take what is yours and the rest yours.- Unknown author.

75- Always be immortal mors eorum qui inmortale aliquid parant.- It is always hard and premature the death of those who prepare something immortal.- Pliny the Young, Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus.

76- Homines, dum docent discunt.-Men learn while they teach.- Seneca.

77- Acetum habet in pectore.- It has vinegar in the chest.- Erasmo Adagia I.

78. Acta Apostolicae Sedis.-Acts of the Apostolic See.-Ecclesiastical term.

79- Homo homini lupus est.- Man is a wolf for man.- Plautus.

80- Homo sum: humani nihil a me alienum puto.- I am a man: nothing human is foreign to me.-Terencio.

81- Acta diuturna populi Romani.- Chronicles of the Roman people.- Roman diary.

82- Acta est fabula.- The story is over.- Last words of Caesar Augustus.

83. Ad Amphitruo.- The host.- Title of a work by Tito Macio Plauto.

84- Honeste vivere, naeminem laedere et jus sum cuique tribuere. -Vivir honestly, do not harm the other and give each one what corresponds. "Philosophical principles of law, Ulpiano.

85- Ignorantia legis neminem excusat.- Ignorance of the law excuses no one (of its fulfillment).- Legal principle, Pope Boniface VIII.

86- Ad astra per aspera.- To the stars by the difficult road.- Motto of the Apollo spacecraft.

87- Ad audiendas confessiones.- To be able to listen in confession.- Sacrament of Penance.

88- Ad augusta per angusta.- To the heights by narrow roads.- Motto of the city of Irapuato, Mexico.

89- Ad curram et communico.- Caring is sharing.- Slogan of the band of the military school St Patrick.

90- Ad Iesum Per Mariam.- A.I.P.M. (To Jesus For Mary).- The motto of the Marist Brothers.

91- In dubio, pro reo.- In case of doubt, (must be resolved) in favor of the accused.- Legal principle.

92- Saecula saeculorum.- For ever and ever.- Christian Liturgy.

93- Integer vitae, scelerisque purus.- Irreproachable in life and free from evil.- Horace, Oda 22.

94. Ad iustitiam per ius.- To justice for the right.-Official motto of the Faculty of Law of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí.

95- Ad libertatem per universitatem.- Freedom for the university.- Motto of the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua employed by Mariano Fiallos Gil after the student massacre.

96- Ad nocendum potent sumus.- Doing damage yes we can.-Lucio Anneo Seneca.

97- Labor lætitia nostra.- At work is our joy.- Slogan of the coat of arms of the University of Santiago de Chile.

98- Labor omnia vincit improbus.- Unprofessional work wins everything.- Motto of the shield Naval Academy Admiral Illingworth, Guayaquil.- Ecuador.

Lege, lege, lege, ora, labora et invenies.- Read, read, read, pray, work and you will find.- Mutus Liber, Plate XIV.

100- Ad orbem per technicam.- For the world through the technique.- Motto of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

101- lux unitas clarior.- Concentrated light is brighter.- Motto of the first coat of arms of Venezuela.

102. Manus manum lavat.- One hand washes the other.-Seneca.

"Caesar sent ambassadors to announce this determination.""Caesar soldier.

104- Calamitas nulla sola.- The misfortune does not come alone.- Author unknown.

105- Maxima egestas avaritia.- Avarice is the greatest poverty.- Unknown author.

106- Medice, cure te ipsum! -Medical: heal yourself! -Jesus of Nazareth.

107- Memento homo quia pulvis is et in pulverem reverteris.- Remember man, what dust you are and to dust you will return."- Genesis 3,19.

108- Canis Canem Edit.- Dog eats dog.- Unknown author.

109- Canis et coluber.- The dog and the snake.- Slogan of Pope Leo XII.

Memento mori.- Remember that you are mortal.- Roman proverb.

111- Mens Sana in corpore sano.- Healthy mind in a healthy body.- Motto of many sports schools for young people.

112- Militiae species love est.- Love is a species of war.- Ovid.

113- Canis habet oculos, cervi.- It has dog eyes, but deer heart.- Unknown author.

114- Canonicus ex Latere.- Canon of Leteran.- Slogan of Pope Honorius III.

115- Ne quasess extra. - Do not try to look outside yourself. - Persio.

Nihil eripit fortuna nisi quod dedit.- Fortune does not take away what it gave.- Publilio Syro.

117- Cantabrum indoctum iuga ferre nostra.- The Cantabrian, not taught to carry our yoke.- Quinto Horacio Flaco.

118- Nihil sub sole novum (must be written)"Nihil novum sub sole".- Nothing new under the sun. "There is nothing new under the sun"- Ecclesiastes.

119- Nihili est qui nihil amat (it should be written) nihil est qui nihil amat.- Nothing is who loves nothing. Nothing is (or is worth) who loves nothing.- Plautus.

120- Noli me tangere.- Do not touch me.- Gospel of San Juan.

121- Cantus est cum laude Dei.- It is a song of praise to God.- Ecclesiastical term.

122. Caput ieiunii.- Principle of the fast.- Ecclesiastical term.

123- Non bis in idem.- Not twice in the same subject.- Legal principle.

124- Non facit ebrietas vitia, sed protrahit.- Drunkenness does not create vices, only makes them evident.- Seneca.

125- Caritas Christi urget nos.- The love of Christ pushes us.- Motto of the RR of the Love of God.

126 - Caritate et benevolentia oportet esse, non armis.- It must be in the affection and the goodness, not by the arms. - Ecclesiastical Term of the Catholic Church.

127. Non omnis moriar.- I will not die at all.- Horacio.

128- Non sub homine sed sub Deu et lege.- We are not dominated by men but by God and by the law.- Ecclesiastical term.

129. Nosce te ipsum.- Know thyself.- Delphi, Temple of Apollo.

130- Carmina coelo possunt deducere lunam.- The magic words can bring the moon from the sky to the earth.- Publio Virgilio Marón.

13- Dear roborat, pisces vero sunt parvi alimenti.- The flesh gives forces, but the fish are of little food.- Author unknown.

132- Carpe diem quam minimum credula postero.- Capture the day do not assure that another equal will come later.- Quinto Horacio Flaco.

133- Nulla dies sine line.- No day without a line.- Pliny.

Odi et amo.- I hate and love.- Cattle.

135- Optimum cibi condimentum fame.- The best condiment of food (is) the hunger.-Cicero.

136. Punishment corpus meum.- Punishment my body.- The Code da Vincci.

Casus belli.- Case of war.- Diplomatic term.

138-Pedes in terra ad sidera visus.- Looking to the sky with the feet in the earth.- Motto of the National University of Tucumán, Argentina.

139- Plumbum aurum fit.- Lead becomes gold.- Petronius.

140- Casus fortuitus to arrears excusat.- The fortuitous case excuses the arrears.-Legal term.

141- Causa criminalis non praeiudicat civile.- The criminal cause does not prejudge the civil.-Legal term.

142- Plus Ultra.- Beyond.- Motto of Spain.

143- Possunt quia posse videntur.- They can, because they believe in power or, more simply: To want is power.- Virgilio.

144- Potius sero quam nunquam.- Better late than never.- Livy.

145 - Cause non debiti numeratae pecunia, errore calculi.- Cause of not owing money, calculation error.- Legal term.

146- Cava solans aegrum testudine amorem.- Comforting with the zither his loving pen.-Publio Virgilio Marón.

147- Pro Mundi profit.- For the benefit of the world.- National motto of Panama.

148- Cuandoque bonus dormitat Homerus.- The good Homer sometimes sleeps.- Cicero.

149- Certitudo est status mentis quae affirmative negat aliquid sine formidine errandi.- Certainty is a state of mind that affirms or denies something without the fear of being mistaken.- Author unknown.

"It's true because it's impossible."Tertullian.

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