20 Animals at Risk of Extinction in Peru

There are many Animals in danger of extinction in Peru . One of the causes is the burning and indiscriminate cutting of trees in the Amazon rainforest.

These activities to favor the production and breeding of livestock have brought the loss of habitats of multiple species, affecting them in a negative way.

The Andean bear is one of Peru's many endangered animals. Andean bear

A species is considered to be in danger of extinction when threatened either because there are few animals of this type, natural selection and the existence of predators or changes in climatic conditions.

However, the natural causes are not the only ones that make a species in danger of extinction. Unfortunately, human activities, such as deforestation and urbanization, are the main reasons why a large number of species are threatened.

You can see more about other animals in 20 incredible animals of the Andes mountain range Or in 50 animals in danger of extinction worldwide .

20 typical Peruvian animals in danger of extinction

1- Andean Condor

20 Animals at Risk of Extinction in Peru

The Andean Condor is one of the most majestic birds of the Andes; These birds nest in small caves in the mountains of Andes mountains And have a fairly low reproduction rate, since they lay eggs a year and a year.

This animal is in danger of extinction due to diverse factors, among which the hunting for the obtaining of natural remedies and the environmental pollution Which generates the reduction of food sources of this species.

2- Andean Bear

The Andean bear, also known as spectacled bear, is characterized by being smaller than other members of this family and its low consumption of meat. The destruction of their habitat is the main cause of the reduction of the number of this species.

3- Mono-Andean Mono

The Andean monkey, also known as monkey San Martín, is a characteristic species of the regions Valle Alto Río Mayo, Valle Bajo Río Mayo, and Huallaga de San Martín, Peru.

According to the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, the population of monkey sharks has declined by 80% over the past few decades. Among the causes of the danger of extinction of this species are deforestation to favor the development of agriculture and the expansion of urban areas.

4- Andean Cat

20 Animals in Peril of Extinction in Peru 1 Recovered image from: animalesextincion.es

This species inhabits the Andean Cordillera, in mountains that are between 3500 and 4800 meters above sea level (msnm). It is the same size as a regular domestic cat and differs from this by having a longer tail and thicker coat.

It constitutes the species of felines more timid and less known. Likewise, it is among the five feline species in critical endemic condition.

Currently, it is believed that there are only about 2500 cats of this species, an alarming figure. These cats are hunted to be employed in religious rites. Something similar happens in other areas where these animals are considered to be bad luck, which has led to them being killed by the most superstitious members of the population.

5- Uakari bald

The bald uakari or cacajao inhabits the Amazon. It is in danger of extinction due to hunting and the destruction of its habitat by humans.

6- Giant anteater

This species is in danger of extinction due to predators, such as pumas and jaguars; It should be noted that the destruction of their habitats due to the expansion of human activities is likewise a major factor influencing the disappearance of these animals.

7- Pudu

20 Animals in Peril of Extinction in Peru 2

The pudu is the smallest deer species known in the world; The pudus do not exceed 33 cm and weigh less than 7 kilos. These animals live in the forests of South America.

8- Yellow tail cry

Yellow tail choro, also known as choba or muddy monkey, is a unique primate species of the Peruvian Andes. These animals are characterized by having thick hair and long tails. They feed on fruits, leaves and flowers.

Muddy monkeys inhabit the mountainous regions of eastern Peru. Because of the abrupt habitat and its difficult access, the species was protected from human intervention until the 1950s.

However, the construction of access routes led to the drastic reduction of the population of this species, since much of their habitats were destroyed to favor agricultural activities. Currently, there are less than 250 yellow-tailed choros in the cloud forests north of Peru.

9- Pink Dolphin of the Amazon

This dolphin is known as"boutu"by the inhabitants of the Amazon jungle. These animals may be pink or pale blue; However, the most common are albinos.

It is one of the five species of freshwater dolphins in the world and inhabits marshy rivers.

The construction of dams, canals and the diversion of the natural courses of the rivers are the main causes of the disappearance of these aquatic mammals.

10- Blue Whale

20 Animals in Pertinent Extinction in Peru 3

The blue whale is the largest animal in the world, can measure about 34 m in length and weigh about 136000 kg. This species can be found in all the oceans of the world. However, the population of blue whales has declined considerably due to hunting and trade.

11- Mountain diva

The mountain tapir, also known as mountain tapir, tapir cordillerana or páramo tapir, is a typical mammal of the Cordillera de los Andes.

The decline in the population of this species is mainly due to the loss of habitats caused by felling and burning, but also due to the sport hunting and the use of these animals as medicines against epilepsy and heart disease.

12- Amazonian manatee

The Amazon manatee is an exclusive species of freshwater. The progressive disappearance of this species is mainly due to hunting, to the fact that they often get caught in fishing nets and drowned and the reduction of food sources due to deforestation.

13- Andean night monkey

20 Animals in Danger of Extinction in Peru 4

Andean night monkeys reach a maximum weight of 1 kg. Like other species, they are in danger of extinction due to the expansion of human activities and the destruction of their habitats.

14- Hill dog

The mount dog, venadero dog or vinegar fox is a member of the canines family, which can be found in different areas north of South America.

15- Goeldi Tamarin

20 Animals in Danger of Extinction in Peru 5

The goeldi tamarin, calimico or mico de Goeldi, is a monkey typical of the Amazon jungle that was named in honor of the Swiss scientist who discovered this species. It is a small dark-haired primate, typical of South America.

16- Marsupial Frog

The marsupial frog is listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as a Vulnerable Species because it exists only in an area less than 20000 km2.

Its distribution is fragmented and its habitat has been deteriorated in the last years due to the cultivation of tea and coffee as well as the development of tourist infrastructures.

This species is found in the Andes in three specific areas: Macchu Pichu, San Luis and San Pedro, in southern Peru.

17- Amazonian Cotorrita

20 Animals in Peril of Extinction in Peru 6 Image retrieved from: mascotarios.org.

This species is relatively new in the scientific field since it was discovered in the 70's. Its distribution is limited to a small area southwest of the Amazon jungle. It should be noted that the population of these birds is small, so it is on the IUCN red list as a threatened species.

18- Ancash aquatic frog

The Ancash aquatic frog gets its name because it is typical of the department of Ancash in Peru. This is a vulnerable species since its population has decreased by 30% during the last 10 years due to the contamination of the water generated by the mining activity.

19- Ancient Tiluchí

20 Animals in Danger of Extinction in Peru 7 Image retrieved from: amazonrivierexpeditions.com.

The ancient tiluchí or ancient antbird is a species of bird classified as"threatened"since the population is reduced to a small area and also has reduced in the last years.

20- Birds of the genus Percnostola

The genus percnostola is composed of three birds, commonly known as anteaters. This species is found only in the Amazon jungles of South America, in Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia and Peru.

It groups three species: the head ants, the crested anthills and the ants of Allpahuayo; The latter are typical of Peru and are the ones most at risk.


  1. Endangered animals in the Andes. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from discover-peru.org.
  2. Farr, Alex (2012) The cutest endangered mammals in Peru. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from peruthisweek.com.
  3. Thompson, Laurel (2007). Endangered Animals of Peru. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from ezinearticles.com.
  4. Endangered species found in Peru. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from earthsendangered.com.
  5. Threatened Species. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from animalinfo.org.
  6. Nannopsittaca dachilleae. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from neotropical.birds.cornell.edu.
  7. Javier Icochea, Edgar Lehr, César Aguilar Puntriano, Ulrich Sinsch (2004). Telmatobius carrillae . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2004: e.T57329A11622244. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from dx.doi.org.
  8. BirdLife International (2016). Herpsilochmus gentryi . The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016: e.T22724610A94873960. Retrieved on March 23, 2017, from http://dx.doi.org.

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