20 Examples of Potential Energy in Everyday Life

Some Examples of potential energy That we can find in the day to day are a swing, a demolition ball, a trampoline, a balloon or a pistol with spring, among others.

Potential energy is the process of storing mechanical energy of a physical system by virtue of its configuration and positioning. For example, a demolition ball stores energy when it is held high without activity.

An example of potential energy: pistol with spring

It is necessary to emphasize that potential energy is not obtained from the displacement of bodies, but refers to the ability of bodies to create a force X when they are immobile, taking into account their position in space.

In this sense, it differs from the Kinetic energy , Which is manifested when the body is in motion.

Types of potential energy

There are several types of potential energy, for example: gravitational, elastic, electrostatic and chemistry.

1- Gravitational potential energy

The gravitational potential energy is the energy that is stored in an object as a result of the vertical position of the same or of the height at which they are.

In this case, the gravitational force, which attracts all objects to the center of the earth, is responsible for storing energy in objects.

The gravitational potential energy is calculated through the following equation:

Gravitational potential energy = mass x gravity (9.8 N / kg on Earth) x height.

In this sense, it is observed that there are three elements that affect the gravitational potential energy: gravity, mass and height.

2- Elastic potential energy

The potential elastic energy is that which is stored in elastic materials and is the result of the traction and compression processes to which these objects are subjected.

The amount of energy stored in these materials depends on the tensile force to which the object is subjected: the more they are stretched, the greater the potential energy.

3- Electrostatic Potential Energy

Electrostatic potential energy occurs between objects that repel or attract. In attracted objects, the potential energy will be greater the further they are; On the other hand, in the objects that repel, the potential energy will be greater the closer they are.

4- Chemical potential energy

The potential chemical energy is one that has the ability to transform certain chemicals into kinetic energy.

20 Featured examples of potential energy

1 - Demolition ball

A demolition ball has gravitational potential energy, generated by the suspension of the ball on the crane.

2- Swing

A swing, just like the demolition ball presents potential gravitational energy, because it is suspended from a support.

When the swing moves forward or backward, it remains held for a few milliseconds, allowing it to store energy. Likewise, the swing stores energy when it is not swinging.

3- Pendulum

20 Examples of Potential Energy in Everyday Life

Pendulums, like wall clocks, store potential energy thanks to gravity.

4- A ball rolling down a slope

A ball rolling on a slope presents two moments in which it can store potential energy: the first is when it is at the top of the hill and the second is when it has finished descending and stops.

5- Liga

A league in its natural state does not present any potential energy. However, when it is stretched it begins to store energy, thanks to its elasticity.

6- Bungee cord

20 Examples of Potential Energy in Everyday Life 1

A bungee cord, like a common alloy, stores potential energy when stretched.

7- Trampoline

A trampoline that is not being used has no potential energy. It begins to store energy only when an object bounces on it. This type of potential energy is elastic.

8- Springs

The springs are a classic example of elastic potential energy, since when stretched they absorb potential energy that is released when contracted.

9- A bucket on a door

A bucket of water on a door has the potential to fall at any time, so it is gravitational potential energy.

10- A bow drawn with an arrow

20 Examples of Potential Energy in Everyday Life 2

An arc that is not being used does not have potential energy. However, when it is tightened and the arrow has not yet been fired, it begins to store potential energy due to elasticity.

11- A rock at the edge of a cliff

A rock at the edge of a cliff has gravitational potential energy. If the rock falls, the potential energy becomes kinetic.

12- A fruit on a branch of a tree

Like a rock about to fall off a precipice, a fruit in a tree has the ability to detach at any time due to the attraction exerted by gravitational forces on Earth.

13- A firework

20 Examples of Potential Energy in Everyday Life 3

A firework that has not yet been lit has potential chemical energy, since the reactants that compose it can explode upon contact with a flame.

14- The food we eat

The food we eat has potential chemical energy.

15- The batteries of the toys

Toys batteries have chemical potential energy that is transformed into kinetic energy when the toy is powered.

16- A car driven with gasoline

A gasoline driven car, like a toy powered by batteries, has potential chemical energy that can be transformed into kinetic energy.

17- A spring pistol

A spring operated pistol has elastic potential energy at the time the trigger is triggered.

18- A magnet and a metallic object

When a magnet is placed remotely from a metal object, electrostatic potential energy is generated.

19- Two magnets faced by their positive poles

When two magnets are confronted by their positive poles and placed very close to each other, electrostatic potential energy is generated.

20- A balloon full of air

20 Examples of Potential Energy in Everyday Life 4

A balloon filled with air presents elastic potential energy, since the walls of the balloon have expanded due to air.


  1. Gravitational Potential Energy. Retrieved on May 31, 2017, from hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu.
  2. Potential Energy. Retrieved on May 31, 2017, from hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu.
  3. What is potential energy (U)? Retrieved on May 31, 2017, from whatis.techtarget.com.
  4. Potential Energy. Retrieved on May 31, 2017, from jersey.uoregon.edu.
  5. Potential Energy. Retrieved on May 31, 2017 from physicsclassroom.com.
  6. Potential Energy. Retrieved on May 31, 2017, from softschools.com.
  7. Potential Energy. Retrieved on May 31, 2017, from ducksters.com.

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