23 Examples of Parasitism in Humans and Animals

Some examples of parasitism are the intestinal worms in humans, fleas, ticks, mosquitoes or the cuckoo when laying eggs.

He parasitism Is a type of relationship that occurs between living beings in which one of the organisms lives at the expense of the other. The first organism is called the parasite, while the second is the host.

Examples of parasitism

There are cases in which the parasite organism also carries a parasite in itself. This is called hyperparasitism.

Broadly speaking, there are two groups of parasitic relationships: ectoparasitic and endoparasitic.

In the former, the parasite is outside the organism and takes advantage of the elements that are available in the outermost layers of the host. This is the case with fleas and ticks.

On the other hand, in the endoparasitic relations, the parasite is inside the host. This is the most common relationship. An example of this is tapeworms, Ascaris lumbricoides And other worms that can be found in the intestinal tract.


In order for the parasites to be able to establish themselves within a host, it is necessary to weaken the immune system Of this, so symptoms often occur that reveal the presence of these organisms.

Once the endoparasite has been established, it loses certain structures that are no longer needed, such as the organs that allow it to travel, the senses, the digestive system, among others.

The only apparatus that is kept in full operation is the player, in order to guarantee the perpetuation of the species.

There are several types of endoparasites that affect both animals (including humans) and plants.

Endoparasites in humans

Among the endoparasites that take humans as hosts, the worms stand out. Most of these worms are found in the digestive system. However, a few species can be lodged in other parts of the body, such as liver and blood.

These parasites are characterized by protective layers that defend them from gastric juices, resistance to pressure difference, resistance to low oxygen levels and high reproduction rate.

10 examples of intestinal worms in humans

-Ascaris ( Ascaris lumbricoides ). Slender parasite, can reach 40 cm in length. Generates diarrhea, anemia and constipation.

-Anchylostoma ( Ancylostoma duodenale ). It is a small worm, about 12 millimeters, that bites the intestinal wall causing bleeding. It generates the disease called anchiostomiasis.

-Necator ( Necator americanus ). It is smaller than ascaris, rarely exceeds 10 millimeters. Causes necatoriasis. Some symptoms of this disease are anemia, diarrhea and problems in the development of the person.

Thyrcocephalus Trichuris trichiura ). It is a worm about 5 centimeters long. It produces diarrhea, anemia, vomiting and general pains.

-Had ( Taenia solium ). Also called solitary, tapeworm generates anemia and diarrhea. At times, it can reach the nervous system and generate serious problems.

-Oxyuro ( Enterobius vermicularis ). This parasite causes itching in the anal region and can cause seizures in children younger than 10 years.

-Filaria ( Filaria bancrofti ). This parasite produces elephantiasis, which consists of swelling of certain areas of the body.

-Oncocerca ( Onchocerca volvulus )

-Triquinela ( Trichinella spiralis )

-Strongyloides stercoralis

10 examples of other endoparasites in humans

-Giarda lamblia

-Balantidium coli

-Entamoeba histolytica , Causes dysentery.


-Toxoplasma gondii, Causes toxoplasmosis.

-Trypanosoma cruzi , Generates Chagas disease.

-Naegleria fowleri

-Plasmodium falciparum


-Isospora belli

Examples of endoparasites in plants


-Pyrenophora teres






Ectoparasites live on the surface of the host and are not the direct cause of diseases that the host may contract, but carry within them other parasites that are the cause of disease. This is a case of hyperparasitism.

Some examples of ectoparasites are:

"The nits." They are usually found on the scalp of some human beings, from where they suck the blood that allows them to live.

-The fleas. Similar to the nits, they are supported by the blood of their guests. They are common in cats and dogs. There are also some species that take humans as guests.

"The ticks. Like fleas and nits, these animals survive thanks to the blood they suck from their guests. They are usually found in dogs and other mammals.

-Acarus ( Sarcoptes scabiei ). These microscopic parasites attack the skin causing itching, redness and inflammation of the infected skin. They are the cause of scabies.

-Mosquitos. These parasites feed on the blood of mammals. They are often carriers of other parasites that cause diseases such as dengue and malaria.

23 Examples of Parasitism in Humans and Animals

-Aphids. Aphids, commonly called aphids, are parasitic insects that attack acacias. These insects extract the sap from the plants by opening holes in the leaves.

-Mistletoe. This is an example of parasitic plant. The mistletoe sets its roots in another plant, from which it extracts the nutrients necessary to live.

Invaders and usurpers

Parasitism goes beyond a simple relationship in which the parasite feeds on the host. There are cases in which the individual takes advantage of the resources or abilities of another individual, which constitutes a type of parasitism.

Three examples of invasion and usurpation

-Cuckoo. The cuckoo is a bird that lays its eggs in the nests of other birds (mainly in the nests of the birds Prunella modularis Y Anthus pratensis ). The method of this bird is to leave the egg in another nest with eggs of similar colors. When the cuckoo is born, it throws from the nest the other eggs of the host and is raised as an only child.

-Formica sanguinea This species of ants invades the nest of other smaller ants. Once the invasion has taken place, the invading queen kills the queen invaded and enslaves the workers and drones.

-Cuervos (kleptoparasitism). Ravens are a case of kleptoparasistism, which consists of the theft of food that another predator has hunted. In this case, the parasite takes advantage of the hunting abilities of other individuals.


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  5. Parasitic Relationships. Retrieved on July 16, from necsi.edu
  6. Parasitism. Retrieved on July 16, from wikipedia.org
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