30 Examples of Legal Norms

The Legal norms Are a set of rules established by competent authorities (mainly legislative bodies).

These are intended to punish an individual in the event that he or she incurred misconduct towards another person, to the society in which they live, or to their property.

Differences between rules and norms

In this sense, legal rules may prohibit, authorize or allow certain individual or social behavior. In addition to this, they are defined by their imperative nature, which means that they represent an order or mandate that must be fulfilled and not a suggestion.

That is why the legal norm has a protective function, since it ensures the maintenance of living conditions and motivating as it encourages compliance.

Likewise, the legal norms are defined by three aspects. The first is the fact of being imposed by another individual.

The second is its bilateral character (there is an individual obliged to comply with the rule and another obliges to comply with it). The third and final element is that they are supported by the forces of the State or of the entity in which they apply those norms.

Examples of common legal standards around the world

1- Everyone has the right to identity

This legal rule establishes the right to have a first and last name, a nationality, to be registered in a public registry.

It is important to mention that the granting or the absence of this right falls directly on the parents or guardian of the minor.

2- It is forbidden to give false testimony during a judicial process

In judicial proceedings, one can not lie because that would hinder the investigation, and depending on the country or state where the person incurs the crime of giving false testimony, will have a legal consequence.

3 - It is forbidden for an adult person to have sexual relations with a person under the age or who does not have the minimum age established for the consent of this act

This rule regulates the behavior of adults and protect the child, since it seeks to avoid a forced sexual relationship and the consequences produced by not being prepared at the time of initiating sexual activity.

4- Ignorance of the laws is no excuse for non-compliance.

This specific rule that ignores the existence of a law should not represent an impediment to comply and enforce it.

This means that, in case of having committed a crime without knowing that it was an illegal act, the corresponding penalty will also apply.

5 - It is prohibited to sell alcoholic beverages to those who do not have the minimum age established for the purchase thereof

This standard seeks to protect minors, since physically and psychologically they are not prepared for this type of intake.

Alcohol can lead to acts that would have negative consequences for the future, such as driving while intoxicated.

6- It is forbidden to drive while intoxicated

This rule prohibits driving a vehicle while it is under the effects of alcohol, as it attacks both the safety of the person doing it and that of third parties.

7- It is a crime to enter a house and remain in it without permission of the owner or owner

This norm encourages the respect that must be had for the home of the people, while at the same time protects against any intrusion against the will of the people who make it live.

8- The kidnapping of both children and adults is a criminal act

This rule seeks to avoid deprivation of liberty of a person either to do physical, verbal or psychological harm or to ask for something in exchange for their freedom.

9- Illegal distribution of cinematographic content is prohibited

This rule seeks to protect copyright and royalties arise from a work. Accordingly, it provides that the total or partial distribution or publication of films without the author's authorization represents a criminal offense and therefore has a legal consequence.

10- Education is a right

Ensure that their children attend public or private schools to obtain education in compliance with the terms established by law.

11- Every person has the right to express himself freely

This legal norm does not exist in some countries of dictatorial regimes; However, in most countries it is applied.

It establishes that every citizen has the right to freedom of expression. Consequently, the declaration of your ideas will not be subject to any judicial or administrative investigation, except that it may harm third parties.

Other examples of legal norms are:

12- Sexual exasperation produced by sexual activities or fantasies with children and adolescents is prohibited.

13- It is forbidden to put pressure on a person to force him to act against his will and obtain money or other benefit from it.

14 - The physical and psychological integrity of the human being must be respected.

15- It is forbidden to adulterate alcoholic beverages.

16- It is a must to handle with license to conduct effective.

17 - It is prohibited to deprive people of their belongings in an arbitrary and unlawful manner.

18- It is prohibited to carry out any type of commercial fraud

19- It is a duty to respect patriotic symbols.

20- It is a must to comply with traffic laws.

21- It is prohibited to carry out acts of violence against children and adolescents.

22- It is forbidden to hack (enter illegally into the operating system of a company, corporation, organization, among others).

23- It is a duty to pay taxes. The evasion of these is a crime.

24- Sexual harassment in any area (family, school, work) is prohibited.

25- Workplace harassment is a criminal behavior.

26. It is a duty to respect the laws.

27- The sale, distribution and consumption of illicit drugs are prohibited.

28- The law prohibits the execution of acts of terrorism.

29- All persons have the right to have a lawyer for their defense.

30- All persons have the right to know the charge for which they are being charged (in case of accusation).


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