5 of the most dangerous animals of the sea | [With Images]

In the vast oceans dwell many species of animals and not all of them are harmless. During this article you will make a tour that will take you to discover 5 of the most dangerous animals from sea . Surely some of them will be very known by you but many others will surprise you.

Some animals that inhabit the seas are dangerous because of their size, others because of their poison, but they all have one thing in common: they can be deadly. In the following article you will be able to know details of the most dangerous animals of the sea that will help you to avoid their dangers in case you find them. Do you want to know more about them? Keep reading!

5 of the most dangerous animals of the sea | Be very careful with them!

1. Stone fish

the most dangerous animals of the sea, stone fish

Stone Fish

This is one of the rarest and poisonous species of all those that inhabit the deep sea, without a doubt one of the most dangerous animals of the sea. Above all, it moves through the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Its venom, which is located in the spines of its dorsal fin, is neurotoxic and can be deadly to humans . This poison is similar to that of the cobra and when the stone fish makes its sting the sensation is of a tremendous lacerating pain. The symptoms of the sting of the stone fish They are terrible and among others can be highlighted: vomiting, headaches, muscle paralysis, coma and in the most extreme cases, cardiorespiratory arrest that can lead to death. One of the most outstanding points of the stone fish, is that it camouflages itself with the environment so that its victim almost never appreciates it . Many of the humans who have been harmed by this fish, have done so due to an accidental stomp.

2. Sea snake

the most dangerous animals of the sea, sea snake

Sea snake

Within the family of this animal, several species can be found. Most of them have adapted ideally to aquatic life. They are located mainly in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. These snakes do not usually attack, unless they feel threatened. However, during the heat they can do it even though there is no dangerous situation against them. Despite its appearance, we should not trust because its poison can be up to ten times more powerful than that of a cobra , always depending on the species concerned. The neurotoxins contained in its venom cause drowsiness or respiratory paralysis, as well as intense pain in the affected area. This animal is usually hunted to take advantage of both its flesh and its skin, although as you have already seen you have to be very reckless to dare to do so.

3. White shark

the most dangerous animals of the sea

Perhaps it is the most feared predator of all that we can find in the oceans . Although his fame is not entirely justified, because it is an animal that is not as fierce as it has been painted in movies or legends. It has not attacked the human being as much as is usually thought, but even so it remains a danger, since the deaths by white shark throughout the year exist. This species of shark can be found along the warm waters of all oceans. His jaw, full of teeth that are like knives, close with a force 300 times greater than that of a human being . They smell the blood at a huge distance and as soon as they do their predatory instinct is activated and can destroy anything that floats on the surface. Many surfers have suffered the wrath of this sea killer.

4. Sea wasps

the most dangerous animals of the sea, sea wasp

Your technical name is cubozoos and they closely resemble common jellyfish. They inhabit mainly in tropical waters, in Philippine and Australian areas. Despite its appearance, is considered one of the most lethal creatures on the planet . From its head up to 60 tentacles approximately 80 centimeters long. The poison of this animal goes directly into the bloodstream and depending on the victim, can cause cardiorespiratory arrest that sometimes becomes fatal . This animal becomes more deadly with age. Its sting can be treated with vinegar to mitigate the painful effects.

5. Octopus with blue rings

the most dangerous animals of the sea

Despite their small size, they have roughly the same wingspan as a golf ball, They are one of the deadliest and poisonous animals in the world . They are located in Pacific waters and along the coasts of Australia to Japan. They are yellowish and have characteristic blue rings. There is no antidote that can alleviate the symptoms caused by this octopus. The potency of its poison is such that can kill more than twenty humans in a few minutes .

We are sure that the characteristics of these animals have surprised you greatly. Some of them are very difficult to locate, however others can easily cross our path. Because, be careful the animals more dangers of the sea .

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