7 Amazing Properties of Gelatin for Health

The Properties of gelatin For health are: improves the condition of the skin, helps maintain weight, decreases stretch marks, improves arthritis and others that I will explain later.

Gelatine is a semi-solid mixture at room temperature called in its more scientific name as colloid. In its most basic form it is colorless, translucent, brittle as well as tasteless.

Properties of gelatin

It also functions as a complex protein composed of different amino acids. Due to this particularity, their general properties can be transformed or altered, intervening factors such as their level of polymerization , The nature of the monomers or the sequence in their protein chain.

Its composition can be dismembered in the following percentages:

  • 85% - 90% of its formation is composed of protein from collagen.
  • 1% - 2% is about different mineral salts.
  • The remaining percentage corresponds to the water contained by gelatine.

As we have been explaining, the gelatin is made up of different amino acids. In spite of this, it should be noted that there is a great difference in front of most nutritional foods of the same nature, since it lacks valine, tyrosine and tryptophan.

Although it sounds a bit strange, gelatine comes from a great variety of material from the animal kingdom, that is, we can extract it from skin, boiled or ground bones, hooves, tendons, viscera, organs, etc...

10 benefits and properties of gelatine

Recent studies have shown that gelatine contains many benefits for our health. Without going much further, the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared that it is an edible that has the same healthy importance that characterizes the bread.

1- Improves the quality of our skin

Thanks to the large amount of natural amino acids it contains, our skin will look much younger. Gelatine promotes the creation of new cells and produces Collagen Y Aspartic acid , The latter being a decisive factor when it comes to regenerating and revitalizing the cells of our organism.

In addition to the above, ingesting this product can prevent the risk of suffering problems related to our skin, such as acne. And all this thanks to the quantities of Inositol Y Niacin that has.

2- It helps us maintain our weight

This is due to its low sugar content, which prevents us from gaining rapid weight gain. If we do not have the sugar contents and flavorings it contains, for each liter of gelatine, we will absorb only 17 calories.

3- Improves the condition of the hair

Due to the folic acid , The roots of the scalp will gain resistance against the fall along with growth that will glimpse faster and healthier.

You can also try using the gelatin powder directly on the hair, which serves as an excellent alternative. How to do this? Simply using half a small spoonful of gelatin powder to the shampoo you commonly use at home.

Its effect is similar with the nails, helping them to increase their growth.

4- Intervenes in the digestive process

If you are prone to problems such as gastritis , Hyperacidity, colitis or colic, gelatin is no more or less than one of your closest and direct allies.

Likewise, it works against the appearance of heavy digestive processes, which means that our digestions are optimized and carried out in a healthier way.

The gelatine is framed within the foods denominated like"soft diet", being ideal so much for the smaller ones as for the people belonging to the third age.

5- Improves arthritis

Gelatine makes the joints (especially in the cartilage and ligaments) increase their lubrication and can work in a more fluid way in addition to reducing inflammations and different joint pains.

The ideal amount to be able to enjoy this benefit would be around 10 grams of gelatine a day.

6- Promotes muscle growth

With respect to this benefit we have to say that the gelatin contains Arginine , A type of amino acid that makes our muscles grow in a much faster and stronger way.

7- Reduce stress levels

Again, the amino acids present in the gelatin come back to the load to create an anti-stress and anti depressant effect.

8- Reduced stretch marks

Thanks to the collagen it shows in its composition, the reduction of stretch marks will be one of the effects reflected by the current consumption of gelatin.

History of gelatine

From time immemorial, in prehistory, animal remains were boiled to paint the walls, and to use the gelatinous result as a painting.

Also, already entered in the Old Age, concretely in the Roman civilization, it is known that its citizens used it like glue.

Of course, it would not be until the fifteenth century when reliable data on different recipes related to gelatine are found as we know it today. Without going any further, Christians should not eat any type of meat on Fridays and therefore gelatins with different meats and vegetables were created as a substitute for that day of the week.

Just in the twilight of the Middle Ages, began to develop gelatine in the production of sweets, desserts and other foods related to baking.

Some three centuries later, this product so well-known in the world, would begin to be object of desire within the more elitist families of the different European societies. It is precisely in the middle of the eighteenth century, when an incredible demand began that led to its mass production.

For more information, names like those of chef Antoine Carême (one of the most reputable cooks to give this curious product) or the businessman Peter Cooper (would invent a new way to eat gelatine making it taste), gave the necessary impetus to Which has now reached the whole world.


Here are some fun and easy recipes so you can practice them and make them at home:

Multicolored gelatine shot

Ingredients : 720 ml of water, 6 sachets of gelatin, 1 box of strawberry gelatine (optional flavor), 1 box of lemon gelatine (optional flavor), 1 box of blueberry gelatine (optional flavor) and 700 ml Flavored vodka

Preparation : Pour 240 ml of water into a small saucepan by sprinkling two flavors of gelatin to taste to soak for a minute or two. Then, heat the result to simmer while stirring until dissolution. Subsequently, remove the fire and add a small box of gelatine taste to taste (provided they are contrasting colors). To finish, we revolve in a small cup of about 240 milliliters of vodka, pouring it in a mold and finally freezing it in the refrigerator, Stir in 240 ml vodka. Pour the mixture into the mold and refrigerate until completely.

Orange peel filled with gelatin

  • Ingredients : Shells of oranges and gelatine powders.
  • Realization : Make some juice shells cut in such a way that they look like a"bowl"that you pick up after a good orange juice. Clean them carefully and pour the gelatin of different colors on each half. Now, we freeze them in the refrigerator until the gelatine solidifies and after this we cut them into different segments to serve and feel an incredible and powerful explosion of flavor in your mouth. It is necessary to indicate that this can be done in the same way with different fruit peels.

Gelatin with gum worms

  • Ingredients : Worm gum, kiwi gelatin, strawberry jelly and lemon jelly.
  • Realization : In a glass that is striking and transparent we will make the gelatin in such a way that it is divided into a total of two, three, and even three layers. First, we put a first gelatine with a volume of about three fingers of the flavor that we like, and without it solidifying add to it worm-eaten gum inside. When we have done this step, and the gelatin is consistent, we can do the same process on two more occasions to get a funny glass of gelatine with worms. In addition, if we want to vary, we can try to change the flavors and even the different jelly beans that we will add.

Some curiosities about gelatine

  • Although its use has spread throughout the course of history, it would not adopt the name of"gelatine"until the 1700
  • Its uses are several, among which we find besides the already known in the gastronomy, other uses for the coating of medicines, the manufacture of photographic paper or uses in astronomy.
  • It has a resistance of about seven days without having to be in any type of refrigerator or conservative.

And what other benefits and properties of gelatin do you know?

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