TheĀ Airfield animalsĀ Are those that can combine the ability to exploit different types of environments, such as air and land. This taxonomic category of zoological classification is the combination between that of terrestrial animals and aerial animals, since most species share characteristics of both types.
Many of the air-terrestrial animals have the ability to move both on the ground, with their hind legs or limbs, as in the air, thanks to their wings or leading limbs.
The main problem that presents the biome to these species is the support, reason why they inhabit so much in the air as in the earth. For this reason, the air-terrestrial animals adapted to a rigid vertebral structure, a skeleton of strong bones that gave them support.
They are birds that, for the most part, do not have developed the ability to fly. Some species do, they pass alternately between one habitat and another, but their life cycle they fulfill it on the earth.
Characteristics and anatomy
The air-terrestrial animals are vertebrates that, according to the species, can be fed of vegetables or meat, reason why there are families carnivorous, herbivorous or omnivorous.
The demarcation of this category by zoology is not exhaustive, as all the aerial animals need the support of the earth. The difference between these two nomenclatures lies in how they develop their life cycle.
All animals have a life cycle that is composed of a series of biological processes that are distributed at birth, development or growth, reproduction and death.
Once they are born, all beings of this class begin the development of their life. In that process they acquire the first motor skills, the nutritional concepts and the necessary survival activities. Once they reach maturity, it enters the reproductive stage.
The reproduction of air-terrestrial animals, and that of all animals in general, is always conceptualized between the female and the male, although it varies depending on the characteristics of each species.
The ways in which life is conceived is as varied as the number of subspecies that make up the fauna of planet Earth.
When its life cycle begins to die out, death is coming. The duration of the life cycle also depends exclusively on each of the species and their habitat.
The class of air-terrestrial animals is difficult to categorize by zoology because it comprises species with physiological differences that led to it having completely different modes of locomotion.
While some can fly, others can plan, some jump, others grip agility, there are also species that move through the branches and there are those that crawl.
All have motor skills with the lower or back members, so that most of them can move around with very different steps.
Air-terrestrial animals may comprise many different specimens in their locomotion, which also causes them to inhabit different biomes.
The jungle is one of the ecosystems most populated by this class of animals, due to the lush density of its vegetation, which gives security and shelter from inclement weather or other species.
In this type of biome there is a kind of natural transport that facilitated the adaptation of some air-terrestrial animals to this medium.
One of these peculiarities of the forest are the lianas, which give some individuals the ease of movement in the heights, being able to go from one tree to another and inhabit them.
Also some strong and thick branches can be of great help for some of these species, among which are mainly highlighted some apes.
Other air-terrestrial animals have folds in their skin that allow them to make this type of movements of displacement without having to go by the terrestrial ground. For example, some small mammals such as marsupials or opossums.
Some species of this class present in their lower or back and front members, claws or legs with compressible physiognomies. This allows them to be able to live in the trees without risk of being attracted by the force of gravity to the terrestrial soil.
Usually, these are hook-shaped limbs that allow them to be easily attached to branches. Some animals, such as chimpanzees and bonobos, have thumbs.
It is considered as air-terrestrial animals to some species that have as a mode of locomotion the ability to crawl, thus climbing great vertical surfaces, like the trees.
It is not necessarily a large specimen or resistance to obstacles, but also some tiny organisms that reach great heights without being warned. An example is usually worms.
In addition, there may be some air-terrestrial animals exhibiting wings rather than front members, but their classification is still poorly developed by the constant evolution of their organisms and adaptation to the environment.
In this type of animals that have wings, some with the ability to fly, are the clearest examples of the class of air-terrestrial animals.
The case of the owls is clear. It is an ancestral species that inhabits trees, has wings and can fly, but they feed on waste from terrestrial species. They are animal scavengers with a great sense of sight and hearing, with claws and a flight without noise, that allows them to realize their life cycle mainly during the night.
Their great adaptability allows them to live in different ecosystems or natural habitats, but it is more normal to find them in jungles or forests.
Flamingos, hens and some species of ostriches are also examples of air-terrestrial animals, which live on land and can perform short flights or low glides.