Anisochromia: Characteristics and Main Causes

The anisocromy is an erythrocytic abnormality that is defined as the lack of consistency and homogeneity in color that occurs between red blood cells and others.

RBCs, also called red blood cells or erythrocytes , are a cellular component of the blood with a circular shape and that is responsible for transporting oxygen to the different tissues that make up the body.

Anisochromia: Characteristics and Main Causes Erythrocytes

They are mainly made up of lipids, proteins and a molecule called hemoglobin.

Anisochromia is an important indicator in hematology for the detection of diseases and health control of people.


To understand anisocromy it is imperative to speak of hemoglobin, which is a hemoprotein with an iron particle (Fe + 2) present in erythrocytes of vertebrates.

Because of the valence of the iron molecule present in the hemoglobin an unstable bond is formed with oxygen (O2), which allows the particle to have sufficient"force"to grasp it, but weak enough to deliver.

Hemoglobin is also responsible for giving the characteristic red color to erythrocytes. When this hemoprotein is oxygenated, the color of erythrocytes is a deep red, while when it loses the oxygen molecule, it appears in a dark red. Cialis. Viagra.

When talking about anisochromy, not only must we think about the color that is present in the erythrocytes, because this term is closely related to the thickness of the erythrocytes present in a sample. This is due to the modification in the tinctorial density of red blood cells. Viagra. Cialis.

Normal erythrocyte conditions

Normal erythrocytes have a diameter between 7 and 8 with slight variations, and their staining is dark pink in the periphery and has a pale pink in the center. Its shape is circular and sometimes with slight irregularities. Cialis. Viagra.

It is important to have these conditions of reference so as not to confuse one condition or condition with another.

This is why there are books and research for the classification of erythrocytes according to their shape, color and diseases with which they may be related.

Related causes and diseases

Iron is a key element in the synthesis of hemoglobin as a substrate for a combination of protoporphyrin to form the heme group.

Therefore, a low iron concentration results in a low production of hemoglobin. This results in a considerably lower oxygen retention rate for erythrocytes, thus a lower overall oxygenation for the whole organism. Cialis. Viagra.

This is why hypochromia (low color intensity) is directly related to the amount of iron present in the blood. When there are low levels of oxygen in erythrocytes the color of these changes considerably compared to normal ones.

Usually anisochromy occurs in cases of anemia, the onset of treatment of deficient anemia, in patients with hypokalemia anemia who have been transfused or with people who have lost a lot of blood suddenly. Viagra. Cialis.

It should be noted that iron deficiency anemia is the largest nutritional problem worldwide and its impacts range from the reduction of work capacity in adults to the decline of motor and mental development in children and adolescents.

Several organizations, such as The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSKT) and The U.S. Food and nutrition board recommend having iron-rich diets, including taking dietary supplements primarily for the population at risk of anemia (infants, menstruating women, and pregnant women). Viagra. Cialis.

These organizations have also published the recommended daily dose for the at-risk population.


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