Behavior Modification: Characteristics, History and Criticism

The Behavior modification Refers to all the techniques that are used to increase or decrease the occurrence of a particular type of behavior or reaction.

Do you remember when your parents punished you as a child? Why do you think they did it? They deprecated a concrete action and, through punishment, hoped that you would not do it again in the future. This is an excellent example of behavior modification.

Behavioral modification

It is also used in other areas: animal trainers use it to develop obedience and teach"tricks"to their pets and therapists use it to promote healthy behaviors in their patients.

Behavior modification is even used in our relationships with friends and partners, albeit unconsciously. The responses we provide to their behaviors teach them what we like and do not like.

Characteristics of Behavior Modification

Although behavior modification is something that we can do almost all informally and, sometimes, unconscious, in this article we will focus on behavior modification in psychological therapy.

As it is not easy to delimit the concept of behavior modification, we will see a list of its basic characteristics, including its theoretical bases.

  1. It is based on the theoretical principles of Psychology of Learning And in models derived from scientific psychology to explain, predict, and treat behavior.
  2. Behavior, normal or abnormal, is acquired, maintained and modified by the principles of learning. In this way, behavior is, to a large extent, a consequence of learning.
  3. Its objective is the modification or elimination of maladapted or negative behaviors, replacing them with more adapted ones.
  4. Behavior modification puts the emphasis on the here and now, on the current determinants of the current problem. This does not mean that past history is rejected; The causes of behavior are always important in determining how to change it. The object of action is the current problem behavior.
  5. Experimental methodology is used in the evaluation of the behaviors, the design of the treatment and the evaluation of the results.
  6. Behavior modification is active: assigned tasks are crucial to change.
  7. Performing the previous point increases the capacity of Self-control , Becoming the patient in his own therapist; This involves teaching you coping skills and resources.
  8. The behavior modification is individualized: the treatment adapts to the subject and his circumstances, finding the best for each person.
  9. Behavior modification is gradual, progressively increasing the resources and skills of the person.


Background (1938)

Behavior modification is based on the concept of conditioning, which is a form of learning. What will later be the behavioral modification derives from Pavlov's classical conditioning laws, Thorndike's law of effect, and Watson's formulations on behaviorism.

There are two main forms of conditioning: the classical, based on a particular stimulus or signal that causes an action; and the operating , Which involves using a system of rewards and / or punishments to change a behavior.

Behavior modification was developed from these theories because they supported the idea that behaviors, just as they are learned, can also be unlearned. As a result, many techniques were developed to cause or decrease the occurrence of behaviors.

However, these sporadic applications in practice seemed to be reduced or stopped around 1940. Thereafter there was a retreat to laboratories and the development of more consistent learning theories, in order to derive more effective intervention techniques.

Emergence and initial developments (1938-1958)

In this period the neo-conductive theories of learning were developed: Hull, Guthrie, Mowrer, Tolman and, above all, Skinner , Who says that behavior must be explicable, predictable and controllable from functional relationships with its environmental antecedents and consequent rejection of explanations based on internal constructs.

The behavioral modification appeared as a consequence of a series of facts: dissatisfaction with the results of traditional treatments in clinical psychology; Criticism of others Types of psychotherapies To treat neurosis ...

It began to reject the role of clinical psychologist limited only to diagnosis and began the demand for professional help and alternative procedures to the effects of World War II, since traditional procedures (eg. psychoanalysis ) Were not served.

Under these conditions, behavioral change emerged at different points: the United States, South Africa and England.

Consolidation of behavior modification: theoretical foundation (1958-1970)

This is a very behavioral stage, with a lot of emphasis on observable events and behaviors. The intervention was directed at modifying maladaptive behaviors and the possibility of mental processes underlying these behaviors was not considered. All disorders were explained in terms of stimulus-response relationships.

The emphasis was on the objective demonstration of treatment efficacy: it was necessary to observe verifiable changes to verify that a therapy or treatment had been effective. Treatment programs and explanatory models of the disorders were simple and with few variables.

On the other hand, the theoretical contributions derive from authors from social learning: Bandura , Kanfer, Mischel, Staats. All of them emphasize the importance of cognitive and mediational aspects in explaining behavior.

Expansion and methodological foundation (1970-1990)

It is a much more practical, applied stage, characterized by definitions of behavior modification and more epistemological. Applications were separated from grounding in research and derived theories.

He began the development of cognitive techniques such as Rational-emotive therapy And cognitive restructuring, as well as techniques of self-control, modeling and feedback.

At this stage he began to import training in self-control skills for a greater generalization of what was learned in therapy and to equip the patient with resources in the face of problems.

The treatments became more complex, integrating diverse techniques, and applied to behavioral patterns more global and generalized. The role of therapist-client relationships and therapist skills was emphasized.

Variables such as attributional styles, self-efficacy, and basic behavioral repertoires became more important in therapies and theories related to behavior modification at this time.

The scope of application of behavior modification was expanded, as there were no theoretical limitations, to many areas of health other than mental health and educational, work and community. The interventions began to be applied in individual, group or community format.

Reconceptualization (1990-present)

At this stage we have tried to put theory into practice with the elaboration of several explanatory models. The emphasis has been on the theoretical basis of the techniques and on the explanatory models of the disorders to guide evaluation and intervention.

They begin to use the knowledge of psychology as a science, especially experimental cognitive psychology (research on perception, attention, memory, thinking, etc.).

The emphasis is on evaluating the efficacy of therapeutic procedures, since there is no point in studying the underlying processes of the techniques if they are not effective.

In addition to the knowledge of cognitive psychology, the knowledge of other disciplines such as physiology, Neuropsychology And pharmacology.

Environmental variables such as context become more important, as well as emotional self-control.


The purpose of behavior modification is not to understand why or how a particular behavior began, even though it is relevant data. This area focuses on behavior change, for which various techniques are used, among which are included the ones that will be described below:

Positive reinforcement

This technique, based on behavioral theories, consists of pairing a positive stimulus with a specific behavior. A good example of positive reinforcement would be when teachers reward students with stickers for good grades.

Positive reinforcement is also often used in dog training. Rewarding the behavior of animals with something to eat is positively reinforcing the behavior emitted.

Negative reinforcement

This technique is the opposite of positive reinforcement. It consists of matching the disappearance of a negative or aversive stimulus with a specific behavior.

A child who gets up and down every time they put vegetables on them and finally gets to eat something else is a good example of negative reinforcement. The child is getting, through his tantrum, the disappearance of the negative stimulus that is the vegetable.


Punishment is designed to weaken behaviors by pairing an unpleasant stimulus with behavior. Receiving a speeding ticket is a good example of punishment.


Flooding techniques involve exposing the person to objects, stimuli or situations that cause them fear, in an intense and rapid way: for example, forcing someone with Fear of snakes To hold one for ten minutes.

Systematic Desensitization

It is also used for Treat phobias , And involves teaching the individual to remain calm while focusing on their particular fear. For example, someone scared of bridges might start by looking at a photo of a bridge, then he could continue to think about standing on a bridge and finally walk on a bridge.

Aversive therapy

It consists of pairing an unpleasant stimulus with unwanted behavior to eliminate such behavior. To stop biting your nails, for example, there is a substance that is applied and makes the nails know badly. Painting the nails with this substance helps to eliminate the behavior of nail biting.

Areas of application

The use of behavioral modification techniques may seem quite obvious in children and in animals, but it also applies to adults at more complex levels.

From the clinical point of view, behavior modification applies to virtually all DSM-IV-TR and ICD-10 clinical disorders or problems, as well as to interpersonal relationships problems ( Partner difficulties , Family mediation, Gender violence , Etc.), in which it has shown satisfactory results.

It has also been applied to the field of physical diseases, both in health promotion, prevention and treatment, and in the improvement of health care and health systems.

Other areas where it is applied are the industrial area and human resources, in order to improve performance and safety at work and to prevent occupational hazards, or in the psychology of sports to improve performance. In addition, it applies to specific populations: the elderly, children, Disabled ...

In short, behavior modification applies to people of all ages, cultures, and all kinds of psychological problems. His techniques are effective for many problems and groups of people for whom traditional psychotherapy had no answer.

However, it should be noted that certain behavior modification techniques may not be the optimal or most effective treatment for some individuals.

Critique of Behavior Modification

One of the most widespread criticisms of the theories underlying this area is skeptical with the assumption that the probability of behavior increases only when it is reinforced.

This premise is contrary to the evidence Albert Bandura At Stanford University. Their findings indicate that violent behaviors are imitated, without being reinforced, in studies conducted with children who have seen films showing several individuals being violent.

Bandura believes that human personality and learning are the result of the interaction between environment, behavior and psychological processes. There is evidence, however, that imitation is a type of behavior that can be learned like any other.

Children have been shown to mimic behaviors they have never emitted before or have never been rewarded, after being instructed to imitate, in general.


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