Consequences of the dissolution of La Gran Colombia

The Consequences of the dissolution of Gran Colombia Are reflected in the constitution of three new independent states in the South American continent, namely the republics of Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador.

Liberator Simon Bolivar in his proclamation of September 8, 1819, advocated the meeting of Venezuela and New Granada in a single republic.

Consequences great dissolution columbia

It reached its desire in the year 1821 when the Congress of Angostura approves the Constitution of the Great Colombia creating a unique centralized state composed by three great departments: Venezuela, Quito and Cundinamarca.

The creation of the Great Colombia contributed greatly to the emancipatory cause, and reflected in the campaigns of 1821 and 1822, however, the great idea of ​​the liberator would last only ten years.

The territory of the Great Colombia was very extensive and the communication between departments was difficult, in addition the local caudillos and the oligarchy were displeased with the Constitution approved and the election of Bogota like the capital of the state.

In addition to these causes, plus the rise of the Cosiata movement and the constant ideological struggle between federalists and centralists, Gran Colombia came to an end.

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Main consequences of the dissolution of Gran Colombia

1- Ideological

When the Bolivarian ideal of creating a single nation in South America was broken, community identity in the hemisphere was lost.

The existence of different caudillos and military leaders in the departments made it impossible to consolidate a great republic, especially after a war such as that of independence.

By the time of the dissolution of Great Colombia, the social mentality and political culture of Latin America prevented the establishment of an executive subject to Bogota, and a system of centralist government.

It is for this reason that the first consequence points to the impossibility of reconstructing an ideal like that of Bolivar again.

2- Policies

Once established the Congress of Valencia in Venezuela, which declares the independence of this department and writes the first Venezuelan constitution, military leader Jose Antonio Paez requests that Bolivar be expelled from Venezuela and Colombia.

Páez states that if Bolivar were found in the territory, it would be impossible to achieve peace and independence of the constituent departments of La Gran Colombia.

Bolivar is accused of tyrant and dictator, and begins to lose power over the masses and the executive in Colombia.

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3- Economic

The departments belonging to Gran Colombia were in a great economic crisis by the time of their dissolution.

The Wars of independence Had eroded the lands and the budget of the nations, which added to the world economic crisis of 1920 put the recent nations in a serious situation of disadvantage.

The struggles for independence had disrupted the entire economy, leaving them with high external debts to pay off.

And, as of 1831, it was the constant civil strife, administrative corruption, and the unfavorable conditions of borrowing that destabilized the economy.

Venezuela after 1830

Venezuela, having been the intellectual author of the separation of Gran Colombia due to the emergence of the Cosiata movement with its leader José Antonio Páez, underwent numerous political, economic and social changes as a result of the separation.

Birth of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

With the constitution of 1830, approved in the Congress of Valencia, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is born.

This constitution established a central-federal power distribution that sought to please both centrists and federalists, with Jose Antonio Páez assuming command of the nascent republic.

Increased problem of latifundio

It is known under that name the form of agricultural exploitation that predominated in Venezuela throughout the nineteenth century.

The lands became concentrated in the hands of few people, who became personally enriched and impoverished the country. He large estate Is considered as the main cause of the Venezuelan backwardness.

There was a great impoverishment of the producers, who were exploited by the owners of the lands due to the high collection of incomes and taxes.

Emergence of a conservative oligarchy

Led by José Antonio Páez, he distributed power only in the hands of a few, namely the main caudillos of the country.

Low-productivity agricultural economy

The main resources that came to Venezuela came from the export of coffee and cocoa alone.

Agriculture and cattle ranching were in ruins, and small export resources were insufficient to carry forward the new republic and its socio-political organization.

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Colombia after 1830

Quite different from Venezuelan reality, Colombia, owned a mining economy with certain manufacturing companies, as well as well established urban centers that allowed the birth of a strong ruling class in the country.

Colombia begins its independent life under the name of"Republic of New Granada"after approving in a constituent congress the arrival of General Francisco de Paula Santander.

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Ecuador after 1830

The republic was born as the state of Ecuador in the year 1830, being in agreement with the decisions taken by Venezuela to decide not to belong to Gran Colombia. This stage was led by Juan José Flores.

Its artisanal agricultural economy and the commerce established with the port of Guayaquil gave it a favorable economic situation after separating the Great Colombia.

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  1. Constitutions of Colombia. Retrieved on August 25, 2017
  2. Dissolution of La Gran Colombia . Retrieved on August 25, 2017
  3. Ecuador is separated from La Gran Colombia. Retrieved on August 25, 2017 from
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