Explanatory Research: Characteristics, Techniques and Examples

The explanatory research is oriented to establish the causes that originate a certain phenomenon. It is a type of quantitative research that discovers the why and the why of a phenomenon.

The causes and effects of the studied are revealed from an explanation of the phenomenon deductively from theories or laws. Explanatory research generates operational definitions referring to the phenomenon studied and provides a model closer to the reality of the object of study.

Explanatory Research: Characteristics, Techniques and Examples

When the research tries to determine the causes of a phenomenon, we talk about post facto research. But if what matters is to investigate its effects, this is an experimental investigation.

The results and conclusions of this type of research represent a deep level of knowledge of the object studied.

Who does an explanatory research aims to analyze how things interact, so it is important to have sufficient prior understanding of the phenomenon. There are explanatory studies to make diagnoses, predictions and evaluations.


  • 1 Characteristics of explanatory research
    • 1.1 Increase understanding of the phenomenon
    • 1.2 Diversify sources
    • 1.3 Improve the conclusions
    • 1.4 Anticipates the effects of changes
    • 1.5 Increases the chances of replicating the study
    • 1.6 Systematic selection of subjects
  • 2 Explanatory research techniques
    • 2.1 Case studies
    • 2.2 Causal studies
    • 2.3 Longitudinal studies
    • 2.4 Correlation studies
    • 2.5 Bibliographic review
    • 2.6 In-depth interviews
    • 2.7 Focus groups
  • 3 Examples
  • 4 The cause in scientific research
    • 4.1 Concomitant variation (correlation)
    • 4.2 Temporary ordering
    • 4.3 Elimination of other possible causal factors
  • 5 Articles of interest
  • 6 References

Characteristics of explanatory research

Increase understanding of the phenomenon

Although it does not offer conclusive conclusions, explanatory research allows the researcher to obtain a more accurate understanding of the phenomenon and its causes.

Diversify sources

In the explanatory investigations, the use of secondary sources . For the same reason, the researcher should be attentive when selecting their sources, ensuring that they are diverse and impartial.

Improve the conclusions

When you have the results of this research, the questions that will guide further work are clearer.

Understanding the object of study better guarantees the usefulness of the conclusions of the investigation.

Anticipates the effects of changes

An explanatory study helps to distinguish the causes of many processes, which at the same time allows anticipating the possible effects that some changes in it can generate.

Increase the chances of replicate the study

East kind of investigation it can be replicated in other circumstances to try to investigate possible new versions of the phenomenon.

Systematic selection of subjects

By rigorously selecting the subjects of the study, internal validity is added to the investigation.

Other features could be:

  • Determine which of the possible explanations for a phenomenon is the best.
  • It helps to verify the accuracy of the theory on which it is based.
  • Reveals the validity of a hypothesis.
  • It implies the capacity of analysis and synthesis on the part of the researcher.

Techniques of explanatory research

Some of the methodologies used in explanatory research are:

Case studies

They help pinpoint the why and how of the phenomenon to investigate.

Causal studies

They allow to establish empirical correlations of the variables.

Longitudinal studies

Because by studying a phenomenon over time, you can detect its possible changes and its immutable aspects.

Correlation studies

With this method you can identify relationships between the variables of a given phenomenon. Generally this method is applied to the field of social phenomena or that of the laws of physical .

Bibliographic review

In any type of research, bibliography review is required to have the background of the work and a state of the art of what has been done with respect to the object of study in the scientific field.

The bibliographic search is faster and less expensive than other methodologies and may include: electronic or digital files, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, letters, commercial and academic literature, etc.

In-depth interviews

This method is a kind of deeper or higher level of the literature review.

It is about accessing specialized information and first hand, from people who have had experience with the object of study.

It should include a battery of semi-structured questions that guide the conversation to obtain the relevant data within the research work.

Focus groups

This method consists of gathering people with common characteristics in relation to the object of study in order to obtain relevant data about the phenomenon studied.

It can be groups of between 8 and 15 people. A detailed record must be made of everything that happens during that meeting and then process the information found.


Below are some examples of what could be considered explanatory investigations:

  • If a book distributor for children and youth wants to know why sales are falling, you may need to do an in-depth interview with administrators, parents and teachers.
  • The aim is to determine the impact of direct foreign investment on the levels of economic growth of a given country.
  • We want to analyze the effects of the change in the image of a product in its sales levels.
  • The impact of the inclusion of a school transport on the punctuality levels of the students is studied.

The cause in scientific research

A cause in the context of explanatory research is that which causes a particular phenomenon. But phenomena, as a rule, have several causes, each of which must be considered as a necessary but insufficient condition.

If each of the possible causes are seen as a whole, they function as a sufficient condition. That is, a sufficient condition is the sum of all the necessary conditions.

Then, in the field of explanatory research, the cause is the necessary and sufficient condition for the phenomenon studied to occur. In an explanatory investigation, causality must meet three requirements:

Concomitant variation (correlation)

When there is a correlation between two variables, there is causality. However, it is not enough that there is correlation. It is necessary that the other two requirements are met.

Temporary ordering

This requirement implies that for X to be really the cause of Y, always X must occur before Y. At least simultaneously.

Elimination of other possible causal factors

The possible existence of other causal factors must be ruled out.

Articles of interest

Types of scientific research .

Exploratory investigation .

Correlation research .

Pure research .

Descriptive research .

Research interview .

Research variables .


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