Fairy Names | 20 names of these magical creatures

We all like that our first name has a special meaning. In general, at birth, our parents impose a name that seems unique, personal and representative; fortunately the custom of putting the saint of the day or the godfather or godmother was left behind. In Supercurioso we have seen what a name like Carmen or we have presented a list of biblical names or of angels . On this occasion we want to enter the world of fantasy to collect Fairy names . Join us to know 20 names of these magical creatures .

Fairy Names | 20 wonderful names of these magical creatures

We have considered the term " fairy "In a broad way and we have included besides genuine names of this type of fantastic beings, names of Ondinas, Nymphs, Sirens or Elfas, that most authors also consider" fairies ".

1. Aerwyna

Aerwyna is a name that comes from old English and that some fairies carry. It means "friend of the sea".

2. Áine

In Ireland, Áine is the queen of the fairies . The name comes from the Proto-Celtic "Aidna" which means brightness. It is also the name of a goddess of Celtic fertility, daughter of the god of the sea, who moves through space. In his honor, the summer solstice celebrations that were dedicated to San Juan were celebrated.

3. Ariel

Ariel is the name of a sylph that appears in Shakespeare's play "The Tempest". The sylphs were spirits of the air according to Paracelsus. Ariel's name can also be masculine and means "lion of God" and its origin is Hebrew.

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Detail of "Prospero and Ariel", by William Hamilton s.XVIII

4. Calypso

The name of Calipso comes from Greek mythology and corresponds to a seductive sea nymph that tries to conquer Ulysses (Odysseus). The hero stayed with her for 7 years and had two children. Finally he let him leave so he could return to his wife Penelope's side.

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Detail of "Calypso receiving Telemachus and Mentor in the cave" by William Hamilton s.XVIII

5. Coralia

Coralia comes from "coral" and is the name of an Ondina , a fairy of fresh water, starring in the ballet "Coralia or El Caballero Inconstante" based on the book "Undine" by Friedrich de la Motte Fouqué.

6. Cyrena or Cyrena

Cyrena in Greek mythology was a aquatic nymph who fought against a lion that was trying to attack Apollo. Gratefully, the god called Cyrenaica to a region of what is now Libya and built a city to which he named Cyrene.

7. Doris

Doris , according to Greek mythology, is the name of a nymph that lived in the oceans. It means "gift from the ocean". It is the mother of the nereids, the nymphs of the Mediterranean Sea. In this sense Nereid It would also be a fairy name, since it refers to those beautiful sea creatures that represent the most beautiful and friendly of the sea.

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8. Fay

Between the fairy names that are usually put to girls is the very word "fairy" in English: Fay. It derives from the old English word "faie" which means "fairy". You can also find the "Faye" script.

9. Lorelei

Lorelei , Loralei , Loreley or Lorelai is the name of a sensual fairy, mermaid or ripple of the Rhine river. The name means "attractive" and refers to his voice that attracted men and caused shipwrecks.

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Detail of "Loreley" by Emil Krupa-Krupinski - 1899

A rock on the Rhin river receives the name of Lorelei since according to the legend it is the place where the ondina lived.

10. Mab

Queen Mab comes from English folklore and is the queen of the fairies . In Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" we have a description of it. "I see that Queen Mab, the fairy midwife, has visited you. His body is as small as agate stone in the ring of an alderman. On the nose of the sleeping tiny beings pull their car ... ".

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Queen Mab, illustration by Arthur Rackham (1906)

It is a symbol of freedom and is considered the midwife of the fairies because it helps humans "give birth" to their dreams.

11. Melia

Melia is another of the fairy names that come from Greek mythology. This was called an oceanic nymph that was an Apollo couple with whom he had two children named Ismeni and Téner.

12. Melisande

Melisande is the protagonist of a fairy tale that gave rise to the well-known lyrical drama of Debussy and Maeterlinck "Pelléas et Mélisande".

13. Melusina

The name of Melusina comes from a medieval French story. She was one of the three fairy sisters who lived in Avalon. There are many legends about it that are included in the Arturian cycle.

14. Muirgen

Muirgen is the name of a siren of folklore from Ireland . She was a young human who became a mermaid. Captured in the sea after 300 years as a mermaid, she was baptized and became a saint. Muirgen means "born of the sea".

15. Naida

Naida is the name of a aquatic nymph . It's a pretty fairy name for a girl.

16. Ondina

Ondina or Undina is the name given to water spirits according to Paracelsus. The name means "small wave" and comes from German mythology. The undines are magical and beautiful beings but they have no immortal soul unless they espouse a human and have a child.

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"Ondina" by John William Waterhouse, 1872

17. Oriande

Oriande is one of the names of fairies that were used in the Middle Ages. Appears in the medieval work of the Carolingian cycle "Song of the four sons Aymon" . It brings the magical touch to chivalric history.

18. Titania

Titania is the name that receives the queen of the fairies in Shakespeare's play "A Midsummer Night's Dream". Titania, who has great pride and strength, will compete with Oberon, her husband.

19. Viviana

Viviana is one of the names by which the "Lady of the Lake" of the Arthurian legends is known. It is a fairy that in most legends is related to Merlin and the magic sword.

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Detail of "La Dama del Lago" by Lancelot Speed

20. Margot

"Margot la fée" is a name popularly received by fairies in many regions of northern France. Possibly the name derives from the fairy Morgana. They are invisible characters, who can metamorphose and transform others into what they want. Sometimes they are good and sometimes they have bad intentions. They are very powerful and have a habit of dancing in the light of the moon.

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"Fairies Looking Through A Gothic Arch" John Anster Fitzgerald s. XIX

What do you think of these fairy names ? Did you know them? If you know any more, share it with us!

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