Giant horses of nature | They will impress you!

One of the animal species that has helped man the most throughout history has been that of horse . These mammals have been used since time immemorial to move, fight or perform work in the field. Nowadays, most of them are used to work or compete in contests . There are many breeds of these animals, but in this article we will talk about the giant horses that exist in nature.

Each race of horse usually has some concrete characteristics that the differences of others, some of them have a quite big size compared with others. They are quite docile, despite what may seem by their size. There are some species of giant horses more known and other more rare that you will know thanks to this article. Uncover them!

Giant horses of nature | They will impress you!

1. Shire

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It is probably one of the best-known giant horse breeds that exist along with the percherón. They are natural England , they weigh approximately 1,000 to 1,200 kilograms, with a height of almost two meters in the most outstanding cases. These giant horses stand out for their strength and their shiny black fur, in addition to the characteristic hair that covers their hooves. It is believed that they are the most powerful and largest among all that exist today . This breed was created, mainly, so that the farmers had a strong and robust animal that would help them to carry out their daily tasks.

2. Clydesdale

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Very similar to the one we have presented previously, this horse comes from Scotland . Its large size should not intimidate you, since it has a very docile and peaceful character. Although in its beginnings, it was one of the smallest breeds of draft horses it has been evolving and increasing its size. It was created to help in the field, but its population dwindled because many of these horses were used to fight during the First World War. The highest specimens can measure up to 185 centimeters . Its coat can be of several dark colors and they stand out for the hair on the part of the hooves and for being more athletic than the Shire.

3. Drum Horse

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This species of giant horse receives its name because they were used to transport the drums ("drums" in English) that went to the vanguard of the troops. It needed a large horse that was visible to all the soldiers, so it crossed a kind of Gypsy and another of Shire, resulting in this fabulous animal. It is a kind of draft horse very docile and perfect for dressage , also comes from England and in appearance is very similar to those we have analyzed previously.

4. Percherón

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Another of the best known breeds of giant horses, although they are probably the smallest within this classification. Come from France and it is a very muscular horse. Currently, two broad general lines of this animal species can be found; the French, which is slightly smaller, and the American. The most striking feature of this animal is its bright and dense fur. Also, also they emphasize their short and muscular legs . It is usually used for shooting and is believed to come from Arabian horses that were much smaller.

5. Ardenés

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One of the oldest giant horse species that exists today, comes from the mountainous region between France and Belgium . As a curiosity, comment that there is evidence that the Ardennes already existed in the times of the Roman Empire, since Julius Caesar names it several times in his chronicles of the wars with Gaul. Their extremities are quite short, but extremely muscular and their weight can reach a ton. Like most of the horses that we have analyzed in this article, are used for the shot given its large size and power .

6. Brabant

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Generally known as a Belgian draft horse, this specimen was so used since prehistoric times that it has been exported from its country of origin to the rest of the world. Custom that was left to use just before the Second World War, due to the rapid spread of agricultural machinery. In addition to its strength, they stand out because they are indefatigable workers, characteristics that make them ideal to help in agricultural work.

As you may have noticed, most of the giant horse breeds you have met in this article were created to help human beings with their work in the field. Each and every one of these animals have great beauty, as you will see in the images that accompany the article. Now we would like to know your opinion about this topic. Do you like horses? Have you seen any race in person that we mentioned earlier? Do you know any more? Do not hesitate to leave your comments, We are looking forward to reading them!

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