How Attila died | The death of the mighty warrior

Attila was one of the most important conquerors in the history of mankind . The Huns, as their people were known, became the most powerful empire on the European continent during the life of the great caudillo. Known as the Scourge of God, his kingdom stretched from Central Europe to the Black Sea and from the Danube river to the Baltic Sea . After the death of Attila, this great empire broke and disintegrated. In this article we will delve into precisely that, how Attila died. If you want to know all the reasons, you just have to keep reading.

Of the death of Atila, many things have been read and there are two versions that have more weight than the rest. As you can imagine, the biggest difficulty is that the event happened in the year 453, and therefore any source you have is not very reliable. The date of his death is the data in which all experts agree and we can find writings from contemporary authors, so although we may never know what happened if we have some evidence to make hypotheses. There are several theories and in Supercurioso we are going to analyze all of them. Uncover them!

How Attila died | All possible theories

1. Death after your wedding

How Attila died

One of the most accepted hypotheses is that the death of the great warrior was not at all glorious . Attila, he married a woman named Ildico and on his wedding night he met his death. Those attending his wedding, discovered the body of the chief of the Huns in the nuptial bed. This theory defends that of so much to celebrate and to drink, it is possible that it burst a blood vessel . "The first to relate the version of the death by intoxication of Attila was Priscus, a Thracian historian who lived during the fifth century. Being a contemporary of the leader of the Huns, this story is given a lot of credibility.

It seems quite plausible that after a night of excess, the body of the warrior collapsed. In addition to the way it was found, it points to an internal spill. The version of the accidental death is the official one, although there is another that contains a small variation. Atila died due to drowning by a nosebleed that occurred while he was making love with his brand new wife . One or the other version are two ways of dying a lot more ridiculous than expected. Prisco, knew first hand all the political intrigues that surrounded Attila and had been killed the news would have been known since the first version.

2. Killed at the hands of his wife

How Attila died 1

Other sources argue that Attila died on his wedding night, but not because of a natural death, but because He was killed by his newly taken wife . Always according to this writer, the wife pierced the warrior's throat with a dagger so that he would bleed to death. In the early fifth century, betrayals and violent deaths were the daily bread . It should not surprise us at all that this theory is true. This version was the work of a Roman chronicler, called Conde Marcelino. The only weak point that this hypothesis raises is that it emerged almost one hundred years after the death of Attila. So that could be built to add more drama to the death of the great conqueror .

The reasons given by this Roman chronicler, and future writers who also defend this version, is that the wife was in conspiracy with an enemy of Attila and his murder would be chaos and the breaking of his mighty empire. Something, that by the way, really happened as soon as the famous warrior was buried. As we have commented previously, most experts in the field consider the first version as good. Describe the hypothesis of murder as an invention made to make history more epic and dramatic .

We are sure that both explanations about how Attila died They have surprised me a lot. Without a doubt, the murder version is much more romantic and appropriate for a good book. While the theory that he choked on his own blood while drunk, it is rather disappointing but more plausible especially because the author that development lived in the time of the chief of the Huns. Now we would like very much to know your opinion about how Attila died. Did you think that a great warrior could die in such an epic way ? Do you think he was actually murdered by his wife and thus assume a political benefit for another king? What version of Attila's death is true for you? Do not hesitate to comment, we are looking forward to reading you!

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