Lara, the nymph to which Jupiter ordered to cut the tongue

The affairs of the gods, both Greek and Roman, tend to betray complicated relationships when, in the eyes of 21st century citizens, they are absolutely criminal. Many of them forced their partners and in the case of Poseidon , the Greek god of the sea, can even speak of a rapist in series. Revenge, punishments, murders ... and in the case that concerns us mutilation. Join us to know the myth of Lara, the nymph to which Jupiter ordered to cut the tongue. Why did he do it?

Lara, the nymph who lost her tongue

Tell the myth of Lara (also Larunda or Laranda) that this was a naiad , that is, a water nymph, daughter of the god-river Almon. She was a very beautiful girl, but her parents often reproached her for not being able to hold her tongue. Lara He talked non-stop and revealed secrets that he should not.

Lara, the nymph to which Jupiter ordered to cut the tongue

Detail of "Hilas y las Ninfas" by John W. Waterhouse, 1896

Jupiter He had fallen in love with a nymph named Yuturna, but she did not listen to him. As the god did not stop harassing her, the nymph decided to throw herself into the Tiber and hide on its banks. Jupiter called all the naiads and ordered them to prevent Yuturna from hiding. All obeyed less Lara , who went to where Juno, Jupiter's wife, was and explained what was happening.

Jupiter angered and ordered that his tongue be cut off as punishment for talking about what he should not. Once the sentence was applied, he ordered Mercury in his capacity as psicopompo to accompany her to the underworld where she must remain for all eternity. Nevertheless, Mercury fell in love with her and on the way they maintained relationships from which two children were born: the Lares. The god hid his beloved in a cabin in the forest so that Jupiter could not find her. Finally, he found her and forced her to live at crossroads, which according to Roman mythology are places where the world of the living and the dead also crosses.

Lara, the nymph to which Jupiter ordered to cut the tongue 1

Ninfa Larunda or Lara

Lara, when her tongue was cut off, fell silent. For this reason she was venerated in Rome as the goddess of silence protecting from malicious words and envy. It is also known as "Small cup" and Numa Pompilio, the second king of Rome He started his cult as "Dea Muta" , silent goddess, considering that in politics silence was as valuable as eloquence. It is related to the land, the homes and the ghosts as well as to the crossings where the Romans often deposited offerings of roses and wine to implore their protection. Its symbols are homes (house fire), clay and ovens.

Lara, the nymph to which Jupiter ordered to cut the tongue 2

Lararium in Pompeii

Their children, the lares , they were protective deities of the home. As invisible domestic gods they were venerated in all Roman homes.

Did you know Lara ? Did you know that the Roman Lares were children of this nymph and of Mercury?

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