Moral Judgment: Characteristics, Types, Examples

He Moral judgment Is the ability to reason correctly about what needs to be done in a specific situation. This judgment enables humans to make decisions and judgments about what is right or what is wrong.

In action, moral judgment is expressed through opinions or decisions that support their judgment. Morality is a set of principles and beliefs that relate to right and wrong behavior.

Differences between ethics and morals

Moral judgment is a judgment that has to do with the moral value or quality of an action. A value judgment evaluates the correctness or incorrectness of our actions.

When a moral judgment is analyzed, it can be found to contain a subject who will judge, an object whose action will be judged, and a standard in accordance with which the action of the subject will be judged.

Moral judgment is the sentence of moral quality of habitual voluntary actions. Generally a moral judgment occurs in the habitual voluntary actions of a rational human being.

The voluntary actions of a rational person involve deliberation, decision and resolution; For that reason have the quality of being right or wrong.

Actions are considered good or bad in reference to the moral standard. On the basis of this standard, moral judgment is given.

Moral judgment in humans

Moral judgment is the process in which an individual defines what is wrong, what is right, what is good, what is bad, what is insane, what is surreal, what is ethical, what is Unethical, neutral, etc.

It could be said that any decision that implies the ability to affect another person is a moral decision.

The standards with which these value judgments are made are fundamentally based on the human perspective.

It sets a standard of what is good through a rational consensus established formed of an ideal formed by the communal collective consciousness.

Often moral judgment comes from shared history or observation of atrocities committed by others, for example. These actions can be committed to oneself or to other people.

Moral judgment may also include some intuition; That intrinsic feeling or sense that things are right or wrong. To go deeper into the subject of moral judgments, it is necessary to study ethics.

Ethics is the primary basis for having a good sense of moral judgment. And it is not only necessary to study it; It is necessary to dive into this topic to understand all aspects of"good"actions.

In this way the chances of having a good conception or a wise mental frame about what implies good and evil increase.


It can be said that moral judgments involve several processes and evaluations. For morality judgment to be given, it should generally include the following stages:

  • Intention, an idea about what is going to happen or about action.
  • Reason, a reason why an action is performed.
  • Character trait, personality aspects of an individual.
  • Aspects of situation, referring to the circumstances surrounding the action.
  • Environment, where an action is performed or the environment where it is performed.
  • History, past aspects that can influence some action.
  • Remuneration, the answer you have when you have made the value judgment.

Moral judgment is active by nature. This is because moral judgment is given about the voluntary and habitual acts of people and not about their passive experiences.

Additionally, moral judgment is social implicitly. Voluntary acts of a person are good or bad because they affect the interest of other individuals.

The man is a social being; The rights and duties of his or her actions occur in relation to other members of society. For this reason, separate moral judgment of society is simply inconceivable.

It can be said that moral judgment is compulsory; The sentence can be thought of as correct, while we feel the moral obligation to carry it out.

Similarly, if the moral judgment of an act is taken as bad, we may feel the moral obligation to abstain.

Types and examples

Primarily, there are four types of moral judgments. Moral judgments respond to the same model of logical reasoning, therefore:

  • Affirmative or negative moral judgment; Such as"it is not bad to kill someone who killed your family"
  • Universal moral judgment, particular or singular; Such as"all firefighters do their job correctly"
  • Hypothetical moral judgment; Such as"if the adolescent enters that school will become a religious fanatic"
  • Problematic moral judgment; As for example"all Arabs are necessarily involved in terrorist activities"


Moral judgments are not just opinions. They are decisions by which human beings condemn other human beings to processes such as social exclusion, imprisonment, or even violent reprisals.

Due to its weight, it is assumed that moral judgments are rational in nature. However recent research has shown that moral judgment also has a lot to do with intuition and foreboding.

Thanks to this, there are natural or socially learned intuitions about what is right or wrong that promote immediate sentences of any moral situation.

This is not correct since the causes, intent and effects of harmful actions should generally be discussed.

This is because morality is a fundamental human work. Morality is based on what is acceptable behavior in different cultures; What is perceived as evil in the eyes of one society can be accepted and seen as something positive in the eyes of another.

However, each individual makes their moral judgment based on their fundamental perception of morality.

Moral judgment is always accompanied by a sense of duty or moral obligation. And this moral obligation is essentially imposed by oneself. In this way, we can find the meaning of moral judgment.


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