Mount Kelimutu, a magical place where the crater lakes change color

One of the most magical places on the planet is found in Indonesia, a country halfway between Asia Y Oceania , at Mount Kelimutu , territory of three lakes that of different colors on the top of a volcano. To be there is to witness a natural spectacle that goes beyond words. Locals say that when they die, the spirit of the deceased is submerged in some of them. Join us to explore them!

Mount Kelimutu, place of the lakes that change color

He Mount Kelimutu , is located on the Island of Flowers in Indonesia. It is a volcanic mountain of passive degassing, which rises about 1639 meters above sea level and houses an impressive scenery: three volcanic crater lakes that change color throughout the year. It is a unique phenomenon, you could visit the lakes on more than one occasion and contemplate a different panorama, for that reason the Kelimutu volcano It has received so much interest among geologists and tourists.

Mount Kelimutu, a magical place where the lakes change color

Each of the lakes exhibits a different tone, reddish brown, emerald green and navy blue . On this explain the scientists that the periodic changes of color are caused by the geological activity of vapors and gases that, due to high temperatures, modify the oxidation of chemical elements deposited in water, such as arsenic, copper, sulfur and, barium, among others.

Mount Kelimutu, a magical place where the lakes change color 1

But the inhabitants of the Island of Flowers have a fantastic theory to solve this unparalleled natural reaction that makes the Mount Kelimutu Such a special place Count one local legend that the three volcanic crater lakes in Kelimutu change their tonalities according to the mood of their ancestors. For it is said that when a person dies, he dives into one or another crater, depending on the age at which he died and his character. For example, him Tiwu Ata Mbupu , the dark blue lake that sometimes looks almost black, is for the souls of the parents and the elderly.

Mount Kelimutu, a magical place where the lakes change color 2

At Tiwu Nuwa Muri Kooh Tai , the largest, the souls of the youngest are immersed in the clear turquoise waters or celestial waters. And the one that changes the most tonality, the Tiwu Ata Polo or enchanted lake, the reddish-brown lake which also radically changes to white, very rare !, is the fate of people who have committed crimes.

The landscape surrounding the three lakes is equally intoxicating. The Island of Flowers is known for the fertility of its land, has greened soils and a rich vegetation that enamors the eye. To this earthly paradise it is integrated the cataracts and thermal waters from town , which are accessed with relative ease. However, the locals have no interest in attracting tourists, Kelimutu does not have restaurants or accommodations. Whoever visits it can only be passing through and, even so, receives thousands of foreigners a year.

What do you think about the lakes that change color? Have you seen anything like it? It does not seem like a landscape worthy of the Neverland Country of the tale of Peter Pan ? Tell us!

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