Names of God in the Bible | More than we thought

If you have ever read the Bible or you're a religious person, you probably know that God appears in the Holy writings named in many ways. This is mainly because the Bible is a compilation of several ancient texts in which different languages ​​were spoken and the way of naming Yahweh It was different. During this article you will see that there are many more names of God in the Bible of what you thought.

The two most common words to refer to God , they are "the" or "theos", the first is in Hebrew and the second in Greek. We can distinguish between general names or personal names. Many of them are compounds, that is to say that with an addition they mean something completely different. We are sure that many of the names of God in the Bible They will be unknown to you and some of them will surprise you very much for their meaning. Do you want to know the Names of God more important? Well keep reading this article!

Names of God in the Bible | Meaning of the most common and references

1. Jehovah

Names of God in the Bible, jehovah

This name is one of the most used and means "I am", which is self-existent. It is a clear variant of "Yahweh" , which a German translator introduced in the sixteenth century. He devised the name when using the vowels of Adonai , YHVH . This word appears in Exodus 3:14 or in Psalm 102, among many other passages to which we can refer.

2. Adonai

Names of God in the Bible

Representation of God by Julius Schnorr (1860)

The literal meaning of this word is "Mr" or "My great Lord" . It was used to reflect that God He was the possessor of the whole world and the highest authority of it. This term was generally used to replace YHWH , which was considered too sacred even to pronounce it. Some references in which this name appears God in the Bible they are Psalm 8 or Habauc 3:19.

3. The

This name of God in the Bible , including all its compound forms, appears more than two hundred times in the Old Testament . This name was also used by other cultures to define all their deities, so it is a fairly generic name. Its meaning is "the strong one" and was used to demonstrate the superiority of God against other deities. "He" appears in Exodus 15: 2 or Numbers 23:22.

4. Elohim

Names of God in the Bible, elohim

Its general meaning is that of "Almighty Creator" . It was used to make clear that God I knew all things and I also created the whole universe. It is the plural of "El", name that we have analyzed previously. In some references in the Bible , is used to refer to false gods or human judges. We can find this name of God in the Bible in Psalm 82 or in John 10:34.

5. Emanuel

It was used to imply that God lives in all of us, making reference to Jesus is more than a man, since it is also God . In proof of the promised liberation, Isaiah predicted the birth of a son who should be called Immanuel . We can find this name in Isaiah 7:14 and in Hebrews 1: 3.

6. Jah

This is the short form of naming Yahweh , it is usually used normally completing other phrases and never alone. It is applied to say that God it never fails and its promises are sacred, although we fail to fulfill them. We can find references to this name in Exodus 3:14 or Isaiah 26: 4.


Names of God in the Bible, JHWH / YHVH

Its meaning we have already commented previously, since it is the abbreviation of Jehovah or one of the most primitive ways of referring to God . Without a doubt, it is from the names of God in the Bible that more appears, in total about 6,800 times. This was the name that was revealed to Moses and it is also known as tetragram or four letters. In Spanish it is translated as the Lord or Jehovah, the name of the Lord comes from the time when the Jews used this word to replace YHVH .

8. Jehovah-Sabaot

Most of the versions in Spanish, translate Sabaot as Almighty so the full compound name would remain as Almighty Lord . The literal meaning is "Lord of Hosts" and was used to remember that although the earthly hosts failed in their attempt, God He will always win the battle with his heavenly armies. This name appears in Romans 9:29 or Samuel 17:45.

In addition to these names of God in the Bible that we have analyzed previously, there are many others, although all of them are derivations or compositions of several. We are sure that you did not expect the Mr was named in so many ways and that each of them would mean something so different. Now, as always, we are very interested in you to participate and give us your opinion . Did you know all these names of God in the Bible ? Which of them is your favorite? Have you ever read the Holy writings ? Would you use any of these names God in the Bible to put it on your son? Tell us your comments, we are looking forward to reading them!

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