Nitocris | The 1st and enigmatic pharaoh of Ancient Egypt

Ancient Egypt is undoubtedly fascinating. Its mythology, its constructions, its social structure, its pharaohs and in general all its history are attractive due to its exoticism and evolution. Some of his pharaohs are very familiar to us and unlike Greeks and Romans, among its rulers there were also women . In Supercurioso we talk about 3 of them in the post: 3 Egyptian queens you did not know | Powerful women of Ancient Egypt. On this occasion we want to approach the figure of Nitocris Which was the 1st and enigmatic pharaoh of Ancient Egypt.

Nitocris, the 1st Pharaoh of Egypt

Nitocris (also Neterkare or Nitiqrty), whose name means "The soul of Re is divine", is a controversial and enigmatic figure as we will see throughout the article. Some historians believe that it never existed and that its name comes from confusion. However, others, relying on the writings of Manetón and Herodoto, think that his figure is real. Who could this be first pharaoh of Egypt ?


Alabaster statue of AnkhesenmeryreII and his son PepiII

It is believed that Nitocris ruled Egypt for 12 years (2 according to the Papyri of Turin) and that possibly an "interregno" queen , that is to say that it governed between two male pharaohs, the second being a boy when the first died. It could be the sister of Merenre Nemtyemsaf II and therefore the daughter of Pepi II and Queen Neith. The child pharaoh for whom he acted as regent is known as "Neferka, the child", but nothing is known about him since the papyrus in which his name comes out is very damaged. Nitocris is the first woman to be recognized as queen with all rights in Ancient Egypt; its name is reflected in two of the lists of Egyptian pharaohs and to mention it the "cartridge" is used, which is reserved for the pharaohs only.

Nitocris a pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty

Nitocris was the first pharaoh of Egypt and the last of the Sixth Dynasty that passed between the years 2324-2160 a.C. They would be the sixth ruler of this dynasty.

The story of Nitocris according to Heródoto

According to Heródoto, Nitocris ruled Egypt while his half-brother and husband Merenre II was a prisoner of his enemies and the death of this was proclaimed queen and regent of the future pharaoh. Merenre was killed and Nitocris took revenge of the guilty. Herodotus describes it thus: "... [Nitocris] succeeded his brother. He had been king of Egypt and his subjects had killed him and then placed her on the throne. Determined to avenge his death, he devised a cunning plan by which he destroyed a large number of Egyptians. She built a spacious underground chamber and, on the pretext of inaugurating it, organized a banquet, inviting everyone she knew had been responsible for the murder of her brother. Suddenly, while they were celebrating, she let the river enter over them by means of a great secret conduit. "

Nitocris 1

The waters of Nile they drowned all the traitors by penetrating the underground chamber that was sealed. It is believed that Nitocris, to prevent other conspirators who had not perished in the massacre from taking revenge, committed suicide by throwing himself into a burning room. Some historians believe that this could happen once the rebellion that ended the life of his brother triumphed. She was the last of the Sixth Dynasty.

The Egyptian historian Manetho

Manetho was an Egyptian historian and priest who wrote in the Greek language and was the one who organized the chronology of the kings of Egypt in the form of dynasties. He lived in the third century a.C. and collected the existing data about the ancient pharaohs of Egypt. Manetón mentions Nitocris He describes it in a very complimentary way: "There was a woman named Nitocris who reigned; she was braver than all the men of her time, and she was the most beautiful of all women; she had white skin and rosy cheeks. "

Nitocris 2

Manetón also attributes the construction of the third of the Pyramids , which we know as "Micerino". At this point, most historians agree that Manetho was confused with the name.

Nitocris and the real lists. Could it be a man?

The great doubt that is presented to historians and Egyptologists is whether that enigmatic figure of the queen Nitocris is real or not . As we have said his name comes out in the "Papyri of Turin", although it is very blurred, and is mentioned in the texts of Manetho. However, it is not on the "real list of Ábidos". Where it should have its name, is that of Pharaoh Neithikerty . As in the Canon of Turin it is not well appreciated, some think that Nitocris did not exist and it was Neithikerty, a male king, who succeeded Merenre.

Nitocris 3

Fragments of the so-called "Canon of Turin" or "Papyri of Turin" where the name of Nitocris

With the death of Nitocris is finished by the Ancient Empire and a stage that is known as "the First Intermediate Period " It is a time when chaos reigns and mass looting of the tombs and the destruction of temples and pyramids begins. Did you know Nitocris, the 1st and enigmatic pharaoh of Ancient Egypt? If you want to know more, we invite you to read the post: What was it like to live in Ancient Egypt? A look at everyday life.

Image: PLstrom

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