The story between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba It is full of mystery and secrecy. There has been much written about the great Israelite king and many documents that prove his existence are kept, but the Queen of Sheba is a great unknown. The only references to this mysterious woman come as a result of her encounter with King Solomon . There are many legends that confuse characters and history has been told in many ways, but the only thing that is clear is that between our two protagonists a great attraction just knowing each other .
We know that Solomon was real as well as the kingdom of Sheba, but the big question is: did the celebrated Queen of Sheba exist? Was it the way the Bible described it? In this article we will try to answer these questions and we will also tell you some curiosities on love story between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba . Discover them!
Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. The truth about these two lovers
1. Advanced to your time
Detail of "Solomon receiving the Queen of Sheba" (1559), with Philip II as Solomon. Work of Lucas de Heere
According to the account, both in the Qur'an and Bible , Solomon and the Queen of Sheba had a similar character and both enjoyed extraordinary intelligence . Besides being a beautiful woman, the Queen of Sheba was extremely cultured and promulgated unprecedented decrees for the time. For example, one that favored women ahead of men. Despite the distance between their kingdoms, more than 1,000 kilometers, Solomon had heard about his great skills and exquisite diplomacy so he demanded that the monarch appear before him. She initially did not accept and sent him a great treasure that angered Solomon, since his only intention was to know in first person the wisdom of the Queen of Sheba .
Other versions claim that the queen was the one who decided to go to the kingdom of Solomon, because he was very curious to see how the monarch faced the issue of religion with a single god. Be that as it may, it is clear that the two were deeply attracted, even without knowing each other, due in large part to the fact that both rulers were people ahead of their time.
2. Broken promises
It is said that the Queen of Saba pronounced a unshakeable oath of perpetual virginity . Nothing else to be found with Salomón, the monarch was enamored with her, but due to its vote this one could not maintain sexual relations with no man.
Solomon would not give up and on the last night of the stay of the Queen of Sheba in his kingdom, he devised a plan. After a copious dinner spiced with many spices, Solomon convinced the Queen of Sheba to stay overnight in the rooms she had prepared for her. She reminded him of his vow and he told her he would not try anything unless she took something from the palace without his permission. The servants of the cunning king left a pot of water beside the guest's bed. When the thirsty guest went to drink water, Solomon, who had been waiting at that moment, told her that if she had not kept her promise, he did not have to respect his. After this little trick, both - who felt powerfully attracted to each other - indulged in a night of passion .
3. The theft of the Ark
Realizing that she had become pregnant, the Queen of Sheba left again for her lands. There he had his only son, named Menelik. This, after spending twenty years of his birth, decided to travel to Jerusalem to meet his biological father. As soon as he arrived at the palace, Solomon recognized him because of his great resemblance. Tells the Ethiopian tradition that even the king told his son that, after his death, he would rule his whole kingdom. Menelik rejected his offer and soon returned the way he had come, but not before steal one of the most precious objects of King Solomon .
Menelik left with the Ark of the covenant and deposited it in Aksum, where it is said that it still rests. The resting place of this important relic is the Church of Santa María de Sión . This part of the story is the least credible, but the theorists explain that the son of the Queen of Sheba decided to rob his father because of the deception his mother suffered.
The romance between Solomon and the Queen of Sheba has been told through innumerable generations. He has taken cinema, television and opera as one of the greatest romances in the history of mankind. It is not yet known with certainty if the whole story is true or has been exaggerated with the passage of time, what is certain is that these two rulers existed and both kingdoms were related .
Now we would like you to tell us what you think of the story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. Who do you think was the first of the two wanting to meet the other? Do you think that Solomon acted well? What do you think about the theft of the Ark of the Covenant by their son? We are looking forward to reading your comments!