Superman's 100 Best Phrases

I leave you the best Superman phrases , Also known as Clark Kent, a superhero who has been the inspiration of many generations.

A man sent to earth by his parents when he was just a baby, moments before his planet"Krypton"exploded without a trace. This child was found by a humble peasant couple, adopted and raised under strict conservative values, values ​​that would help him decide what to do with the powers he would discover in the course of his life.


You may also like These quotes from superheroes .

1 - You are much stronger than you think and what you imagine.- Superman

2- Sometimes you have to make a leap of faith first, and then comes the part of the trust later. - Superman

3- You are going to change the world.- Superman

4- The amazing can only be created if we face risk, fear and failure during the process.- Superman

5- I defend the truth, justice and the American flag.- Superman

6- Up, up and away.- Superman

7- All those things I can do, all those powers that I have and can not even save him.- Superman

8- Do you think you can come and threaten my mother?

9- But if there was a chance that he could save the earth by coming back, should not he take it?

10- The problem is that I'm not sure that the people of the earth can trust me.- Superman

11- I can only tell you what I believe, Diana, humanity must be allowed to rise to its own destiny, we can not take them there.- Superman

12- I'm sorry if this is hard on your pocket, but I'm thinking about the lives that can be saved.- Superman

13 - Too late, Lois. The league of justice has already fallen and there are too many innocent in danger that depends on me.- Superman

"Enough, Doomsday!" If you want to get my hands on my friends, you'll have to kill me first!

15- Whenever I think I have achieved and made a connection with someone, once they discover what I can do or what I am able to do, and time passes either hours or days later, everything changes. Invariably they become paranoid retroactively, wondering what else hides from them Clark Kent.- Superman

16- Dreams save us, dreams lift us up and transform us.- Superman

17- And in my soul I swear, until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice become the reality we all share, I will never stop fighting Never!.- Superman

18- Only the weak succumb to brutality.- Superman

19- There is a good and an evil in this universe, and that distinction is not difficult to do.- Superman

20- Do good to others and every man could be a Superman for people.- Superman

21- I believe in second chances, I believe in redemption, but above all I believe in my friends.- Superman

22- Learn to close your eyes.- Superman

23- No need for X-ray vision to see that something is not right.- Superman

24- I am Superman and I can do anything.- Superman

25- Nobody stays well in this world.- Superman

26- It is never as bad as it seems, because you are much stronger than you think you are.- Superman

27- Believe me when I say that I do not want violence to be necessary, but violence is the price we pay to achieve a greater good like heroes.- Superman

28- You asked for my help that's all that matters.- Superman

29- Is this how a deformed brain like yours, receives its kicks, planning the death of innocent people?.- Superman

30- It would destroy most of California and millions of innocent people would be killed.- Superman

"You do not even care where that other missile is, right?"

32- It's not just an S, in my world it means hope.- Superman

My father believed that once the world had discovered who I really am, I would be rejected out of fear. He agreed that the world was not ready to meet me.- Superman

34. I have so many questions. Where am I? Why did you send me here?

35- The world is too big, Mama.- Superman

36- I grew up in Kansas and in general, I can not be more American.- Superman

37- Do not thank me, we are all on the same team.- Superman

38- I hear everything, but you have written that the world does not need a savior, but every day I hear people shout for one.- Superman

39- I have not adopted this world, this world has adopted me, I have had the experience of seeing the best that this world can offer, thanks to parents who never considered me less than a child.- Superman

40- I saw this world through your eyes and I still do it, it's not a perfect world, they never said it was and I never said it was, but that will not stop me.- Superman

41- I trust in hope and you asked me if I would betray my principles, I tell you that is not an option. I hope you understand.

42- Until my dream of a world where dignity, honor and justice become reality, I will never stop fighting.- Superman

43- I consider that my powers are a gift but not only mine, but of all those who need them.- Superman

44- My parents taught me to defend justice.- Superman

45 - I came from another world, with powers and abilities superior to those of other men. They know me as a hero, as inspiration, as champion and has been a good life.- Superman

46- In war, emotions can hinder the ultimate goal, which is victory.- Superman

47- Sometimes you let yourself be trapped under the circumstances and you can not follow what the heart says, even if it is what you most want.- Superman

48- Not everything is easy in life, but that's why you should be better.- Superman

49- Those who do not want to be saved, can not be saved. Superman

50- There is a superhero in all of us just need the courage to put his back on the cape.- Superman

51- Once you choose hope, everything can be possible.- Superman

52- The worst thing about being strong is that nobody asks you if you are well.- Superman

53- The world is big, but they make it look small.- Superman

54- This world is ours, after all, we are responsible for thinking that politicians must work for us, but we need to start demanding better.- Superman

55- Be yourself and you will win.- Superman

Many of our dreams at first seem impossible, so they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.- Superman

57- All great power, can lead to a great responsibility.- Superman

58- That ship that appeared last night, I am what they are looking for.- Superman

59- I do not know where to start.- Superman

60- The great things of today arise from the ashes of yesterday.- Superman

61- And while there is will.- Superman

62. Remember that your story is also part of the stories of other people.- Superman

63- Why not go further and be better what you can be?.- Superman

64. Who watches over the vigilantes?

Statistically speaking, it's still the safest way to travel, Lois.-Superman

66- It is not the superpowers or the powers that have, if not of what is in the heart.- Superman

67- Being weak and strong are not categories of the body, but also of the mind.- Superman

68- I advise you not to print this little episode, Miss Lois.- Superman

69- It is not your fault that you are delinquent, are these poor neighborhoods, your poor living conditions, if there was any way to remedy.- Superman

"You're right!" Taking lives is something I definitely find offensive! But to unravel the criminal terrorists a little, it does not bother me at all!!.- Superman

"I'm not an idiot, Black. I know there are bad men in power and the world is not a fair place, but you can not throw morality in the trash just because life is hard.- Superman

72- Just remember, no matter what happens I will always love you ALWAYS, Lois!.- Superman

73- Nobody ruins my city and gets away with it.- Superman

"I do not know what hole you came from or where you came from, but I'll send you back!"

"For Lois, Jimmy, and the whole town, I have to get this guy away while I still can."

76- I have many enemies who have tried to control me and I live in fear that someday they may succeed and if that ever happened, if I ever lose my sense, if I want the fears to keep me from being in the hands of a man, Who can trust my life and control, there would be only one sure way to stop me.- Superman

77- We are in the war.- Superman

"I can hear your heartbeat, I know you're lying."

79- Yes a long time ago in Smallville does not seem to remember, that this is his own miracle, just as he hoped he would not do it anyway.- Superman

80- I think he just wants to talk to someone.- Superman

81- No, I can not do this on my own.- Superman

82- I know I'm not a human.- Superman

83- It's not about where you were born, or what powers you have, or what you carry in your chest, it's about what you do, it's about the action.- Superman

84- This time I have been living my life as my father lived it, correcting evil being a ghost, and thinking that I am here to do good. And that Superman was never real, just a dream of a farmer from Kansas.- Superman

85- Justice can be defined with reason, but not with weapons, you could not lose anything with peace but if you can lose everything with war and destruction.- Superman

86- But I'm also another person, pa ', it's time that I started to discover who I really am.- Superman

To think that a hero can be an ordinary individual, who can find the strength to persevere and endure despite overwhelming obstacles, is a thing of the past.- Superman

88- You stole the freedom of the planet, it's time to return it.- Superman

89- You will not terrify these people again. - Superman

90- Can I still pretend to be your son?

91- I mean, every time I get the ball, I can do a touchdown.- Superman

"Forgive me, Mr. White. I was wondering if maybe you could have half of my salary sent to this address weekly. - Superman

"Frankly, the hours were a little longer than I expected, but by meeting you and Jimmy and Mr. White in general, I think it's just unblemished."

94 Now, just a minute, sir, I realize that times are hard for some these days, but this is not the answer. You can not solve the problems of society with a weapon.- Superman

"I do not know what to say. I suppose I'll let myself go."

96- Well listen, it's no problem at all for me, but I'll come back later.- Superman

97- I'm sorry, uh... I can not just let you fall into this, but I've been thinking, you know, there must be a lot of questions about me and I'm sure people in the world would like to know the answers.- Superman

98- I offered Utopia, but fighting for the right to live in hell.- Superman

"You're stronger than you think you are, believe me."

100. You can change the world.- Superman.

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