The 10 Most Important Characteristics of Globalization

Among the main Characteristics of globalization Are to promote the creation of new markets, create the ideal scenario for exchanges in different areas and, in some cases, represent a risk to the sovereignties of nations.

Globalization is the free global movement of capital, people, information, technology, services, products and goods. It also implies that the same political, social and economic system extends internationally, although not all countries fulfill it to the same degree.

Advantages and disadvantages of globalization.

For example, while China is considered a traditionally communist country, it actually fulfills many of the characteristics of capitalism.

From the first century bc can be found commercial networks that gave rise to the globalization that is lived today.

From that time until today, globalization has reached almost all areas of life: the world lives in constant technological, cultural, environmental, educational, informational and commercial exchange, among others.

This situation has completely transformed the way of relating of the inhabitants of the planet.

10 main features of globalization

Creation of new markets

Globalization implies a drastic reduction of physical barriers between countries. This has allowed the market to diversify and expand, increasing the production of goods and services.

As a result of diversification, new markets have emerged. Some critics of globalization indicate that this has created an ideal platform for countries with greater wealth to take advantage of the advantages of working with poorer countries, since the labor force in these countries is more economical.

Local regulations can go down

A globalized world gives priority to global regulations over those of each country or region. This leads to the existence of global organizations that develop international ordinances in such varied subjects as crime, business, intellectual property, environmental protection, labor standards, access to health, competition policies, among other aspects.

International regulations, in many cases, have more value than local regulations. According to some detractors of globalization, this situation can be harmful for some countries because it can subtract autonomy.

Promotes cultural exchange

Globalization allows the interaction of people from different countries, with different cultural characteristics.

At present it is possible to visit different regions, to know their cultures, their expressions, their gastronomy, their modes of behavior, among other elements, which implies that people have the option of greater proximity.

This exchange is generated through international tourism and also through more complex phenomena such as migration. Cultural interrelation encourages the enrichment of experiences and allows the world to be more connected.

Greater tolerance

Globalization has led people from different regions to live in a common space, which encourages them to observe and interact.

Globalization also allows us to know different realities through film, television, literature and art, among other manifestations, and gives the space to understand them from their own context.

Some critics indicate that this has had negative consequences, because there are groups whose traditions and cultural characteristics have been clothed by the precepts of other more dominant cultures.

On the other hand, other scholars argue that due to this interaction, some societies with more closed mentalities have developed xenophobic attitudes.

Increased flow of information

At the present time information travels quickly to different parts of the world. Globalization has allowed countries with very few coincidences to be able to share information channels.

This interaction is a challenge, because the communications between people of different cultures are framed in the realities of each region, which can bring misunderstandings or little flow in the exchange.

However, thanks to globalization, different channels and forms of communication exchange have been developed that facilitate interaction, and professionals from different sectors focus on the development of studies and strategies that improve the flow of information between countries.

Concern about learning different languages

In the globalized era it is common for people to want to learn at least one language other than the native language.

There is a desire to allow a fluid flow of information, to understand the cultural expressions that reach the population without language being an impediment, even to start businesses in other latitudes. All this means that learning new languages ​​is important for many people.

Free trade

Globalization is characterized by the promotion of free trade. This allows new jobs to emerge, companies become more competitive and consumers can get lower prices.

Those who favor free trade go against policies that benefit certain countries for certain industries: they argue that companies with more capacities to respond to the free market are those that should have more opportunities, regardless of their country of origin.

However, some scholars agree that smaller nations are affected, given that the most powerful countries are those who define trade guidelines and, according to these scholars, their policies are in their own interests.

Technological innovation

The technological area is one of the main elements of globalization, because it has given rise to the platform so that, effectively, there can be interaction between regions separated from each other.

For example, the technological development of transport allows cultural and commercial exchange to take place on a large scale. And advances in communication technologies have enabled information to flow more quickly and effectively.

Increasingly, globalization calls on countries to invest in the technology industry, so that they can lead the technological vanguard.

Threats to sovereignty

In the context of globalization, international bodies promote regulations that, in many cases, go above and beyond the local regulations of the countries.

Scholars indicate that this can result in the internal laws of each nation being undermined, bringing negative results in different areas, such as commercial, economic, social and cultural.

Social movements at international level

Globalization allows people from different countries to interact and form groups based on similar concerns or interests.

Thanks to this, it is possible to see social movements that are sensitive to the conservation of the environment, refugee protection, the care of disadvantaged people, and other areas.

This allows the unification of millions of people in favor of a cause and, therefore, a greater possibility of diffusion and generation of concrete changes.


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