The 10 Most Important Characteristics of Homo Sapiens

Some of the main characteristics of Homo Sapiens are their intelligence, ability to learn and transmit teachings or their ability to generate art and culture.

EHomo sapiens is the nomenclature or scientific name that is used for the human species. Since Homo neanderthalensis became extinct, Homo sapiens is the only known species of the genus Homo that has survived over time.

Characteristics of homo sapiens Homo Sapiens of the Paleolithic.

It is understood as Homo sapiens sapiens those who possess both the anatomical characters of human populations today, and what is known as"modern behavior".

Humans are unique and stand out among the numerous species that inhabit the planet. Certain characteristics are really unique to the species, while others have been developed in such a way that they exceed in their function or efficacy the similar characteristics that can be found in other species, such as certain characteristics that resemble it Other species of the order of the primates.

The most important characteristics that define Homo sapiens


Defining the concept of intelligence has been the subject of debate for years. From the scientific point of view, it has not been possible to reach an agreement that allows to establish concretely what it means intelligence .

William H. Calvin says:"There will never be universal agreement on a definition of intelligence, because it is an open word, as well as consciousness."

It is because of this, and because every scientist can understand intelligence in a different way, which some think is a unique feature of Homo sapiens, as some argue that it is a shared characteristic.

In general terms, human intelligence is the property that allows you to reason, solve problems, plan, understand complex ideas, think abstractly, learn at an accelerated pace and use experience from situations experienced previously, or experienced by a third person.


With language, something similar to the controversy with the definition of intelligence happens: there is no agreement on how to define it in its entirety, so it can not be definitively defined if it is a single or shared characteristic.

What is known is that, unlike other communication systems, human language has unique characteristics, such as:

  1. Modality / Independence Of a stimulus : The language can be oral, visual, through gestures, forms, among others.
  2. References not present : Human language has the ability to refer to events or objects that are not perceptually present.


Reproduction is a characteristic that Homo sapiens shares with all living beings. In the human, specifically, a type of Sexual reproduction .

Two types of sex cells, also called gametes, are involved in the process. The male gamete, the spermatozoon , And the female gamete, called ovule.

The spermatozoon must fertilize the ovum, and it will be the female sex that will harbor their offspring for nine months, in most cases.

Homo sapiens, like other species, transfer different characteristics from generation to generation through the genes.


This is a characteristic that stands out in Homo sapiens, since, although it is not the most longevity species, being surpassed for example by species such as the Clam of Iceland, that can live to live 400 years, or Koi Fish, which can To live for more than 200 years; Among other examples, does have a life expectancy higher than that of most species, which is currently 79 years old.

Pleasure pursuit

It has always drawn the attention of scientists to the ability, and often times, of the human being to produce and even industrialize pleasures.

It can lose the sense of what is natural to be able to carry the sensation of pleasure to the extreme, even to attack your own life, by using, for example, illicit substances, in order to generate a stimulus that provides you with a Feeling of satisfaction.

Learning and teaching

Humans have a system of instruction through instructions that could be unique.

For example, the mother stable eye contact with the infant, then points to an object and says her name.

From the visual contact, a message is sent that predisposes the infant to an instruction that is about to occur.

Nutrition and diet

All Homo sapiens were at some point hunters and gatherers, depending on plants and wild animals. For about 11,000 years, humans began to tame plants and animals.

It currently has a very wide range of possible foods, following essentially an omnivorous diet. This has allowed him to adapt to the environment where he lives, using the food resources he finds.

Art and culture

Art is considered one of the clearest manifestations of humanity. The crucial point of much difference is the fact that, for example, individuals of a particular species produce sounds, songs, nests or dances, but they usually share specific characteristics that are repeated among all individuals.

In Homo sapiens, on the other hand, there is individuality, which makes it possible for it to print its own unique features to its creation.


Although all living beings tend to evolve, in Homo sapiens, it is an accelerated characteristic, which allowed him to walk upright, to develop completely opposite fingers, skin color, stature, strength, among other things.

Physical characteristics

Homo sapiens, in addition to the characteristics already mentioned, has biological and physical aspects that have positioned it as the dominant species. Some of them are:

  1. Height : The average height of Homo sapiens ranges from 1.45 meters to 1.80 meters, although there are cases where it becomes inferior or superior.
  2. Position : The posture is erected on its two feet, dividing its weight in the whole spine, which allows it to lift high weights, and to run at a speed that is averaged at 26 kilometers per hour.
  3. View : The vision is frontal. This, together with its upright posture gives it a vision above the plants. Although the vision itself is not as developed as, for example, that of the felines, this is very broad, which gives it many advantages.
  4. Hands : The hands have five fingers, one being the thumb, which is in opposition to the rest, which allows him to hold objects in a better way, among other things.

There is no doubt that Homo sapiens is the dominant species on the planet. It has numerous features that have allowed it to survive over time and have provided a wealth of advantages over the rest.


  1. Unique to humans (s.f.) MetaPrimate. Retrieved from
  2. Fran Dorey (2015) Homo sapiens - modern humans. Australian Museum. Retrieved from
  3. Homo sapiens (s.f.) In Wikipedia. Retrieved on July 5, 2017 from
    Francisco Gil Gonzalez (2007) The Intelligence. Homo Sapiens. Retrieved from
  4. Roberto Colom (2008) Human Intelligence. Madrimasd. Retrieved from

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