The 10 Most Relevant Examples of Ethical Problems

The examples of ethical problems arise from a fact or event in which a situation arises that can be possible both real and hypothetical, and is conflicting in the moral realm.

Ethics is responsible for studying human behavior in the face of right and wrong in a community. It also covers morality, duty, the common good and the legal sphere.

The 10 Most Relevant Examples of Ethical Problems

Therefore, an ethical problem is everything that is not right, correct, nor meets the standards, and that directly impacts society and individuals. These problems can affect the dignity and common good of individuals.

They are linked to ethical dilemmas, which are given due to the different interpretation that the facts may have.

Top 10 examples of ethical problems

1- Abuse of power

It is a social practice where the behavior is based on maintaining relations of power, inequality and completely hierarchical.

That is, the individual who has more authority over other individuals, whether in social or political terms, uses that position to exercise power only for their benefit.

On the other hand, the abuse of power is present when an individual with a greater social and economic position uses this benefit to exercise unjustified authority over another considered inferior, causing moral damages in the subjects who receive the abuse.

2- Discrimination

Discrimination is one of the most notable ethical problems today. These problems have become those of greater influence on societies.

A relevant example is seen in people with disabilities. These are subject to rejection by society for possessing different capacities.

The rights of these people, such as having a decent job or relating to the environment, are violated by desensitized individuals who consider them inferior and even abnormal

3- Business bribery

It takes place when, for example, a very well-positioned employer pays an inspector inspect so that he does not disclose the negative results found in his company.

4- Sports bribery

It is evidenced when in a match, or sporting event, the referee imposes reprimands on one team to benefit the other, showing favoritism due to payments received.

5- Political corruption

This ethical problem is seen by the rulers and politicians. The benefits of the State will be illegally taken by them, directly affecting the common good of citizens.

Political corruption is reflected when, for example, the governor of a city steals the money that had been granted for the repair of streets and avenues.

6- Excessive loyalty

Excessive loyalty occurs when an individual is able to lie to cover some inappropriate behavior of another subject who has a higher position, without caring about their own moral and social principles.

7- Lack of confidentiality

This is a big ethical problem in workers who exercise professions through which they handle confidential information.

An example of this is when a psychologist makes public the problems told by a patient in a consultation.

8- Lack of commitment

The lack of commitment can occur when the worker decides not to fulfill his duties and does not contribute the maximum of his effort to improve labor production.

9- Social control

It happens through the favoring or imposition of political strategies and regimes that limit the social development of humanity. These taxes are generated for purely political and economic purposes.

10- Conflict of interest

The conflict of interests is a situation in which the individual issues rules or performs acts in which only his interest and own benefit is involved.

A clear example of this is the choice of relatives or friends at the time of a selection of personnel in a certain company or in State institutions; even if they are not qualified for the position, the individual in question prefers to hire them.


  1. Cohen, M. (2005). 101 ethical dilemmas Editorial Alliance.
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  4. Hartmann, N. (2011). Ethics. Meeting.
  5. Platts, M. (1997). Ethical dilemmas. Mexico, D.F: National Autonomous University of Mexico, Philosophical Research Institute.

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