The 100 Best Quotes from Don Quixote

100 Quixote phrases , The most outstanding work of Spanish literature and one of the most outstanding in universal literature.

The first part was published by Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. In 1615 its second part was published with the name of Second part of the ingenious knight Don Quixote de la Mancha .

Quixote phrases

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  • Books phrases:
  • Reading Phrases:
  1. Love, not what you are, but what you will be.
  2. To change the world, friend Sancho, is neither utopia nor madness, it is justice.
  3. Put your eyes on who you are, know yourself, that is the hardest knowledge you can imagine.
  4. There is no saying that is not true, because all are children of experience, the mother of all sciences.
  5. What madness or foolishness leads me to name the faults of others, having so much to comment on my own?
  6. They never lived cruelty and courage.
  7. Sancho dogs bark, then we ride.
  8. The one who is about to die is always speaking the truth.
  9. Credit must be given to works not words.
  10. Run where the brave did not dare, reach the unreachable star. Here is my fate.
  11. Trust in time, it hurts to give sweet starts to many bitter difficulties.
  12. Love can be given without jealousy, but not without fears.
  13. Where there is a lot of love, there is usually not much ease.
  14. Oh envy, you are the root of infinite evils and the rot of virtues!
  15. When you enter the heart of a friend, no matter what logar you occupy, the important thing is that you never leave.
  16. Jealousy, knife of the firmer hopes!
  17. To whom he humbles himself, God exalts him.
  18. Well it preaches who lives well.
  19. The good to do never lacks reward.
  20. Each one is as God made him, and even worse many times.
  21. Marriage of relatives, a thousand drawbacks have.
  22. When we are not in the one we are in the other.
  23. Of the miseries is usually relieved a company.
  24. Where one door closes, another opens.
  25. Love never became a coward.
  26. To do the father for his son is to do for himself.
  27. The wind can not be stopped, but you have to know how to make windmills.
  28. Charity works that are made warm and loose, have no merit or are worth anything.
  29. Love and desire are two different things; Not everything you love is wanted, not everything you want is loved.
  30. Even among the demons there are some who are more than others, and among many bad men a good one is usually found.
  31. True friendships can not be disturbed.
  32. Never the advice of a poor man, however good he may be, is admitted.
  33. As you have no experience in the things of the world, everything that has some difficulty seems impossible to you.
  34. Do not give importance to the result, value the effort.
  35. Each one is the son of his works.
  36. Naked I was born and naked I am, I neither lose nor win.
  37. There is no better sauce than hunger.
  38. There is no book so bad,"said the bachelor,"that there is something good.
  39. Of the greatest sins that man commits, pride is the greatest, some say, but the gratitude is greater, I say.
  40. He falls today, tomorrow he can get up.
  41. Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts given to men by the heavens; With it can not be equaled the treasures that the land encloses nor the sea conceals.
  42. He who does not know how to enjoy happiness when he arrives, should not complain when he passes.
  43. A confidence has both confidence and indiscretion.
  44. True and good friendship should not and can not be suspicious of anything.
  45. The praise itself debases.
  46. It is of well born people, to thank the benefit that receives.
  47. The pen is the tongue of the mind.
  48. For soul diseases, repentance is the best cure.
  49. And he who walks a lot and reads a lot, sees a lot and knows a lot.
  50. In the wash everything comes out.
  51. The miseries of heaven can not be remedied with goods of fortune.
  52. Doing good to villains is like pouring water into the sea.
  53. He speaks quietly, but not in a way that he feels that you listen to yourself; That all affectation is bad.
  54. In courtesies it is better to sin for more than for less.
  55. The more you look for missing in a form, the greater is the fame of those who composed it.
  56. Pudor is the charm that doubles the charm of beauty.
  57. That office that does not feed its owner, is not worth two beans.
  58. Love is a desire for beauty.
  59. It is better to be admired of the few sages than mocked by the many fools.
  60. The greater the shining of a king in his mercy than in his justice.
  61. The decomposed moods are composed by music, and also relieves the work that springs from the spirit.
  62. There is no memory that time does not end, nor pain that death does not consume.
  63. Nothing is smaller than a large one by the dominated pride.
  64. It is not necessary to be, nor rigorous always, nor always soft.
  65. With the dream be moderate, because who does not get up with the sun, does not enjoy the day.
  66. Sorrows do not belong to beasts but to men, but if men feel them too much, they become beasts.
  67. Foolish man is, very foolish, who, discovering a secret to another, asks him in an expensive way to walk him.
  68. If you stop desiring the richest man you will be.
  69. In the art of seamanship, the simplest sailor knows the most literate man in the world.
  70. Courage is somewhere between cowardice and recklessness.
  71. Unless it is death, there is a remedy for everything.
  72. There is no better foundation and better ditch than money.
  73. The wit of men is excited by seeing much and reading a lot.
  74. The year that is abundant in poetry, is usually also in starvation.
  75. The stain on the face is better than the pain in the heart.
  76. He never dislikes a woman who falls in love with her.
  77. Never or seldom do you achieve an ambition without harming others.
  78. One of the greatest temptations that the devil puts in the life of man is to write a book, which can give him both fame and money.
  79. Wherever there is truth, there is God.
  80. The greatest damage of human life resides in the language.
  81. There can be no grace where there is no discretion
  82. It seems that gypsies and gypsies only came into the world to be thieves.
  83. The fool knows more in his house than the wise man in others.
  84. The revenge of jealousy is always out of place.
  85. In poetry, one can be famous if one is guided more by the opinion of others than by one's own.
  86. It is my opinion and experience teaches it, that a woman's tears can soften a stone.
  87. I that I strive so hard and work to look like I have as a poet what heaven has denied me.
  88. Always the melancholy was of the death appearance.
  89. If something is earned, nothing is lost.
  90. My thoughts ran after a distraction.
  91. Weapons require spirit like letters.
  92. Eat little and eat less, health of the whole body is forged in the stomach office.
  93. Pride has a daughter and is ingratitude.
  94. Prudence is the highest virtue.
  95. To the square of the never is arrived by the street of the already I go.
  96. And so much of what he read and how little he slept, his brain dried up.
  97. You know that Sancho is not one man more than another but he does more than another.
  98. To which they call fortune there, know that she is a crafty, drunk, and especially blind woman, who does not know what she does, nor knows who she knocks.
  99. O memory, mortal enemy of my rest!
  100. The one who retires does not flee.

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