The 15 Most Important Characteristics of Feudalism

Some Characteristics of feudalism Most prominent are vassalage, homage, guardianship, confiscation, encomiendas and tributes.

Feudalism is the social organization of the Middle Ages Based on the fiefs and the system of political organization that prevailed in Europe from the 9th to the 15th centuries.

Lord feudal and serfs working the land.  The serfs are one of the most important characteristics of feudalism. Lord feudal and serfs.

As a social model, it brought with it an economic model inherited from the Roman empire, whose central figure was the colonato-patronato established with the aim of the nobles to preserve their lands.

Feudalism spread with the Frankish conquests in northern Italy, Spain and Germany and later in the Slavic territories. The Normans took him to England in 1066 and to the south of Italy and Sicily a few years later. This system would reach the American continent with colonization.

From England, feudalism spread to Scotland and Ireland. Finally, the Near East territories that conquered the Crusaders were organized feudally.

It was not a monetized system because there was no trade or industry, but it had a well-defined power structure and landowners had the greatest advantages. In this system everyone owed allegiance to the King and his immediate superior.

You may also want to see the 5 social classes of feudalism Or learn more about Feudal monarchy: characteristics and histories .

List of 15 characteristics of feudalism

1- Basement

It consists of the relationship that was established between a free man, the"vassal", and another free man, the"noble." This relationship was governed by the commitment of obedience and service on the part of the vassal and the obligations of protection and maintenance by the nobleman.

Nobles used to cede part of their lands to their vassals as a form of payment. These portions of land were known by the name of fiefs and were worked by slaves. A feudal lord could have as many vassals as his estates allowed him and, on occasion, could accumulate as much or more power than the king.

2- Servants

A servant was a free man who worked the lands and took care of the animals of the vassal, although the feudal lord could decide on numerous matters of his life, including his possessions. Unlike slaves, these could not be sold or separated from the land they worked for.

3- Gentlemen

The figure of the knight errant emerges during feudalism as a force to defend the interests of the king or feudal lord, and also to extend the Catholic faith in the world.

Therefore, a gentleman had to follow a code of conduct And of honor in the art of war, and for their religious, moral and social life.

4- Feudo

The fief, or the land, was granted during a ceremony whose main purpose was to create a lasting bond between a vassal and his lord. Loyalty and homage were a key element of feudalism.

5- The encomienda

The encomienda was the name given to the pact between the peasants and the feudal lord, who could-rarely-give rise to a document.

6- Social classes

During feudalism, society was divided into three distinct estates, all under orders of the king:

  • Nobility: integrated by the owners of great extensions of earth, product of its gains in the military works.
  • Clergy: constituted by representatives of the Catholic Church who dealt with religious matters.
  • Servants: responsible for cultivating the land.

More in detail, the order of rank in the medieval feudal system was:

  1. Pope
  2. The king
  3. Nobles
  4. Knights / vassals
  5. Servants
  6. Peasants

7- Clergy Authority

In the social structure of feudalism, the only power over the king was that of the Catholic Church, represented by the Pope.

At that time the authority of the Church was not questioned because it was understood to emanate directly from God and that those who opposed would be severely punished.

Feudalism was based on the belief that the land belonged to God and that kings ruled by Divine Right, but the Pope, as vicar of God on Earth, had the right to impose sanctions on an unjust king. These sanctions range from a trial to dismissal or even excommunication.

8- Social mobility

During feudalism the social mobility was practically null because the one who was born a servant would die a servant. Nevertheless, a gentleman with a good military record, could accumulate great riches and to have vassals in his charge.

This system remained the basis of the need to protect each other in an environment plagued by wars and invasions for the conquest of land.

9- Defensive architecture

During the time of feudalism, it was common for invasions and wars to control the land, so flourished the construction of forts and castles that allowed to monitor vulnerable spots of the land and prevent the enemy armies.

The typical castle had a double wall, one or several towers, inner courtyards and, occasionally, a peripheral moat would make it more difficult to pass. This fort or castle became a base for military operations, but it also served to house the dwellings of the inhabitants of the area.

10- Constant Wars

In this system, control and power used to be gained from the use of force; Feudal disputes are resolved regularly in the battle.

To justify an invasion or a war, the approval of the Church is often argued, so it becomes normal for soldiers or knights in contention to claim to be fighting the Church on their side.

Another justification for this violence is found in the dynastic claim of a territory. Generations of marriages, carefully organized for material gain, give rise to a complex network of relationships, which ends up gaining control over land for several generations.

11- Feudal Economy

The generation of wealth came basically from agriculture, the raising of animals and the payment of taxes by the serfs.

Winning wars also became a way for economic growth because the winner was with the conquered lands and everything on it, including cattle and serfs.

12- Taxes

It was also during feudalism that the tribute was established as a way of financing the work of protecting the instances of power. The serfs and vassals were to pay"in kind"(grain sacks, wine barrels, oil jars, breeding animals, etc.) the right to live in those lands and be protected by the feudal lord or by the king.

Likewise, the tithe was established as a contribution for the maintenance of the clergy, another of the principal authorities of the time.

13- Heritable property

As it has been said, in feudalism, the king owned all the land, but allowed the vassals to use it as tenants, in exchange for military services (generally) or the payment of taxes.

Nevertheless the personal property of the land was impossible because the title of this one always was subordinated to the King. That is to say, that"lease"was inheritable, that is, capable of being passed on to an heir or several heirs, provided that they would continue to pay.

14- Scientific opacity

Science, especially medicine, was limited by the pre-eminence of religious beliefs. For example, in the countries under this system, autopsies were not practiced so that human anatomy and physiology was studied through the texts of Galen .

In the technological field, there were important advances in terms of tools and techniques for agriculture and agricultural activity: irrigation systems, plowing, machinery, etc.

15- Romantic art

Just as there seemed to be restrictions in the field of science, in the arts two prevailing styles flourished during the feudal era: romanticism And Gothic art.

In the romanticism, they emphasize the construction of religious buildings as well as the painting of biblical scenes; While Gothic art employs numerous ornaments and increases the dimensions of works.

Feudalism begins its decline as soon as trade appears, since commercial activity affected the lords became more independent of the vassals. The commercial relations between different kingdoms began to be more important.

Also introduced weapons that gave a turn to the development of the wars in which the cavalry was no longer vital.

Although the weaknesses of European feudalism are evident in the thirteenth century, it has remained a central theme in Europe until at least the fifteenth century. In fact, customs and feudal rights remain enshrined in the law of many regions until they were abolished by the French Revolution.

There are those who believe that, at present, some"feudal"elements persist in the systems of government in some countries. America inherited some of them due to colonization processes, except the United States that did not experience a feudal stage in its history.


  1. Encyclopedia of Characteristics (2017). 10 Characteristics of Feudalism. Recovered from:
  2. Feudalism (sf). Retrieved from:
  3. Feudalism Pyramid (sf). Retrieved from:
  4. History of feudalism (2016). Retrieved from:
  5. Stubbs, William. Feudalism, a general overview. Feudalism: Its Frankish Birth And English Development. Retrieved from:
  6. The Feudal Land System (1998). Recovered from:
  7. Vladimir Shlapentokh, and Joshua Woods (2011). Feudal America. Elements of the Middle Ages in Contemporary Society. Retrieved from:

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