The 32 Most Important Examples of Evaporation

Some of the Examples of evaporation Most outstanding are the simple drying of the water, the evaporation of the sweat or the extraction of the salt.

Evaporation is the process by which water changes its state from liquid to gas or vapor. Water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit or 100 degrees Celsius, but begins to evaporate at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius, only slowly. As the temperature increases, the rate of evaporation also increases.

Evaporation is one of the phases of the water cycle. Evaporation is one of the phases of the water cycle.

The amount of evaporation depends on the temperature and the amount of water. For example, there is not much evaporation in the Sahara desert, but why? Although it can be extremely hot in the Sahara, there is only sand; There is not much water to be evaporated.

If the molecule of a liquid gains enough energy in the form of heat from the environment, then it becomes steam. Evaporation occurs on the surface of a liquid, not through the body or volume. When evaporation occurs, the vapor pressure is lower than the surrounding atmosphere pressure.

Water molecules gain enough energy through sunlight, the heat of radiation from the earth's surface to convert water into vapor. It is then released into the atmosphere in a gaseous state.

This process of evaporation is a process by which atoms or molecules that are in a liquid state (or solid state, such as ice) get enough energy to enter into gaseous form.

List with 30 examples of evaporation

Evaporation is a chemical phenomenon with a high incidence in everyday life as well as industrial and research processes. Daily we come across this process without looking at it.

1- Drying clothes in the sun

Many people put freshly washed clothes in the sun for drying. In fact, water is removed from the fabric through evaporation, the product of heat in the environment.

2- Drying the water in the streets

When it rains, city streets often form puddles of water that are easily observable, but with a very short duration. This is because the evaporation takes place and evaporates the water of these puddles turning it into steam.

3- Evaporation of seas and oceans

Although this is a little more difficult to observe, the seas and oceans are constantly evaporating, which causes rain. The water rises to the clouds and causes them to be loaded, causing the precipitations.

In coastal cities, humidity is always a constant because the water from the seas is mixed in the environment giving that feeling of humidity and heavy environment.

4- Tea cooling

The tea cools by giving as a product the steam emanating from the cup. This causes the heat to dissipate, and allow us to drink the tea. The hot molecules on the surface are evaporated, taking with them the heat.

5- Evaporation of the transpiration of our body

The sweat of our body evaporates taking the heat. Sweat evaporates due to its liquid characteristic.

6- Drying the wet floor

As with puddles, when some liquid is spilled on the floor or cleaned, the heat causes this liquid to evaporate completely dry.

7- Evaporation of Nail Paint Remover

When acetone is applied to the nails to remove the enamel, it is evaporated by the caloric action.

8- Dry ice

Dry ice, when extracted from its refrigeration, evaporates due to the pressure exerted by the heat to break the surface tension of the ice.

9- Ice Cube

When you remove a cube of ice, it begins to melt and then takes the form of liquid (water) that will be evaporated by the action of heat.

10- Internal water in cooking pots

Usually, when boiling water and covering it, the object used as a cover is impregnated with a few drops of water product of the steam that could not escape the pot.

11- Evaporated water from the pan

When cooking meat, for example, certain cooks add water to the pan to soften the product. The water evaporates alone as a consequence of the heat exerted by the flame in a very short time.

12- Salt

Salt is created by the evaporation of sea water through industrial or natural processes, resulting in salt crystals.

13- Natural drying of the body

After showering or leaving a pool or beach, we do not need any towel because the same heat causes our body to dry at a slower but safer speed.

14- Distillation

Distillation is a process in which two mixtures are separated through boiling. To achieve this, evaporation allows the separation of substances.

15- Cooling towers

This is one of the most important applications of evaporation. The most iconic cooling towers are those seen in photographs of nuclear plants.

Here the water is used to provoke steam that ignites the turbines to generate electricity. It releases energy through the evaporative process before it returns to its cycle.

16- Evaporation to dry or concentrate samples

It is a common and preparatory step for many laboratory analyzes, such as chromatography. These systems used for this purpose include rotary evaporators and centrifugal evaporators.

17- The Matka

It is a porous Indian craft that acts as a container for the storage and cooling of water and other liquids.

18- The bottle

A traditional Spanish instrument that fulfills the same function of Matka. It works to cool the water contained within this craft.

19- Evaporative coolers

They can significantly cool a building simply by blowing dry air through a water-saturated filter.

20- Concentration of products

It allows the concentration of some product to obtain, for example, molasses in the sugar industry.

21- Crystallization

Evaporation is also used for crystallization.

22- Food processing

It is used to process milk, coffee, juices, vegetables, pasta and concentrates.

23- Combustion of vaporization

Gasoline droplets vaporize as soon as they receive heat, mixing with hot gases in the combustion chamber. The caloric energy may also be received by the radiation emanating from any refractory chamber of the combustion chamber.

24- The steam of a pressure cooker

These pressure cookers produce a great heat inside, with a small seal through which the steam comes out.

25- Ironing

Ironing is also an example of vaporization. Some irons require water, which is then evaporated and allows to iron the fabric.

26- Cloud Formation

Clouds are formed by water, mixed with other chemical components such as oxygen, and helium.

27- Saunas

The saunas. Hot springs are vaporized waters where the heat relaxes the muscles of the body.

28- Evaporation of small lakes and lagoons

29- Kitchen

Evaporation produced by boiling water to make coffee or tea. Steam cooking is also an example of evaporation.

30- Acceleration of productive processes

Evaporation is a natural phenomenon with a high incidence in the day to day of humanity.

It is also used industrially for the acceleration of the productive processes, as well as in the pharmaceutical and chemical industry for the distillation and obtaining of mixed substances.

31- Obtaining energy

Evaporation is also used as a mechanism for obtaining energy, see nuclear plants or hydroelectric plants where evaporation plays a fundamental role in energy processes. As noted above, the steam causes the turbines to ignite releasing energy.

32- Air conditioners

Air conditioners also evaporate water through the steam generating the characteristic cold of these apparatuses in an artificial way.

It should not be confused with boiling, because it requires an essential physical condition and a temperature above 100 degrees centigrade. However, evaporation can occur at temperatures ranging from 0 degrees to 100 degrees.

It should be noted that in cities with higher humidity, there is water in the atmosphere in the form of steam, because of its proximity to the coasts.


  1. Ing. Santibañez, María C. Azucarera Technology. National Center for Sugar Training MINAZ. City of Havana, Cuba, 1983.
  2. Silberberg, Martin A. (2006). Chemistry (4th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Pp. 431-434.
  3. Paul J Capobianco. Quora.

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