The 4 Most Important Education Functions

To understand each of the Functions of Education In society, we must first understand what we mean when we speak of education.

Education is the system through which we acquire knowledge. This knowledge, give us the information, the theoretical or practical understanding, of some specific area that concerns our reality. These contents that we acquire, can be obtained from the experience, or from the learning that gives us the education.

Functions of education

Education instructs us not only about knowledge, but also about values, habits, beliefs and abilities that allow us to develop to be active individuals in a civilized society.

The educational experience can be instructed by a tutor, teacher, teacher, educator, in an institute or educational center (primary, secondary, university, etc.); Or through the process of self-learning, that is, the ability to teach oneself. Some self-taught in the story were Da Vinci, Kubrick or Saramago.

There is a systematization when it comes to educating. In order to achieve the objective proposed by each educational entity, different plans or programs of study are made. These plans are developed in order to be able to clearly communicate and sow the knowledge appropriately in the student.

Most important functions of education

Education is composed and guided by various functions: Personal function, social function, vocational function and finally, academic function.

1- Personal function

It seeks to establish on the part of the teacher, the fundamental bases and tools in the student, as an individual, in his search for the truth. This search requires discipline, self-knowledge and time, in order to achieve a learning determined.

The main objective is to deepen and expand the thinking capacity of each individual in particular. That is, the development of the person in its physical, psychological and emotional aspects, among others.

Through practical and / or theoretical tools, all the values ​​and knowledge of the individual are focused towards a greater integration of the same in the social plane.

Emphasis is placed on the evolution of the person in all its aspects, strengthening his self esteem And generating awareness in decision making. The individual will be refuge in strong arguments and knowledge,"apprehended"in a training cycle.

The teacher must possess several qualities inherent in his or her function. It must have clear communicable values, commitment to the personal and social growth of the student, motivation, responsibility, communication styles and Emotional intelligence .

These qualities are triggers that incite the student, who move and keep him rationally active. Generate uncertainties in the student and provide them with the tools necessary for them to acquire the ability to find a total or partial rational response to their questions.

The apprentice must receive from the educators in charge of his education, an education endowed with new techniques and strategies, in accordance with the current technological evolution and typical of a globalized world. The teacher guides, gives meaning and strengthens the efforts of his students, teaching them to discover, seek and think a concrete reality independently.

2- Social function

It is based on the idea of ​​creating citizens with an independent and free thought. There are several authors, sociologists in their great majority, who propose different points to take into account in the social function of education.

Émile Durkheim (1858-1917, France), for example, said that the aim of education was to adapt the individual within a group where the elders educate the younger and immature generations, indoctrinating them morally and intellectually, so that they fit within the Social group for which they are intended.

There are professionals of the subject that, denominate to the State like social controller, thanks to the public domain of the educative system. That is, they argue that the development of educational institutions, protected by the State, serves as a homogenization factor for Social identity And ideological of citizens.

Education at the service of politics is a very recurrent debate. It is a matter of evidencing the indoctrination of students in schools by the State or the dominant political sphere.

A clear example of this situation was the educational process that took place during the German Nazi State (1933-1945). In the Third Reich, with Adolf Hitler at the head, the pupils were taught a National Socialist view of the world.

The educators of the regime were responsible for removing books that did not match the ideals imposed and introducing new readings in favor of the racism And anti-Semitism that spread to the new German generations.

Through different means and strategies of propaganda, they educated the students on the basis of the existence of a superior race or"Aryan", of which they were part. By contrast, they encouraged the elimination of anyone who was not a member of that social group, among whom were the Jews.

Another example of the social function of education, as a service to politics, was the civic-military coup or coup d'état in Argentina in 1976.

During this process, a military junta commanded by Lieutenant General Jorge Rafael Videla, Brigadier General Orlando Ramón Agosti and Admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera took control of the state from 1976 to the year 1983. This process was called the"National Reorganization Process".

During these dark years of Argentine history, the authorities in charge, carried out persecutions, kidnappings and murders of citizens. Also, they modified the curricula of schools and universities; Burned books.

It should be noted that the social function of education has not only negative consequences as in the examples given so far.

All the training provided to society, is aimed at preserving the values, morals and knowledge of a culture. Different ways of observing and analyzing a given reality are transmitted from generation to generation.

Historically, education has been a privilege for a few, while the current situation, with technological advances, generates an excessive flow of information. Today, any citizen, regardless of race, religion, color, social class, can take possession of a knowledge, only needs two faculties: will and determination.

Formal education together with informal education, that is to say, that taken from the experience of life, make the individuals who make up a society, free and independent beings, capable of constantly surpassing themselves. The knowledge obtained by education, has no borders or horizons.

Concretely defining the definition, we point out that the social function of education is responsible for preserving and transmitting ethical and moral values, habits and customs of each social group, from generation to generation, accepting and applying the laws of evolution .

3 - Vocational function

It has not been many years since the student had to choose between just a couple of"trunk"races. The margin of knowledge to study did not cross the barrier of Medicine, Law, Engineering , Architecture or Literature. At the moment, the offer of tertiary or university races has increased notably.

Careers such as Graphic Designer, Film Management, Neuromarketing, Ontological Coaching or Neuro-Linguistic Programming are just some of the options that a young student can choose for their professional development.

Given the wide range of offers, it is necessary that educators, guide the student in the pursuit of his vocation. It is important that students have a solid background, but at the same time that it provides them with diverse skills and competences, in order to adapt to a changing working world.

Teachers, in addition to orienting and encouraging the vocations of the students, must collaborate in the development of their adaptive capacities. With this I refer to the quality that today needs a professional to be inserted in the labor market.

This function is carried out by the educational and / or vocational counselor. Many educational institutions have implemented courses so that the counselor can provide the necessary support and attention to the students. This teacher is concerned not only with the vocational phase, but also with the student's pedagogical phase.

The counselor also has the functions of dealing with the parents, guardians and other teachers of the students. These meetings can be individual, group or massive, and in them it is a question of directing the students in order to make the most of their individual abilities.

4- Academic function

This role emphasizes the role of teachers and managers within academic establishments, and their responsibilities.

With this I refer to the planning of the objectives to be achieved during the school year, the programming of the study materials, the evaluation tools, the pedagogical strategies to be used with the students and the criteria, knowledge and values ​​that will be Transmitted to them.

Each institution must have educated teachers with the capacity to form objectively. Teachers or teachers should encourage the implementation of educational projects in different areas, innovate in educational methods to achieve the best of each student.

They must understand that each student is a unique and unrepeatable individual and, therefore, adapt the teachings to their needs.

Finally, each educational center and its constituent parts, have to create a context conducive to learning, and infuse in their students theoretical and practical knowledge. In the same way, they must instill in each and every one of the young apprentices the real values ​​present in our contemporary society.

Historical data on education

Education has its beginnings in Prehistory. At that time, knowledge was transmitted from the old generations to the young orally, using storytelling emphasizing different areas of knowledge. In this way, the values, culture and beliefs of a given society were also conveyed.

In antiquity, several thinkers exercised different teaching methods in order to educate their disciples.

Among them were Confucius (551- 479a.C.) in China; And in Greece, Plato (427-347 BC), disciple of the philosopher Socrates and teacher of Aristotle . This great philosopher of antiquity was the founder of the Academy of Athens, the first educational institution in Europe.

In the past, education was only intended for those belonging to a crown, or for those who were part of an aristocratic family. As opposition and a sign of social evolution, at present, there are several governments that have recognized the right to education of its inhabitants.

As a consequence of this provision, several developed and underdeveloped states have raised the numbers in the literacy rate of their citizens. The right to compulsory and public education, leads to a greater development of the human being in his personal and social projections.

Stages or levels of education

  1. Preschool: Training cycle that covers 0 to 6 years of age.
  2. Elementary school: Elementary education. Literacy of the student. Lasts for 6 years.
  3. High school: Baccalaureate. Training to enter higher education.
  4. Higher Education: Tertiary level and University. In this last stage, you can acquire undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate, master's degrees, among others.


  1. May, S.; Aikman, S. (2003). "Indigenous Education: Addressing Current Issues and Developments". Comparative Education .
  2. David Card,"Causal effect of education on earnings,"in Handbook of labor economics , Orley Ashenfelter and David Card (Eds). Amsterdam: North-Holland, 1999.
  3. OECD. Recognition of non formal and informal learning. Retrieved from
  4. Role of education. Recovered from

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