The 5 most violent television series you should know

Violence increasingly occupies a more relevant role in the seventh art, being a phenomenon especially notable in television series. Good part of them they are characterized by a lack of censorship in the face of the most difficult human behavior , especially sexual and violent; something that a few years ago was unthinkable. All this has generated a division in the public and in the criticism about their content: where is the limit of the violence that can be shown on the screen? Is this extreme presence of violence justified in the television panorama?

The truth is that, be that as it may, the most violent television series reap great audience successes . Such is the fascination, which is even carried out to studies about the number of deaths in each of the series, the nature of the deaths and even what conditions would make one survive or die in their favorite series. If this is your case and you want to know both your chances of survival and the exact data of the deaths in the series, you have all the information at the following address: . For now, we leave you with the 5 most violent television series. Have you seen them all?

The 5 most violent television series you can not miss

1. Game of Thrones

The 5 most violent television series 1

When we talk about violence and sex in television series, the first one that comes to our mind is Game of Thrones . Considered already a series of cult and one of the most awarded fictions, good part of its success lies precisely in the stark presentation of its sexual and violent scenes (even the two things at the same time), a feature already present in the first chapters of the series. Since then, the spectators have witnessed all kinds of deaths, vexations, disfigurements and wounds in the struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms. How to forget episodes like The red wedding , true?

2. The Walking Dead

The 5 most violent television series 2

The walking dead is the series that has brought the zombie genre to a level of unexplored violence so far . Considered one of the bloodiest series, violence has not only been presented against the same zombies, but between the human characters themselves, killed right and left with katanas, knives, amputations and a long etcetera; we have even witnessed how they disembowel a zombie to camouflage themselves under his skin and go unnoticed. Such is the exposed brutality, that even the team has been forced to cut some of its scenes to avoid hurting the sensibilities of the spectators.

3. Sons of Anarchy (Sons of Anarchy)

The 5 most violent television series 3

Sons of Anarchy tells the story of a group of bikers who offer protection to their people in exchange for continuing their illegal activities , among which count the illegal sale of weapons, pornography and bribes. Being these the main components of the plot, it seems inevitable that the result is not what it is: violence is understood as a means to solve possible major problems, inevitably perpetuating the permanent feedback of such behavior. The endless number of tortures and fights, like burning one of the characters alive, is, after all, an imposition of authority in a truly dangerous world.

4. Spartacus

The 5 most violent television series 4

The series that tells the life of the famous slave Spartacus in Ancient Rome shows a story of gladiators, fights and revolts of slaves who can not avoid the waste of blood . In fact, in the pilot episode of the series the spectator can already witness cuts, mutilations and really gore scenes with arteries expelling blood in spurts that complicate, and much, the ability to keep their eyes fixed on the screen. If we add to all this the images with obvious visual effects and scenes of explicit sex, the controversy is more than served.

5. Boardwalk Empire

The 5 most violent television series 5

The last of our violent series is a really interesting case, because it transcends the mere physical violence to marvel us with a psychological and verbal violence that dresses in elegance to reflect the life of the mobsters during the 1920s. The presence of such violence increases as the plot progresses; After all, there are many historians who detect this era as the germ of organized crime in the United States. Once again, we are faced with an ode to violence as a method of survival.

Despite its high content of violence, or precisely because of it, these series have been praised by a critic and an audience that has raised them. However, they have not been exempt from strong criticism for the possible consequences, especially for the most vulnerable people. Taking into account the debate, we encourage you to leave us a comment with your position on the matter. Tell us, what do you think about the role of violence in the scenario of the series? Do you know other violent television series that you think deserve a mention in our list? We are looking forward to your opinion!

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