The 8 Most Outstanding Television Features

The characteristics of television Have allowed it to become the mass media with greater presence and reach worldwide.

Its system, destined to the reception and transmission of sounds and images that simulate movement at a distance, has reached great importance being the Mass media Par excellence dedicated to informing, educating and entertaining people around the world.

Characteristics of television, the center of the home

Its origins go back to the end of the 19th century, when the phototelegraphy was discovered a new form of electromagnetic transmission of images and sounds.

Its antecedents are in the disk of light exploration of Paul Nipkow and the tube iconoscope of Vladimir Zworykin, which allowed the existence of the mechanical and electronic television in years 1920.

For the 1930s, electronic television In higher quality and definition, as well as the first mobile TV cameras.

Subsequently, thanks to the discovery of selenium, television was born in the United States and Britain in 1936.

However, with the arrival of the World War II To Europe, it was Latin America and the Mexican television industry that managed since 1946 to start broadcasting in black and white, developing the first commercial channels.

Subsequently, in the 1950s color television emerged and, in the 1960s, the popular cable television.

As the 70s, 80s and 90s progress, local and autonomous television markets begin to develop allowing the emergence of high definition television that we know today, as well as the start of digital television on the Internet.

The characteristics of television as a means of mass communication

Television is characterized as a means of communication received by a large audience, hence it is classified as"the largest means of mass communication."

It is estimated that television is the most attractive medium for viewers precisely because it manages to captivate and include different social strata regardless of their social, economic, political or cultural conditions.

Its enormous power of social penetration has contributed to the fact that today people watch television daily for 3 hours and 40 minutes, being a medium of easy access and free character.

Television has acquired great power within societies, as it is common for most people to own one and sit and watch it several times a day.

The great social attraction of television lies in the fact that watching television does not require extra effort, so people do not need high academic degrees to understand the different messages they present to them. Reason why it has managed to capture diverse types of audiences.

1- As an audiovisual medium

One of the main characteristics of television is that it consists of a medium of communication that includes sounds and images, which helps the user to create mental impressions of what he sees and listens through the screen.

It is that quality that allows people to relate emotionally to what they see on the screen, hence they feel identified and most of the visualized images are memorable.

2- As a domestic medium

Television has acquired the characteristic of being a"domestic"medium for allowing the user to enjoy it from the comfort of their home.

A quality that has given great success to television by becoming an integral part of the lives of people, who use it in their meetings and family meals.

Television is an intimate medium that unites families and provides personalized entertainment and information.

3- As an immediate means

The goal of television is to be able to observe the image in real time, which is why this means of communication allows a constant, instantaneous and rapid flow of information.

This is why television has made a significant contribution to globalization by allowing people to interconnect people by breaking down barriers of time and space.

Thanks to this feature of television, people can witness different events that occur miles away from their homes, whether it be important football matches or tennis, for example, or some news or environmental catastrophe.

4- As an educational medium

One of the functions of television is to educate and educate its audience through the different programming that it provides, which helps the user to learn about health and food issues.

At the same time, it includes programs for children that contribute to their intellectual, emotional and motor development.

In addition, being an interactive medium of audiovisual type helps the user to retain information in a quick and easy.

Television strengthens national integration and strengthens respect for moral and ethical values.

You may be interested 13 Advantages and Disadvantages of Television in Children .

5- As a political instrument

By occupying most of the daily lives of a large number of people, television has become the preferred medium for voters.

Citizens, instead of addressing political bodies, prefer to use television as an information and assistance mechanism when selecting the right candidate.

That is why television has acquired great social power in influencing voters and their decisions as important electoral campaigns approach.

6- It is the most widely used means of communication by advertising agencies

Precisely because television is aimed at mass audiences and of different tastes, ages, personalities and different socio-cultural contexts, the commercials are usually transmitted through it.

Advertising companies choose the best time to advertise their products, namely when audience levels are higher.

In addition, the television allows to include a great variety of advertising forms that between programming and programming are usually seen by the user.

7- Promotes cultural exchange

Television has become a cultural tool in contributing to the processes of transculturization.

Through its diverse options of films, series, news programs, sports, cultural and gastronomic programs, it has helped different cultures to know each other, accept and respect.

8- Contributes to social heterogeneity

Television has managed to target billions of users, each with different ideologies, opinions and perceptions, because it has been characterized by promoting various programs that include in one way or another the tastes of the different audiences who listen to it.

Thus, television is seen as an open and liberal medium that provides the user with a unique experience.


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