The legend of the traveler's tree | A plant capable of giving water to the thirsty

Surely you've seen movies in which a thirsty man stumbled through the desert until, finally, he found a plant, pulled out his knife and managed to drink some kind of liquid that it kept inside. In Supercurioso we have asked ourselves if this was possible and we have run into a plant: the Ravenala madagascariensis. It is also known as the traveler's tree , a plant capable of giving water to the thirsty and that hides a legend. Join us to meet her.

The Ravenala madagascariensis is an endemic plant of the Island of Madagascar , one of the places in the world with a more unique biodiversity due to its isolation. There are four different varieties and the largest of them can reach 30 m. High.

The legend of the traveler's tree

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The Ravenala madagascariensis looks like a palm tree, but it is not. It belongs to the family of Strelitziaceae and formerly it was believed that it was a type of banana although by its appearance its other popular name is "Palma del Viajero".

The legend of the traveler's tree

If it is called Traveler's Tree It is because according to the legend it was set by God to help people who got lost in their route and could not get shade, orientation, water or food. The leaves of the traveler's tree They are extensive as fans and able to provide a good shade in a hot country like Madagascar, their fruits are edible even if they are mealy and in several parts of the plant, especially in the pods of the stems, according to the legend rainwater accumulates capable to quench the thirst of the traveler. In addition, the plant can serve as a compass to the traveler who is familiar with it, since its leaves usually take the east-west orientation. This orientation seems contradictory, but we must not forget how the branches and leaves are arranged in this false palm.

The legend of the traveler's tree 1

In an inner chamber of the palms at the base of the leaves can be stored, in each of them, almost a liter of water. However, is that liquid potable? Modern analyzes have unraveled the mystery; the result has been that this water is cloudy, of a dark color and that it gives off an unpleasant smell, but conveniently purified it is possible to consume it.

Other plants able to give water or hydration to the thirsty

He traveler's tree It is not the only plant that can provide vital fluid to a traveler in distress. The first idea that comes to mind is to drink the liquid that we can extract from a cactus in case of being in the desert, but that is not always a good occurrence. Cacti in general have ways to prevent animals from using them as a source of hydration. On the one hand they have thorns that prevent them from approaching, but also their flesh is composed of very powerful acids and alkaloids. This type of chemical elements are not tolerated by most animals or by humans. Its consumption would affect the kidneys and also cause vomiting, diarrhea and even temporary paralysis.

The legend of the traveler's tree 2

Alone two types of cactus They will provide us with a type of hydration similar to water: cactus and a type of barrel cactus (also known as mother-in-law seat or hedgehog cactus), elFerocactus wislizenii. Apparently the taste of these two raw plants is a little unpleasant but they can provide hydration, if there is a need for it, without harming our health. So, if you do not know what kind of cactus it is, better not try it even if you are in an emergency situation.

The legend of the traveler's tree 3

Some palm trees like the Phoenix canariensis Hort. Ex Chab. of the Canary Islands, can also provide a liquid that can be drunk, is known as guarapo and is actually the sap of the palm tree. It is sweet and has a peculiar flavor. In the Canary Islands, they use it to make palm honey and a drink called guarapo. Another option that the survival manuals point out to get water from plants is to try to find the deposits that form in them, such as bamboo holes.

He traveler's tree It is so important in Madagascar that it is part of its official seal and the logo of the airline of the country and even many of the typical houses have the roof made of leaves of the traveler's tree . What do you think about this curious plant? Should you be thirsty, would you be able to drink the liquid inside? Do you know other plants that offer a drinkable liquid, in case of dehydration, like the ones we mentioned? If you know any, do not forget to comment, we wait for your answer. If you want to know other curious plants related to legends, we invite you to read the post: The vampire tree (Mexican legend) .

Images: Photo of CEphoto , Wouter Hagens , Homer Edward Price ,

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