The Meaning and Psychology of Purple Color

He Meaning and psychology of purple Is highly associated with the nobility, luxury, Magic, spirituality, creativity , Dignity or even with royalty. A contemporary example is the invitations that were given to celebrate the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II on June 2, 1953.

The purple was an extremely difficult color to obtain, reason why the garments that carried this pigment were reserved for individuals with great privileges like emperors or religious figures of high hierarchy.

Purple psychology

In the Catholic Church, purple is commonly used by bishops to symbolize piety.

The meaning of purple

The color purple is a deep blue and dark purple color whose name refers to the color of the blackberries. It is not until the fifteenth century when this name is given in Spanish.

Today color can symbolize magic, spirituality, creativity , Dignity or even royalty.

Their variations also make a difference to their representations: the lighter purples are associated with the romantic and light, while the darkest to intellectuality and dignity.

However it also has negative connotations such as decadence, pomposity and pride or arrogance.

In the deep yo

This color is related to imagination and spirituality. It stimulates the imagination and inspires high ideals. It is an introspective color that allows us to get in touch with our deepest thoughts.

Purple helps those who seek the meaning of life or spiritual satisfaction, expands our awareness of the environment and connects us with a higher consciousness. For this reason it is associated with the soul and philosophers are often attracted to it.

In addition, it is a liturgical color that represents spiritual preparation, so it is used in times like Advent and Lent. As well as it represents the atonement, the repentance, being used generally in all the penitential acts.

As a cultural symbol

As a cultural symbol, it represents the future, the imagination and the dreams, while at the same time it calms the emotions spiritually.

It inspires and expands psychic ability and intellectual enlightenment while keeping us grounded.

It is related to the world of fantasies, as a necessity to escape from the earthly life. It is the dreamer escaping from reality.

The color purple is associated with royalty and nobility, creating the impression of luxury, wealth and extravagance. Those who like purple have power. Color has a richness that makes you demand respect.

The cultural significance of this color varies, for example in Catholicism represents mourning and death, in Europe royalty, in Japan wealth, in Brazil death and mourning, in India grief and comfort, in this wealth and in the West royalty, spirituality, Wealth, fame, high positions of authority and military honor.

In emotions and feelings

Purple promotes the harmony of mind and emotions, contributes to balance, mental stability, peace of mind, the link between the spiritual and physical worlds, between thought and action. The purple is a support in the practice of the meditation .

The purple color inspires unselfish and unconditional love, free of ego, encouraging sensitivity and compassion. It means loyalty, well-being, success, and wisdom.

Purple stimulates the brain activity we use to solve problems . In case of being overused it can be associated with arrogance and artificial appearance. The purple, when used with care, gives an air of mystery, wisdom and respect.

As inspiration or support

Encourages creative pursuits and inspiration and originality through creative projects.

Those who prefer purple love to be unique, individual and independent, not one more of the pile. Artists, musicians, writers, poets and physicists have been inspired by the purple, its magic and mystery.

It suggests wealth and extravagance, fantasy and the world of dreams. It facilitates spiritual pursuits and personal enlightenment.

Purple is the color of the humanitarian, who uses his wisdom to do good to others. Combining wisdom and power with sensitivity and humility.

Academic institutions often use shades of purple or violet as they seek to inspire intellectual thinking and success.

Dark purple is associated with rights and power, so it has been used by kings and queens for many years. Instead, a lighter shade of purple is associated with noble, capricious, romantic and nostalgic feelings.

Psychology of the purple

If purple is your favorite color, it is likely to be for certain Traits of your personality .

In turn, having as a preference said color highlights or reinforces some typical features. Here's a list of personality traits associated with purple. Are they known?

The purple color represents

  • Inspiration : Original ideas are created with purple, can be used when we are looking for inspiration during a brainstorming session.
  • Imagination : Purple inspires creativity with intellect. It is stimulating in the activity of the dream.
  • Individuality : Purple is unconventional, individual and original. Those who prefer it hate to copy others and likes to do things their own way.
  • Spirituality : Purple helps us during prayer and meditation, to get in touch with our deep unconscious thoughts. Churches often wear purple in their buildings and attire.

Spirituality, intuition, intellectuality, independence, creativity, wisdom, royalty, nobility, wealth, sensitivity, passion, love, dignity, wit, sensitivity are some of the characteristics attributed to this color.

People who are attracted to this color have an aura of mystery. That is why it is often the favorite color of artists, who like to consider themselves as unconventional.

Effects of purple

Empathy: Compassion, affection and love for humanity.

  • Control of emotions : Purple is passionate, like red (the latter to intimacy in intimate spaces).
  • Respectable and distinguished : The darker shades of purple are particularly linked with the origins of color when it was only accessible to royalty and the rich.
  • Impractical : Those who prefer purple may be impractical, with their heads in the clouds rather than with their feet on the ground. They tend to see life as they imagine it, rather than as it really is.
  • Immature : Color can foster fantasy and an idealism that is difficult to achieve in real life in those who have it as their favorite color.
  • Dignity : The purple exudes a modest form of dignity that is attractive to others.
  • Cynicism : This is a negative side of the purple.

The greatest need for those who love purple is emotional security and the need to create order and perfection in all areas of their lives, including spiritual life.

They also have a deep need to initiate and participate in humanitarian projects, helping others in need.

How to use the color purple in your life

Now that we know all this about the purple color we can think of some ways to use it to improve our quality of life

If you want to stimulate your imagination at the time of writing, we suggest you buy a notebook with purple cover as well as use ink of the same color. This will allow your ideas to flow more easily.

Include the color purple in your home, either by painting a wall or by hanging a painting where the color predominates.

This way you will show your passion and inspire respect to the guests. The color will also provide a feeling of relaxation and spirituality that will facilitate you to practice activities like the Yoga Or artistic creation.

Wear purple garments when you want to emphasize your individuality or intellectuality in social events. It will help you give a picture of success.

Too much purple can promote or aggravate depression in some people. It is a color that should be used with extreme caution and in small quantities by those vulnerable to falling into depressive states.

Data of interest for companies

Studies have shown that color:

  • Increases brand recognition by up to 80%
  • Improves readership by up to 40%
  • Increases understanding by 73%
  • It can be up to 85% the reason why people decide to buy a product.

Other interesting facts are:

  • Some brands are so closely associated with their colors that we recognize them even when the names of companies are not visible.
  • It is very important for brands to be able to project their value. Marketers generally understand the need for consistency in color and design.
  • It is also vital to move beyond the standard logo and slogan to take an approach that evokes emotions among potential customers across all marketing channels.
  • In business when using the purple it is necessary to understand the traits, qualities and mood of the color as well as its psychological meaning. The messages that the color sends to the clientele can have a great impact on the success of the business.
  • It is often used by businesses found in creative fields: designers, psychics and cosmetics producers usually use it.
  • In the service business, purple in marketing gives the idea of ​​premium quality service.
  • Purple is often connected to an audience between 18 and 25 years as color is seen in these ages as sexy and rebellious, while innovative designers connect it with sophistication and power.
  • Pre-adolescent boys are attracted to purple along with other primary and secondary colors. These colors go well in products and marketing designed for this age group.
  • Purple is used to relax and soothe. It is often seen in rejuvenating and beauty products. It is often used to demonstrate high quality or a superior product like Cadbury chocolate or some cosmetic brands.
  • Physiologically, it sharpens the sense of the beauty of people and their reaction to the most creative ideas.
  • Purple is a color that goes well with gold, turquoise, jade green, deep red, magenta and yellow. When combined with orange creates a unique contemporary look.
  • If you are looking to promote a product for its superior quality to the competition, purple is the ideal color to carry out your task. The same if you want to promote a service related to aesthetics or personal beauty, such as cosmetic products or services of makeup or facial and body care.
  • When combined with gold, it gives the impression of being exclusive and high-end, so it will attract customers willing to spend more to appropriate the image projected your product or service.
  • The purple is ideal to promote products aimed at young women or adolescents and children because of the attraction they generate. However, be careful not to use it too much, you can generate a negative impact by glimpsing an image of waste, extravagance or cynicism.

In general, color psychology tries to study how each color evokes a particular behavior in the person, behavior that may differ from one subject to another.

This psychology is increasingly used by architects, designers, advertisers and artists. Being his forerunner Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

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