The planet Goblin, beyond Pluto | Newly discovered!

In Supercurioso we have explored the universe and its curiosities , we have visited the Solar system , the exoplanets that most They look like Earth , although they are light years away from us, famous Big Bang and much more. As we love to know the latest news about space, today we want to talk to you about Goblin planet and its discovery.

Often the most surprising things in life happen by chance as is the case in the following article; the newly discovered planet Goblin . This new planet was discovered while searching for clues about another huge planet that was supposed to be beyond the orbit of Pluto, the " Planet nine " They became aware of their presence in the dark and it is believed that they could come to give clues about that larger planet they were looking for.

On the margin of the planet Goblin. What is planet nine?

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Goblin Planet

If we talk about the planet nine, we have to go back to 2016 when the astronomers raised the hypothesis that there should be a planet the size of Neptune but at a very distant distance , but in the solar system, and that would be responsible for changing the orbits of some nearby space rocks. It was called Planet Nine and is still being searched, since it remains hidden. Although it is clear that finding it could take us many years because of the immense nature of the universe.

What happens is that in the search for planet nine, we discover things that were not sought, as is the case of the planet that occupies us in this article. It's actually called 2015 TG387, but the astronomers were inspired by the "TG" to call it Goblin Planet.

This small planet occupies a remarkable place, orbiting around the Sun some 80 times farther from it than our planet Earth , which means that it takes 40,000 years to complete an orbit. You know what that means? What the last time the planet Goblin was at this point, on our planet there were other species of humans and civilization was still very far away . So we can be happy to have been able to see this planet before it disappears again.

There are clear evidences of the existence of Planet Nine

The question is: how can this new planet give us clues about the existence of Planet Nine? That answer has astronomers who did some research. By doing some simulations with the planet Goblin, and always without losing sight of the possible existence of that super planet of a size similar to Neptune, they realized that, if this Planet Nine really existed, it would be guiding the Goblin Planet along its orbit . Actually, the gravitational influence of Planet Nine could be keeping away more than one distant planet, that's a good thing, since it could avoid the possibility of a more than unpleasant collision.

And now comes what's really interesting. As we mentioned earlier, that newly discovered world is far away from us, however it does not seem to be alone in that space . Actually there are other dwarf planets in that area. They are called Sedna and 2012 VP113.

Goblin Planet 1

These curious planets travel in their own zone, very far from the main area of ​​our solar system where Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are. That means that the orbits of all those dwarf planets could give much more credibility to the argument that Planet Nine is a reality.

This orbital situation "Makes the dwarf worlds, immensely interesting" why "Can be used as probes to understand what is happening at the edge of our solar system" . This is what Sheppard, the principal author of the investigation, stated.

Incredible as it may seem, the article on the discovery of Planet Goblin has not yet been published in a specialized magazine, one of those science magazines considered true gold standards of science for the simple reason that other scientists they verify the works before publishing them. After clarifying this, you should know that the Astronomical Journal is seriously considering the presentation of the article with all these discoveries.

Sheppard and some of his research colleagues made an incredible announcement earlier this year, when they were looking for the elusive Planet Nine.

"12 new moons around the planet Jupiter. So the search for this theoretical planet has already paid off. "

That statement refers to that if nothing else happened, if they could not find anything else, the investigation would have been worthwhile for everything that has been discovered almost by chance, as is the case of the planet Goblin that occupies the article from today.

It's amazing how sometimes life comes up with this type of coincidence, discover a new dwarf planet and 12 more moons around Jupiter while you were concentrated looking for Planet Nine . Incredible true?.

What do you think about this type of coincidence? Do you think, as we do, that space is so immensely large that we still have a lot of "coincidences" ???? What to discover? Leave us your impressions, opinions or comments, we will be happy to read you!

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