The sexually transmitted cancer that dogs can suffer

It is commonly known that cancer is not a contagious disease . However, among the mammals There are three types of cancer that are spread without having an oncovirus involved. One of them affects the Tasmanian devil, the other the Syrian hamster and the last one the dogs. The sexually transmitted cancer that dogs can suffer. Discover it!

Sexually transmitted cancer that affects dogs

Among the dogs there is a sexually transmitted cancer . Because of the mutations found in the DNA of this cancer, it is believed that the common origin of this particular tumor is relatively recent and scientists estimate that it may be between 200 and 2,500 years old. During this time he has left spreading through tumor cells that leave the body of the sick individual and enter another dog. The name of this canine sexually transmitted cancer is TVT and fortunately it is usually benign; also in most cases leaves the dogs that have suffered immune to reinfection .

The sexually transmitted cancer that dogs can suffer

How is it spread?

The TVT affects not only the domestic dog, but also coyotes and the gray wolf. The normal thing is that be transmitted during copulation , but can also be infected by licking, scratching, biting and even sniffing the genital areas of the infected animal and facilitated by the existence of lesions in the mucous membranes. Researchers at University College London discovered, by analyzing samples from dogs from many different countries, that the tumor cells did not really belong to the individual from whom they were taken. All the cells were genetically equal and apparently they came from a canine or ancient dog breed from Siberia or China. The tumor cells they act really as if they were parasites .

The sexually transmitted cancer that dogs can suffer 1

What symptoms do you have?

The symptoms are varied , but for any veterinarian they are easy to recognize. In general they are tumorations similar to a cauliflower that come out in the genitals of both males and females. In some cases the symptoms may also be visible in the nose in the form of fistulas or hemorrhages and in the mouth with jaw swelling or enlarged lymph nodes.

Is there a cure for canine sexual transmission?

The sexually transmitted cancer or canine venereal tumor usually starts at spontaneously regress between three and nine months after giving the first signals and leaving the dogs fully immunized. Of course, in that time has been able to travel to other animals and infect them. In case it does not regress spontaneously, it has been proven that a chemotherapy treatment is highly effective.

The sexually transmitted cancer that can suffer from dogs 2

This cancer of canine sexual transmission is also important for humans because it is one of the oldest known. Their study could illuminate the way cancers evade the immune system because when studying the sexually transmitted cancer of dogs it has been seen that it secretes compounds that manage to inhibit the host's immune system. Did you know TVT? Have you suffered any of your mascots ? Share your experience with us!

Image: Joel Mills

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