The Top 100 Psychology Phrases from Famous Psychologists

The phrases stimulate us to know ourselves, to inspire ourselves, to develop ourselves personally and to understand in few sentences the thoughts of other people.

I'll leave you later 100 phrases of psychology Of the most famous psychologists in history; Sigmund Freud, Albert Bandura, Carl Rogers, Jung, Abraham Maslow, Skinner, Chomsky, Pavlov and William James.

Phrases from psychologists

There are positive psychology, emotional, psychoanalysis, humanists, behaviorism... They will serve you to think and to learn more of this science.

You may also like These phrases of Freud , You are from Carl Rogers , You are from William James or You are from jung .

Psychology phrases of the most important psychologists

1-When inspiration does not find me, I do half a way to find it.- Sigmund Freud .

2-Trusting yourself does not guarantee success, but failure to do so guarantees failure. Albert Bandura .

3-The curious paradox is that when I accept myself I can change.- Carl Rogers .

4-The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation, but your thoughts about it. Be aware of the thoughts you are having.-Eckhart Tolle.

5-Through others we become pampered.-Lev S. Vygotsky.

6-Success requires persistence, the ability not to surrender in the face of failure. I think optimistic style is the key to persistence.-Martin Seligman.

7-It is not normal to know what we want. It is a strange and difficult psychological achievement.- Abraham Maslow .

Psychology appointments

8-The task we must establish for ourselves is not to be sure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity.-Erich Fromm.

9-Psychology, unlike chemistry, algebra or literature, is a manual for your own mind. It is a guide to life.-Daniel Goldstein.

10-The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to ignore.-William James.

11-Self-knowledge and personal development are difficult for most people. Usually requires a lot of courage and perseverance.- Abraham Maslow .

12-The real problem is not if they think the machines, but if it does the man.-B. F. Skinner.

The Top 100 Psychology Phrases from Famous Psychologists

13-The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental health.-Abraham Maslow.

14-The great discovery of my generation is that human beings can change their lives by changing their mental attitudes.-William James.

15-Psychology can not tell people how they should live their lives. However, it can provide meaning for effective personal and social change.-Albert Bandura.

16-Even when it is not completely attainable, we become better at pursuing a higher goal.-Victor Frankl.

The Top 100 Psychology Phrases of Famous Psychologists 1

17-The best years of your life occur when you decide to take responsibility for your problems. Do not blame them for your mother, the ecology or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.-Albert Ellis.

18-The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow will not wait while you do the work.-Erik Erikson.

19 - Every man carries the limit of his own field of vision to the limits of the world.-Arthur Schopenhauer.

20-Geniuses are admired, men in health are envied, men in power are feared; But only trust in men with character.-Alfred Adler.

21-I try to expand the scope of positive psychology beyond the happy face. Happiness is only the fifth part of what humans choose to do.-Martin Seligman.

22-When I look at the world I'm pessimistic, but when I look at people I'm optimistic.-Carl Rogers.

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23-Follow your heart but take with you to your brain.-Alfred Adler.

24-Psychology helps measure the likelihood that a goal is attainable.-Edward Thorndike.

25-When writing is good, a book becomes a mirror. The reader will find a strange familiarity and respond accordingly.-Jen Knox.

26-We believe that we think, but rarely do it with real understanding and empathy. True listening, however, is one of the most potent forces for change I know.-Carl Rogers.

27-We face continually great opportunities that are brilliantly masked by unsolvable problems.-Margaret Mead.

28-To realize that our actions, feelings and behaviors are the result of our own mental images and beliefs, does not give the level that psychology has always needed for the change of personality.-Maxwell Maltz.

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29-Social psychology is especially interested in the effect that the social group has in determining the experience and behavior of the individual.-George Herbert Mead.

30-Any failure that we may suffer in life, we can become a small success if we follow the right path. Keep walking.-Michelangelo Saez.

31-Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive and leave later in more ugly forms.- Sigmund Freud .

32-Every act of conscious learning requires the will to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem. That is why young children learn so quickly before they become aware of their own importance.-Thomas Szasz.

33-Civilization begins when a furious person chooses a word instead of a rock.-Sigmund Freud.

34 -I know enough that no woman should ever marry a man who hated her mother.-Martha Gellhorn.

35-Our ability to adapt is incredible. Our ability to change is spectacular.-Liza Lutz.

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36. The disappearance of the sense of responsibility is the greatest consequence of submission to authority.-Stanley Milgram.

37-I think one of the main results of the psychology of decision-making is that people's attitudes and feelings about losses and gains are not symmetrical. We feel more pain to lose 10,000 euros than pleasure to win 10000 euros.-Daniel Kahneman.

38-If you think you do good things, you tend to like it better than if you think good things come from other people.-Martin Seligman.

39-They never taught you how to speak with your gestures, but if you were taught to speak with words.-Paul Ekman.

40-The great question that no one has answered, and which I have not been able to answer after thirty years of investigation of the feminine soul is, What does a woman want? -Sigmund Freud.

41-Our scars are often the opening to our best and most beautiful parts.-David Richo.

42-If we do not believe in freedom of expression for the people we despise, we do not believe in it at all.-Noam Chomsky.

43-The most personal is more universal.-Carl Rogers.

44-Except for our own thoughts, there is absolutely nothing in our power.-Rene Descartes.

45-The message sent is not always the message received.-Virginia Satir.

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46-The future influences the present as well as the past.- Friedrich Nietzsche .

47-The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of ​​the things we know best.-Paul Valery.

48-We forget very easily what causes us pain.-Graham Green.

"If you want to be happy, you must resign yourself to seeing others happy."Bertrand Russell.

50-Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.-Erich Fromm.

51-The pendulum of the mind oscillates between meaning and nonsense, not between good and evil.-C.G. Jung.

52-An intelligent person can rationalize anything, a wise person does not even try.-Jen Knox.

53-In the animal kingdom the rule is, eat or eat you; In the human kingdom is, defines or is defined.-Thomas Stephen Szasz.

"It's all in the mind."George Harrison.

musical intelligence

55-We pay attention to what they tell us to attend, to what we are looking for or what we already know. What we see is incredibly limited.-Daniel Simons.

56. Heroes are those who somehow resist the power of the situation and act for noble reasons, or behave in a way that does not degrade others when they could do it easily.-Philip Zimbardo.

57. Man is many things, but he is not rational.-Oscar Wilde.

58. Peace is not an absence of war, it is a virtue, a state of mind, a disposition towards benevolence, trust or justice.-Spinoza.

59-Even a happy life can not be measured without the darkness. The word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.-C.G. Jung.

60-Any form of addiction is bad, whether alcohol, morphine or idealism.-C.G. Jung.

"I suppose it's tempting to treat everything like a nail, if the only tool you have is a hammer."-Abraham Maslow.

62. Every act of perception is also an act of creation and every act of memory is also an act of imagination.-Oliver Sacks.

The Top 100 Psychology Phrases from Famous Psychologists

63-Do not become a mere recorder of facts, try to penetrate the mystery of its origin.-Ivan Pavlov.

64. Psychology and behavior are closely related. It's simply the study of people and how they work.-Claire Danes.

65-How painful it can be to deny one's truth and live lies only to appease others.-June Ahern.

"When a man is penalized for being honest, he learns to lie."Criss Jami.

67-Focus on what makes you happy and do what gives meaning to your life.-Barry Schwartz.

I firmly believe that indigenous peoples had a very good understanding of why we are here. And we are trying to gain that understanding and intellect in modern civilization through psychology.-Serj Tankian.

69-We do not know what we want and yet we are responsible for what we are - that's a fact.-Sartre.

70-Character builds a life no matter how dark it may be and the few lights that come from the stars.-James Hillman.

People react predictably, especially when they have no time to think.-Keith Ablow.

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Sometimes, if you want to change a person's mind, you first have to change the mind of the person next to you.-Megan Whalen Turner.

73. Good actions give us strength and inspire good deeds in others.-Plato.

74-One can not be responsible for the world without feeling very sad often.-Erich Fromm.

75-Most social acts must be understood in their context, since they lose meaning if they are isolated.-Solomon Asch.

76-Whole life is a quest for beauty. But when the beauty is within, the search ends and a beautiful journey begins.-Harshit Walia.

77-People often say that this or that person has not found himself. However, the"I"is not something that is found, it is something that is created.-Thomas Stephen Szasz.

78-It seems that it is necessary not to fear mistakes, to do the best that one can, and to wait to learn enough to correct oneself in time.-Abraham Maslow.

79. The ideal man accepts the accidents of life with dignity and grace, taking the best of circumstances.-Aristotle.

80-What is rejected of itself appears in the world as an event.-C.G. Jung.

81-Every child should be taught to accept, admire, appreciate, forgive, trust, and love his own person.-Asa Don Brown.

Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

82. If a person loves only one person and is indifferent to all others, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment or enlarged selfishness.-Erich Fromm.

83-When a person feels powerless to control his own life, he can defend himself against that discomfort by seeking control over another person.-A. Nicholas Groth.

"He fought because he felt safer fighting than running."Richard Adams.

85-Education is what survives when what has been learned survives.-B. F. Skinner.

86. A person who has been punished will not be less likely to behave in a certain way; In the best of cases he will learn to avoid punishment.-B.F. Skinner.

87. Change happens when you become what you are, not when you try to become what you are not.-Arnold Beisser.

88. Every criticism, judgment, and expression of wrath is the tragic expression of an unfulfilled need.-Marshall B. Rosenberg.

89-It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief finds or expects to find the addict in the drug or in addictive behavior.-Gabor Maté.

90-The problem is not that you have symptoms - it's what you do with the symptoms you have.-Fred Penzel.

91-Most of my patients consisted not of believers but of people who lost faith.-C.G. Jung.

92. The mental anguish is always the result of the avoidance of legitimate suffering.-Stefan Molyneux.

The Top 100 Psychology Phrases from Famous Psychologists

93-According to Madam Pomfrey, thoughts could leave scars deeper than almost anything else.- J.K. Rowling.

94-The mind is an instrument to achieve results, even for athletes. The psychology of sport is a small part, but extremely important when you are winning and losing careers for hundredths or thousandths of a second.-Michael Johnson.

There is no psychology; There is only biography and autobiography.-Thomas Szasz.

96-Do not cling to hatred or pain. They steal your energy and drive you away from love.-Leo Buscaglia.

97. Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.-Soren Kierkegaard.

98-We become wiser because of adversity; Prosperity destroys our appreciation of rightness.-Seneca.

99-Health is like sea water; The more water we drink, the more thirst we have; And it's the same with fame.-Arthur Schopenhauer.

100-Even injustice has its positive side. It gives me the challenge of being as happy as I can in an unjust world.-Albert Ellis.

101-Psychology is much bigger than medicine or fix things unhealthy. It encompasses education, work, marriage, even sports. What I want to do is to see psychologists work to help people build their strengths in those domains.-Martin Seligman.

102-There is in every child at every stage a new miracle of vigorous development.-Erik Erikson

103- The aim of education is not to increase the level of knowledge but to create possibilities for the child to invent and discover, to create men capable of doing new things.-Jean Piaget

104- From the moral as well as from the intellectual point of view, the child is born neither good nor bad, but owner of his destiny.-Jean Piaget

105-I know who you are and say what you feel, because those who bother do not matter and those who matter will not bother.- Fritz Perls .

(The following are not psychologists although they are very striking).

- We know what we are, but not what we can be.-William Shakespeare.

- I have not failed. I've only found 10,000 things that do not work.-Thomas Edison

- The brain is wider than the sky.-Emily Dickinson.

- Great spirits have often overcome the violent opposition of mediocre minds.-Albert Einstein.

"I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to fulfill the light I have."-Abraham Lincoln.

- There is nothing good or bad, thought does so.-William Shakespeare.

- Much of learning does not teach understanding. - Heraclitus

- We must learn to live together as brothers or to perish together as fools. - Martin Luther King Jr.

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