Top 10 Environmental Problems in Argentina

The environmental problems in Argentina more urgent to solve and that most concern that nation are climate change, water pollution, the management and disposal of solid waste and the cutting of forests or deforestation.

This list of problems is headed by climate change, which has brought about the overheating of the planet and the polar thaw.

Top 10 Environmental Problems in Argentina

This is the result of a national environmental survey recently published by the Fundación Vida Silvestre y Poliarquía.

Air pollution, soil degradation and contamination, floods, loss of biodiversity, forest fires and mining are other environmental problems that affect Argentina.

The 10 main environmental problems in Argentina

1- Climate change

This is a worldwide phenomenon that is worrying the entire planet because of its implications for life and the environmental, social and economic consequences of this problem.

It is true that the climate on Earth has never been static and is always in constant variation. But when sudden changes in climate are generated by man altering the composition of the atmosphere, then alarms are activated.

Argentina is a developing country whose emissions represent only 0.88% of the world total, so it is not the problem but part of it. However, there has been a steady growth of these emissions in the last two decades.

This country is suffering the consequences of this phenomenon with melting glaciers, floods due to increased rainfall, droughts and the rise in average daily temperature.

In the next 20 years it is expected that several glaciers will disappear, affecting the supply of water for human consumption.

2- Water pollution

Wastewater from industries and homes is discharged into rivers in the country and represents the first source of contamination of freshwater reservoirs. This problem only increases the existing deficit of drinking water.

In the available watercourses, industrial, agricultural and urban solid waste are also discharged, without prevention and management programs for the conservation of the vital liquid.

The predictions of water scarcity in the coming years in the country are alarming. This will prevent at least 90% of the population from having a reliable supply of drinking water, as established by the UN Millennium Development Goals.

3- Handling and disposal of solid waste

Argentina produces approximately 14,000,000 tons of solid waste every year, which are deposited in landfills and clandestine garbage dumps.

There is inadequate management of this waste from industries, commerce, hospitals and homes, among other sources.

Half of this garbage could be recycled and exploited if there were reuse programs.

Garbage deposits in landfills cause leaks that end up contaminating underground water courses.

In the country there are about 3000 open-air dumps, located in 70% of the municipal entities with populations below 10 000 inhabitants. The rest is close to populations with more than 100 000 inhabitants.

When garbage is not recycled and treated properly, it increases the contamination of soil, air and water, putting people's health at risk.

4- Deforestation and desertification

The advance of urban and agricultural borders to the detriment of forests and green areas in cities and countryside is another problem that worries Argentines.

Complete forests have been destroyed to make way for agricultural, livestock, forestry and forestry.

Soybean plantations and other large-scale agroindustrial crops are another pressing problem in the process of deforestation and logging of native forests.

To obtain wood, firewood and charcoal, the forest industry also sacrifices large areas of forest.

The problem of indiscriminate deforestation is that it often destroys important watersheds that the country needs.

The areas most affected by deforestation and desertification are the plains and plateaus (San Juan - Chubut), the Chaco Pampa plain (the spinal), La Pampa (forests of Caldén) and Buenos Aires (the Talares).

5- Forest fires

Official figures indicate that the country lost 73 million hectares of forest in a century and, according to records up to 2011, 27 million native green hectares remain.

This has occurred as a result of forest fires, deforestation and desertification of vast areas in several provinces.

Recently the forest fires registered in La Pampa destroyed some 600 thousand hectares, causing the death of more than 1000 animals and millions of losses.

The problem has recurred every year during the summer months. Between November 2016 and January 2017 alone, some 2 million hectares were devoured by llamas in the provinces of Mendoza, La Pampa, Buenos Aires and Río Negro.

6- Polluting mining

Open-pit, large-scale mining in some areas of the country such as La Rioja, San Juan, Mendoza and Catamarca, with mostly semi-arid soils, is highly polluting.

In addition, it is causing serious ecological damage and contributing to the degradation of soils, water pollution and the destruction of forests.

In deposits located in mountainous areas - such as Veladero, Pascua Lama, Gualcamayo, Agua Rica, La Alumbrera, Sierra Pintada and Cerro Vanguardia, among others - hundreds of hectares of green areas and forests are sacrificed.

In recent years the presence in the country of international companies has exponentially increased, which not only generates a high degree of social conflict but also environmental damage.

Organizations that protect the environment are demanding that the government prevent mineral exploitation in protected areas in order to preserve the ecosystems, the native flora and fauna.

7- Air pollution

The emissions of toxic gases from industries in general and those from the chemical sector and hydrocarbons, are the first cause of air pollution and the atmosphere.

To these emanations the urban transport and their permanent emissions join. Argentina's energy sources are 87% fossil in nature (oil and gas).

8- Soil pollution

Excessive use of agrochemicals such as weed killers, herbicides and pesticides is a factor in the contamination and degradation of existing arable land.

In addition, the introduction of transgenic monocultures that reduce the diversity of agricultural products and deplete soils has been denounced.

9- Loss of biodiversity

This problem is caused mainly by the modification and loss of habitats produced by deforestation and the advance of urban and agricultural borders.

Biodiversity in Argentina is also affected by the contamination of water and soil.

Thousands of hectares of native forests, which are themselves very fragile ecosystems, have been razed to be occupied with crops or new urbanisms.

This has destroyed the habitat of various plant and animal species. In provinces like Córdoba complete ecosystems were exterminated.

The sojización called to occupy 18 million hectares, which destroyed about 7 000 000 million hectares of native forests and about 1 000 000 natural grasslands.

10- Flooding

Every year entire populations and thousands of hectares planted are left under the waters as a result of the floods that occur in the country.

Recently the rains left submerged large areas of the provinces of Buenos Aires, La Pampa, Chaco and Tucumán.

The floods cause the overflow of rivers and streams. They represent 60% of the natural disasters that occur in Argentina and generate 95% of the damages and economic losses.

According to the World Bank, floods are currently the biggest threat to the country.


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  2. Environmental emergencies: the ten problems that await solution. Consulted of
  3. The five environmental problems that most concern the Argentines. Consulted by
  4. Environmental pollution. "The great environmental debate will be ethical". Consulted of
  5. Climate change and pollution, Argentina's biggest environmental debt. Consulted by
  6. Environmental Problems in Argentina. Consulted of
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  8. Floods, the biggest threat to Argentina. Consulted of

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