What are Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements?

The Locomotor and non-locomotor movements they are the fundamental bodily movements that the human body performs. Locomotion is the ability to move, either from one place to another or around the axis of the body.

The movement of the human body is possible thanks to the locomotor system, which is made up of the osteoarticular system - bones, joints and ligaments - and the muscular system - muscles and tendons -.

What are Locomotor and Non-Locomotor Movements?

The locomotor apparatus acts integrated with the nervous system , which is responsible for the coordination and stimulation of the muscles to produce the movement.

The fundamental patterns of movement

The fundamental patterns of movement are the result of the activation of the muscular chains for the performance of multiple movements in a structural and organized manner.

From the execution of these movements derive the skills for the further development of the skills to perform daily activities, sports...

Locomotor movements

Locomotor movements involve moving through the widest area available, with the body not anchored and with full weight transfer.

They refer to any progression from one point to another that uses bodily movement as a single means, either total or partial. The mobility of these movements regularly use the feet as support.

The main locomotive movements are:

The walk or walk

It is a natural form of vertical locomotion whose pattern is characterized by the alternative and progressive action of the legs and contact with the supporting surface.


It is the natural extension of the ability to walk. It consists of the transfer of weight from one foot to the other, with the body pushed towards the air, being briefly suspended between each step.


During this movement the body is suspended in the air, product of the impulse of one or both legs, falling on one or both feet. In the jump involved factors such as strength, balance and coordination.

Other locomotor movements are: crawling, rolling, sliding, evading, pivoting, galloping, jumping, reaching, crawling and the possible combinations of these.

Non-locomotor movements

They are anchored, that is, executed around the axis of the body (vertebral column). They occur throughout the body or in parts of it, without there being a trip to another space.

The main non-locomotor movements are:


It consists in flexing a part of the body. The result of this movement is the union of two adjacent parts of the body.

To stretch

It refers to the extension of one or several parts of the body, regularly the extremities.


It is the movement of a part of the body around its axis and at the level of the joints (trunk, hips, neck, wrists, shoulders, arms).


It is a movement executed in a circular or perpendicular way in relation to a fixed base.


It consists in moving an object to separate it from the body or in moving the body to separate it from the object.

For its realization the arms, the shoulders, the legs or the hips can be used. The part of the body used is flexed before and when pushed it is extended.

Other non-locomotor movements are: oscillate, pull, pull, twist and turn.


  1. Locomotor apparatus. (November 30, 2017). In: en.wikipedia.org.
  2. Bartlett, R. (2007). Introduction to Sports Biomechanics: Analising Human Movement Patterns. In: profedf.ufpr.br.
  3. Locomotor and Non Locomotor Movements. (s.f.) Retrieved on December 20, 2017 from: users.rowan.edu.
  4. Lopategui, E. (2012). Fundamental Movement Patterns. In: saludmed.com.
  5. Primary Movement Patterns (s.f.). Retrieved on December 20, 2017 from: ptdirect.com.

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