What are millennials? 10 things you should know

To understand the world around us, humans usually compartmentalize our environment by dividing and grouping it in a way that is understandable to us. We obviate the individualities and highlight what is common in each section. The history of humanity is divided into ages and the most recent human groups are compartmentalized in generations. The "interwar generation", the "grandiose", the "silent", the "baby boomer", "generation X" and the one that occupies us in this article: Generation Y or millennial . Join us to know what are the millennials and 10 things you should know about them.

What are millennials or millenials?

To know what are the millennials you have to start by placing them chronologically: they are an intermediate generation between Generation X (from the mid-60s to the mid-80s) and the Z that is the one that begins with those born shortly before the turn of the millennium. They are also known as the " generation Y "Or as" the echo of the baby boom "since the majority of those who make up this group are children of this generation.

what are millennials, generation Y

It was thought that there would be many more, but baby boomers, by several factors, have had far fewer children than predicted.

Millennials: meaning

It is called millennials, although there is no exact consensus, to people born between the mid-1980s and 1995, according to the majority of demographers, although some extend it to practically 1999. The turn of the millennium gives Millennials meaning : born in the economic boom and they become adults in the new millennium . They are defined as people who adapt easily to changes since in less than 20 years they learned and adapted to new technologies, mastering them perfectly. His life started with a VHS tape, a desk phone and a computer with a floppy disk, to dominate streeming systems, smartphones or cloud storage in a few years, to the point of being essential for them.

What are millennials, generation Y

To give you an idea of ​​what millennials are, they are those born between the middle of the 80s until 1995

Be a millennial means that you belong to a generation that is characterized by being hyperconnected, that needs self-expression, that is interested in health, that seeks immediacy and also diversify experiences.

10 things to understand what millennials are and how they are

1. Economists have raised the tremendous effect that young millennials have had and will have the great recession that affected the world between 2007 and 2013. As a result of this economic phenomenon, unemployment levels reached unprecedented levels and this is believed which will cause, in this group, long-term social and economic damage.

what are millennials, generation Y, millennial

2. The young millennials they have also been called the "Peter Pan generation", since most of their members delay some rites of passage to adulthood that in previous historical moments were made before, such as marriage, the definitive integration in the labor world or simply the abandonment of the family home.

3. To the members of the Generation Y they are usually called "digital natives" . This is because for them technology is part of their life since childhood. It does not represent any mystery or complication whatsoever, but on the contrary, it is a must.

4. The crisis that prevailed at the time when many of their members entered the world of work makes them have a different concept of the labor landscape than other generations. For them a "decent job" is a "privilege" and not a "right".

what are millennials, work, generation and

5. Continuing in the workplace, the young millennials they prefer to charge less in a job that satisfies them, than to have a better salary in one that they hate .

6. An American study on what are the millennials or how they are reveals that 71% believe in flexible working hours and 69% that it is possible, in many cases, to develop it from outside the company.

what are the millennials

7. Millennials prefer collaborative work than competitive work.

8. Millennials value the community, the family and, of course, creativity at work.

9. For a while the stereotype was created that the generation Millenni he was egocentric. However, surveys show which are the most charitable. Many donate to some NGO or participate as volunteers.

What are millennials

10. They are also a group very interested in the preservation of the environment. One of the issues that most concerns them is climate change and its repercussions.

You see, now that you know what are the millennials , you have seen that although they have landed in the world in the period of many technological advances, they have also been forced to grow in a world affected by the economic crisis. If you are from this generation and you are having trouble finding work or defining your goals, we recommend you:

- 30 phrases for young people who need motivation for your goals

Generation Z, after the millennials

To Generation Y follow him Generation Z What are the main differences between the two? Generation Z is technically more skilled but more dependent on it than Generation Y. Although this new group is being studied, experts say they have less interpersonal skills and value the family less than millennials.

what are millennials, generation Z

For a few years, the Millennial Generation has fully entered into parenthood. In the USA, a country in which demographers study this group with great interest, they have discovered, among other things, that they are parents who prefer not to give sexist toys to their children and who seek for them names that identify them individually.

Did you know the millennial ? Are you a millennial? Do you think these 10 things coincide with you? We already know what are the millenials If you want to go deeper, we invite you to read: Situations that only millennials understand.

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