What are the Elements of the Word Window?

It often happens that, a daily program such as Word, is a perfect unknown for most users. It is true that, in all the years of his career, he has undergone many changes.

The latest versions incorporate many different types of options although, in essence, the functionalities are the same. The elements of the main word window are:

What are the Elements of the Word Window?

1-A Menu Bar

2-Standard toolbar

3-Bar selector of tool icons

4-Tools icons

5-scroll bars

6-Bar of Views of the document and state

7-Work Area

8-Help and search area

Each one is described below.

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Main elements of the word window

Menu bar

It is the access point to the options and tools of the program. It has a conventional form and is where we can locate all the material. They are arranged in a grouped and ordered way through drop-down menus.

Standard toolbar

It is a toolbar that stands out above the others. In it we can find the most used options such as: open file, save a file, cut, copy, paste, print.

We also find the help button, zoom or the icons that activate or deactivate the toolbars. We also have the sidebars or the multimedia gallery.

Tool icon selector bar

This bar is used to select the groups of tool icons that we want to show. Over the years, many of them have been incorporated.

In turn, the authors have been forced to put a selector so that the user can select the icon of the tool more conveniently. We can highlight: format, design, document elements, tables, graphics, revision.

Tools icons

In this bar all tool icons are shown depending on the selected group. All of them have a short legend that describes their function, which appears when we position ourselves in an icon and wait 2 seconds.

The most characteristic and we have all used at some time, are the format icons where we can select the source to use. In it we can enlarge it, color it, italicize, center the text, insert an image, etc.


We have vertical and horizontal scroll bars, here we can navigate through the document from top to bottom and from left to right.

In addition, in this area we can paginate the document in a simple way and even access a selector. This is where we can move quickly or search and replace text in the document in different ways.

For example: p or modifications, by comments, by sections, by fields, by graphics, by tables, by titles, by notes, etc.

Bar of document views and status

Here we can change the layout of the document view in the lower left using different views: Draft, Outline, Design, Printing, Notepad and Full screen.

All of them useful at some point of our work with Word. Regarding the state, it will give us a quick overview of the number of pages of the document, words and the state of the spelling.

Work area

Here we can write our document, also, in it we will access a number of considerable options.

If we click on our right mouse button and select a block of text or a phrase with it, we will see the options.

Help and search area

In this Area we can enter any search pattern. The program will show us the result directly or using a side panel where the search results will be displayed.


  1. Area of ​​Technology (2014). Elements of the Word 2017 window, from areatecnologia.com. Website: areatecnologia.com
  2. Verito (2014). Elements of the Word 2017 window, from slideshare.net. Website: slideshare.net
  3. Site Google (2014). Description of each of its parts of the Word 2017 window of Site Google. Website: sites.google
  4. WordPress (2013). Main elements of Microsoft Word 2017, from teescribodelcorazon. Website: teescribodelcorazon.wordpress
  5. Junta de Extremadura (2016). Basic elements of Microsoft Office Word 2016-2017, of the Ministry of Education and Employment. Website: emtic.educarex.es

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