What are the solstices? | Celebrated since ancient times

The meaning of the word solstice is literally, Sun still or Sun stopped and have been studying since ancient times. There are two solstices, the winter in which the sun reaches the zenith at noon over the Tropic of Capricorn; Y the summer , which reaches it on the Tropic of Cancer . They are the moments in which the Sun reaches its greater or less apparent height in the sky, which causes the hours of sunshine to vary, resulting in days with more or less hours of sunshine. Now that you know what the solstices are, we advise you to continue reading these lines to discover the most important facts about them.

The solstices have had a great significance since ancient times, our ancestors have been fascinated by this phenomenon and have studied it with admiration always. If you want to know the festivities and celebrations that have been made related to the solstices throughout history, this article is made for you . In addition to all the mystery that surrounds this whole day, in which they appear fairies , magical beings and enchanted places. Not everything is science, but the symbolism of this goes a little further. In this article you can know all the curiosities and you can answer the question of what the solstices are.

What are the solstices | His footprint throughout history

Distributed throughout the world there are many monuments that leave a mark on the incidence that this phenomenon had for ancient civilizations. In Europe, two stand out, one is located in Ireland and the other in England. The first is about 5,000 years old and is a huge mound made of peat that remained hidden for a long time. It was built to honor the winter solstice, since every morning always at the same time sunlight penetrates the passageway and is magically lit for almost twenty minutes . The other great construction, perhaps much more known than the first, is that of Stonehenge. After Newgrange, its purpose was to be an astronomical observatory and a temple. It is built based on the winter solstice, since that day when the sun rises light crosses the main axis of the monument. These two monuments are the palpable proof of the importance of the solstices for ancient civilizations . During the solstice, every year this monument sees how almost 40,000 people gather to celebrate these special days.

what are the solstices

In South American cultures, they have also been very important. The solstices are associated from the Aztec or Mayan times to the solar star, making it clear that our ancestors were very clear about the role they played in the solstices. Throughout the globe, the solstices have also been associated with the lighting of large fires all these traditions from pagan cultures that the Catholic Church itself has been appropriating. Roman and Celtic cultures, celebrated the triumph of the Sun against the darkness during the winter solstice . Precisely, one of the most famous celebrations or celebrations such as Christmas in which the birth of Jesus Christ is represented, was taken from the previous pagan festivity called Sol Invictus. According to experts, the Catholics decided to take the 25th of December as the birth day of the messiah, making the comparison with the time when the Sun left behind the darkness and was reborn with more strength than ever . This makes it clear that the Catholic Church did not leave anything to chance and wanted its symbols to have great significance as the solstices had in the past.

what are the solstices 1

Perhaps, the best answer to the question of what the solstices are, would be one that combines science as well as tradition and the festivities that they represent throughout history. In addition to the religion that we can call official, there are many more beliefs and hidden rites related to the solstices. All these rites are closely related to magic, as some people believe that during these special days a kind of portal that leads to another world opens . Fairies, magical beings and mystery surround these days that it is clear that they are special for many people.

Thanks to this article, in addition to knowing what the solstices are, you may have discovered many curiosities and characteristics of these wonderful days. Now we would like to know your opinion and your experiences about the solstices. Do you know what the solstices are? Did you know how important they were in ancient civilizations? Have you ever visited the monument of Stonehenge ? Could you imagine that Christmas is really an idea taken from the pagan festivals in honor of the winter solstice? We want you to answer all your questions!

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